New York

sigh not that I'm not grateful Baccaregular_smile
BILL18356 2791 reads

but I was really shooting for the

"Bill and Junior are Stallions" from providers:D

junior4573670 reads

started fucking it all up? C'mon fill my PM up with stories of the glory days before guys like me tried to bring some levity and light hearted banter to the boards.

I can probably still find most of what was sent to me buried in the 100+ pages of recieved PM's I have. I can remember a few they went something like this...back in the day....the regulars they really contributed valuable information to these boards..the board was rich like a gold it's just drivel because of guys like you. LOL

Look at what you friggin duech bags are doing. You are airing dirty laundry like a bunch of jealous caty bitch's. I don't give a shit what stupidity I might have ever posted on this don't air your dirty laundry or try to create a smear attack like this.....sheer stupidity. You guys have gripes take them up back channel. You guys want to get together and beat the crap out of each other....PM me I'll arrange it.  

My terms of endearment above are not directed towards anyone person nor group of people it is to everyone one of us sorry S.O.B's that read or participate in this forum each day. Instead of looking for the good and enjoying whatever we find we are self destructing on our personaly agendas & vendettas.

We should all be ashamed of what has been taking place here lately....we should wipe our collective vagina's and act like men again for Christs sake.

What a fuckin embarressment.

Be well stay well........and let's be men about things.

BILL183562549 reads

"Sorry I agree with Bill or Junior", or they say "well I "have" to agree with Bill or Junior on this one" as if they have a gun to their heads.

I'm appalled :D

junior4574155 reads

Bill hasn't ever started a thread about poop. Holly cow these guys have legitimate opinions.

Well I might agree but I can't show it on the board so I'll preface it with...."I have to admitt"....." I hate to say it"....."You might have a point" etc.....etc.

Thank god I haven't ever been looking for anyones approval here....besides my own.

Be well and stay well guys....

This message paid for by the Junior for Moderator Campaign!!! LOL (don't worry I don't want your job thirsty!!)

-- Modified on 8/19/2005 5:31:17 PM

BILL183563152 reads

"as usual Bill and Junior bring up valid points"

"I'm proud to say I agree with Bill and Junior wholeheartedly"

"Brilliant commentary as usual Bill and Junior"

or how about from providers "we love both of you stallions " :D

but nooooooooooooooooooooooooo what do they give us "fuck you guys, shut the fuck up"
"will you two assholes cut the shit"

Junior wholeheartedly.  It was brilliant commentary as usual Bill and Junior!  There Bill.  Are you happy?  Not quit yer cryin!  Sheesh.  I know, I know!  You just want to be loved.  No, that is not so wrong!  Finally the board is worth reading again!  Hoo-Boy!!

BILL183562792 reads

but I was really shooting for the

"Bill and Junior are Stallions" from providers:D

Donald Trump3584 reads

my kinda town--- Constant food fight. Who would have thought Long Island would have more shit going down than the Bronx?

BILL183562656 reads

yeah thats when we had iron men and wooden ships right ;) trouble is we have on the most part some very selfish, self serving, egotistical, vengeful people on this board. I sit here in amazement wondering what or who to believe and have to sit around waiting to finally see what everyones agenda is.

I don't give a rats ass if you're getting free pussy to promote a girl but I do have a huge problem when you're willing to hurt another girl at the request of another provider.

I could care less if you all want to keep pissing on each other to find out which one is the skunk but try not to hit the innocent bystanders in the interim  

you guys amaze me...this is bad,real a provider i just want to say that you guys are NOT sexy when you all behave like 15 year mouth is wide open(well it always is) in shock...I have done my best to promote friendship harmony and peace in our lets all go out together and have some fun!!!!

junior4573431 reads

for those of you who don't get it......what was the one thing Pirate Ships didn't have......WOMEN!!!

BILL183562864 reads

drop your egos and forget your ATFs for awhile. Think about what this accomplishes and how much better it can be if we all drop it.
So many of us have never had the opportunity to meet and see if we can build a better community. There is not a person yet from TER I didn't like when I met them in person.(especially the proviers):D

The situation now will blow over and I hope that everyone will start acting like the men and women that we are.


 This is, without a doubt, the best post you have ever made! This whole board is turning into a bunch of whining pussified assholes! We are supposed to be a collective breathren of men who share information about providers. As of late, it seems certain people are in a power struggle to see who is the "Top Dog" on the board! WTF!

Back in the day when the "Aunt Jemima and Uncle Ben" shit was going down, I simply left the NY board and spent my time on the National. There are a lot of good people over there. I noticed recently that Jeopcon1 started posting on the NY board. He was treated like a leper for the most part. The man has almost 300 reviews! If the NY board can't respect his wisdom and experience, it's their loss. I corresponded with him recently, and he was totally chagrined at the hostility and juvenile behavior he encountered. He invited me to join the DC board if I was so inclined.

 Bottom line: It ain't a pissin contest! If you have a problem with a certain individual on the board, PM him and settle it like a man! I have absolutely no respect for anyone who uses an alias to flame another member. We're men, and we should be above that shit. We're not a bunch of pussies sitting around, getting our nails polished, and talking shit about somebody we're gonna have lunch with tomorrow! We have balls and we don't bleed seven days a month! It's not about who can piss highest on the tree! Anonymity does not give you a free pass to excoriate your brother unless you have enough balls to stand up to him face to face and speak your mind sans alias and cyberspace. You run the risk of getting your ass kicked, but you'll like yourself better the next morning when you shave and have to deal with the man in the mirror! JM2C

Landem2574 reads

"We're not a bunch of pussies sitting around, getting our nails polished"

"We have balls and we don't bleed seven days a month!"


And besides, if it all does come out (not that it should - and hopefully it won't), I think you would find that at least one or two members of the "Evil Alias Gang That Couldn't Shoot Straight" actually were "pussies sitting around, getting [their] nails polished."

As I said yesterday morning, junior's post was brilliant. This one - well, a few good points, but . . . .

or is it called an orgy here?


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