New York

SA event upcoming
silverbeachbud 106 Reviews 991 reads

so along those same line, are you going to the upcoming SA meet-n-greet in NYC?  that's not what they are calling it, but that's the idea.  you can pay the fee, and then wear a mask (seriously)  but there will be cameras, they freely disclose that fact.  too dicey for me.

I started in this so-called hobby a few years ago.  Pretty much your typical hobbyist just looking to get in, get off, and get out while enjoying the wide variety of quality providers this realm has to offer.

After a couple of years, I was less 'the kid in the candy store', and started to enter a new phase.  Perhaps I was looking for the ultimate GFE, and started to see some providers i seemed to 'click' with more regularly. This went well for a while, but let's face it, it's pretty rare you actually 'forget it's a service'...

Then a hobby friend of mine made the switch over to, and I was fascinated by the great experiences I heard he was having.  Eventually, I signed up myself and serial dated SBs for a few months before I found a few that are really beautiful (8-9), and where  I had genuine mutual chemistry, along with and an incredibly hot time BCD (9-10).  Instead of paying 400-600/hr, I was spending that much for a date spanning a whole evening, including some overnights (plus hotel sometimes).   While it certainly is more effort upfront, it has paid big dividends.

I still see pros from time to time, but with much less frequency than years past.  Based on some of the threads I have seen on other boards, I wonder how many hobbyists have made the switch over, or are considering it?  Also, based on the number of familiar profiles from well reviewed ladies i have seen on SA, I wonder how providers have tried it as well? Has there been, or will there be, any noticeable affect on the hobby given this alternate form of p4p?


SA certainly has it's appeal, with the possibility of getting more time for less money.  However, there is a cost to that as well.  I haven't tried it yet, but from following discussions about it, I have gleaned that a lot more work goes into it.  It's not as easy as sending an escort your references and making a date.  Also, more of the girls aren't going to have an "incall" location, so if you can't bring them home, you are looking at paying for hotels.

And, there is the time.  Getting to spend more time with someone might be what you are looking for, but sometimes, you only have a short window before you have to be home.

I still have to try it someday to have some first hand experiences, but as near as I can tell, in some ways it's better than seeing escorts and in some ways it's worse. :-)

I have...almost exclusively.

so along those same line, are you going to the upcoming SA meet-n-greet in NYC?  that's not what they are calling it, but that's the idea.  you can pay the fee, and then wear a mask (seriously)  but there will be cameras, they freely disclose that fact.  too dicey for me.

Not a chance...  I can't believe they actually got some guys to talk to them, after they had had several drinks no doubt...  No real need either as I have more than I can juggle already.  

Posted By: silverbeachbud
so along those same line, are you going to the upcoming SA meet-n-greet in NYC?  that's not what they are calling it, but that's the idea.  you can pay the fee, and then wear a mask (seriously)  but there will be cameras, they freely disclose that fact.  too dicey for me.

I definitely think the advantages are there for both sides.  Depending on the sort of arrangement and the monetary "allowance" a girl is expecting it can definitely be less expensive for the gentleman and have more predictability for the woman involved.

I think that without established boundaries it could also be very, very bad.  More of a chance of an emotional, more personal connection being formed and all of the stress and drama that can come from that.

What I really like about the idea is that it seems like it would be a little more free forming and less structured than the hobby.  This is so....  "look at my rates, send me your screening info, show up at a hotel, an hour or two and done"  I like the idea of more spontaneity that I think the SD/SB arrangement has.  Meeting for dinner, building up the raw sexuality that really lends itself to better sex in general

in_vino_veritas800 reads

there are some many different types of arrangements. I would simply refer you to the multiple discussions on this topic on the RO board. Or better yet, explore for yourself. If you haven't, you're missing out. If you have and just ended up with a girlfriend, try a different approach.

Granted, I typically only book an hour with escorts given the rates.  I get in, get my 2 shots on goal, hour is nearly up, escort gives you that look and ask if you want I take a shower before you go.  With SBs, the meter isn't running, there is no clock, and I get all the O's in the time that I have available I play...  In short, I am having more sex in 2-3 hours with an SB than I can with an escort for 1 hour (cost being relatively comparable)..

AliASSSSS1283 reads

eing sarcasyic I'm ver serious. What's her gain?  

Posted By: Spartan8474
Granted, I typically only book an hour with escorts given the rates.  I get in, get my 2 shots on goal, hour is nearly up, escort gives you that look and ask if you want I take a shower before you go.  With SBs, the meter isn't running, there is no clock, and I get all the O's in the time that I have available I play...  In short, I am having more sex in 2-3 hours with an SB than I can with an escort for 1 hour (cost being relatively comparable)...  

in_vino_veritas946 reads

they're college students, single moms with low paying jobs, young professionals who want to be able to afford more of what the city has to offer. They don't want to advertise or have to have sex with any random guy who walks in the door. They usually want to have coffee and see if there's some chemistry. If so, they're happy having mutually satisfactory sex on a semi-regular basis, but no strings attached of course, in exchange for some help with the bills. In the right situation, the sex is much, much more intimate than anything I've experienced with a provider.

AliASSSSS682 reads

Posted By: in_vino_veritas
they're college students, single moms with low paying jobs, young professionals who want to be able to afford more of what the city has to offer. They don't want to advertise or have to have sex with any random guy who walks in the door. They usually want to have coffee and see if there's some chemistry. If so, they're happy having mutually satisfactory sex on a semi-regular basis, but no strings attached of course, in exchange for some help with the bills. In the right situation, the sex is much, much more intimate than anything I've experienced with a provider.
-- Modified on 3/31/2015 12:45:10 PM

AliASSSSS705 reads

To escort but don't have the business tenacity for it. Just my 2 cents.

in_vino_veritas647 reads

What this site and these girls (and guys) show is that there's a continuum of relationships where money and sex commingle. At one extreme is the trophy wife (or husband), at the other extreme, the escort, and in between, a whole lot of different types of arrangements.
As long as everyone's happy, that's all that matters.

Good vocabulary:  commingle and continuum!  :)

I think "continuum" hits the nail on the head.  These women want something, usually cash, but they can't get their psyche to where it would need to be to become a pro.  They are reasonably casual or open about sex, but they want to choose their partners and establish chemistry.  I find the SA realm to be somewhere between the provider world and the world.  It's like Match, but more likely to have intimacy early on (like the first date) and involves a quid pro quo.  Relative to Match, it may be shorter term and less likely to be exclusive.

AliASSSSS615 reads

Happening then so be it.  
I can see how it appeals to both parties and I see how the shall we say, "traditional" exchange is apealing to the client with little time to go on "dates" and doesn't want to be seen in public and wants what he wants.  
So sure, whichever is more suited to your needs. It seems there would be allot of ambiguity with the  sugar dating.  

Posted By: in_vino_veritas
What this site and these girls (and guys) show is that there's a continuum of relationships where money and sex commingle. At one extreme is the trophy wife (or husband), at the other extreme, the escort, and in between, a whole lot of different types of arrangements.  
 As long as everyone's happy, that's all that matters.

in_vino_veritas589 reads

lots of room for ambiguity. In that sense, it can be more risky than dating escorts, which makes it key to carefully pick the right SB and be very clear from the outset.

Not even close.

These women are not professionals.  What they are is women who want the fun, excitement and romance of a relationship without the baggage of a relationship.  

They often want to feel like they can lean on someone w/o having to be fully responsible or accountable to them...and vice versa.

The sex is often excellent and gets better and better and the funding is upfront but the the core component of the experience

I have gone on dates where sex didn't happen, either because I wast interested, or didn't have the time.  I also didn't spend any money other than maybe drinks or maybe dinner as is typical of the first date with a prospective SB...

then sure, of course it's a better deal.

But for those men who aren't, they have a better gain as it is. Calculating minute by minute, blow by blow isn't on the minds of some men in any world.  

Just sayin'


Posted By: Spartan8474
Granted, I typically only book an hour with escorts given the rates.  I get in, get my 2 shots on goal, hour is nearly up, escort gives you that look and ask if you want I take a shower before you go.  With SBs, the meter isn't running, there is no clock, and I get all the O's in the time that I have available I play...  In short, I am having more sex in 2-3 hours with an SB than I can with an escort for 1 hour (cost being relatively comparable)...  

As others have said, many of the women on SA are just looking for a little extra $$$ to improve their lifestyle and are happy to go out on a date with a guy they find attractive and would maybe even sleep with anyway for an extra allowance.  The benefit to both parties is the whole experience feels much more natural, like a real date.   Most of these women, at least the non pros, are not capable of faking it.   Things flow much more naturally unlike the typical experience with escorts.  And when you really click, and their is real chemistry, you truly 'forget it is a service' and the sex is far better.

And just like anything else...this is a figment of 'your' imagination I'm afraid.  

Posted By: Spartan8474
Most of these women, at least the non pros, are not capable of faking it.   Things flow much more naturally unlike the typical experience with escorts.  And when you really click, and their is real chemistry, you truly 'forget it is a service' and the sex is far better.  
I've got news for you:


Women are Women whether they are 'Pro'Escorts or 'NonPro' SugarBabies. What's the difference exactly. There isn't one except for what you've conjured up in your mind and skewed perception of what 'your' money will 'buy' you. It's ridiculous.  

Solution: why don't you stop paying Pros and NonPros all together and just go fuck a woman from the bar where you don't have to worry about any money exchange of any kind and the guarantee that she won't be 'faking' it will be quite evident because no money 'is' involved (rolling eyes). You can get exactly what you want free of charge and move on to the next victim. What's the problem? You remind me of someone else EXACTLY your age as well. It must be a **'s thing. Good Christ. You two must be brothers. You can't get over this 'concept' of having to pay a woman in any world, but you do it anyway and then blame every single one of them for 'your' shortcomings.  

You're obviously deluded and skewed by money. It's a shame but so obvious. And it's a shame this mentality gets blamed on us 'Pros' after all is said and done.  

-- Modified on 3/31/2015 7:33:23 PM

Angry. No. Passionate about threads that make no sense...yes. I am Italian afterall lol.  

I like you ;)  Have we met? If not, let's go out on a date lol.  

T xx

(you can massage my scalp while I vent lol, my masseuse used to get off on my hair lol, it was hilarious...and imagine, I used to 'pay' him and 'tip' on top of it. I'm just that kinda gal  :)

-- Modified on 3/31/2015 8:10:32 PM

They think I'm a big meanie and I don't have one sexy bone in me bod ;)

Anyhow, the city? Perhaps on occasion if I am coersed lol. Depends what you have in mind. Let the games begin sir.....................

T xx

PS...don't forget now Mr. Vino... I am a PRO-BUSINESSWOMAN first and foremost of course, so be sure to go in thinking EVERYTHING WILL BE FAKED from here on out if we do touch base. It's all just a big plan WE PROS set up from word one to get you boys thinking we couldn't possibly enjoy ourselves when spending time with you (BIG ROLLING EYES....good gracious) hahaha.  

I do make myself chuckle at times. Utter blasphemy lol

Let alone, your crazy rants...  Hence the whole reason for the the thread...  I see that despite your new name, you haven't changed one bit.  Still jaded and angry.  Struggling to get by in this realm..  Funny you comment on my age, when according to your own profile (which I doubt isn't anywhere near accurate), we are in the same age bracket, lol...

Women may be women, but as one other said, there is definitely a continuum from civvie to amateur to pro..  And I can assure you, given all my experience across the entire spectrum, it is not a 'figment of my imagination'.  

As for your solution, lol, you of all peoe should know there is no such thing as 'free pussy.'  You pay now, or pay later. Even if you aren't paying financially, you may well end up paying on emotional drama later.  Personally, I have come to prefer the quid pro quo of the hobby, and the 'mutual beneficial' areangement involved in sugar dating.  I am lucky to have been with some of the best of the best in this realm, and to even call a few of them good friends IRL.  So not to worry, you don't need any more wrinkles, there will always be demand for the pros (even you), and I wasn't knocking them, in fact I still see some, just much less frequently now.  But don't be surprised when more hobbyists who have been active here largely drop out as they found what they perceive to be a better alternative..

One can only hope you find peace in all worlds for yourself.... first. No matter which one you favor or partake in. This goes for all gentlemen like you here, for there are more than most could imagine. I  certainly hope you find whatever it is you are 'truly' searching for. Maybe stop, take a few moments to ask yourself just what that 'really' is for 'you'...before moving forward.  

In any event, I do wish you the best of luck in that moving forward. Never hard feelings on my part. My posting is strictly to get you to see 'your' own words in a different light (besides having a lil fun at times lol). But it's nothing personal. Ever. Too bad that can't be said for others here as well....

Always good intentions despite the bad reprieve.

Take care ~


Just keep telling yourself that as you fall asleep.
Please note, even when I agree with you (it does happen rarely) you are a douche nozzle.

in_vino_veritas612 reads

if you're only after is sex. The point was that SB "dating" can actually provide more of that.
To put it in your own words, the whole point of the SD/SB relationship is exactly that it's not about the "blow by blow", "minute by minute". With a provider it is unfortunately about "minute by minute" because, even if she's not a clock-watcher, when your time's up, you're outta there. With the SB, I check out the clock and, if I feel like staying a little longer, I just pour two more glasses of vino ;)

which many ladies of this world aren't...then it's not 'minute by minute'. Sorry that's a contradiction if you ask me.  

Listen, there's a pretty simple solution here. You can find FREE PUSSY anywhere but it's up to you to do the hunting in most cases. And if you're good at it, it's there if you know where to look. Seems like it will work if you ask me. Just don't expect it to drive up to your doorstep as easily as you think it least the ease of good pussy at the drop of an email that is. It's like finding a needle in a haystack just like any woman trying to find any good men left in the world. Same thing. I mean if you guys have such issues with 'escorts' then I question why you are even here. You obviously can't handle the business side of it, so move on is all I'm saying instead of bitching about it. There are plenty of men who 'get' this world. And those are the ones who do well here and are content time after time. It's those insatiable types who are never at peace with the moral of the story and will forever hunt for something they will never find...and bitch about it. Hence this thread.  

I'll take a glass of vino now too please. Crisp white this evening for me ;)

in_vino_veritas557 reads

I still see some of my favorites ladies here at least once a week (got a date with a smoking hot escort later this week). In some cases, I have dates with escorts set weeks out in advance. Finding FREE GOOD (you forgot that critical part) PUSSY is too much time and energy for me. I'm very happy between the escorts and SB's, thank you very much. Sometimes you want a professional, sometimes you want an amateur; variety is the spice of life.
Speaking of smoking hot, please let us know the next time you're in NYC (love the pics).
Don't be so angry babe. It's all good.

it is all good. (what pics btw)

T xx

Posted By: in_vino_veritas
I still see some of my favorites ladies here at least once a week (got a date with a smoking hot escort later this week). In some cases, I have dates with escorts set weeks out in advance. Finding FREE GOOD (you forgot that critical part) PUSSY is too much time and energy for me. I'm very happy between the escorts and SB's, thank you very much. Sometimes you want a professional, sometimes you want an amateur; variety is the spice of life.  
 Speaking of smoking hot, please let us know the next time you're in NYC (love the pics).  
 Don't be so angry babe. It's all good.

in_vino_veritas704 reads

guess this is a different Stevie Styles, huh?

Not exactly LOL...

but she is very pretty with a cute booty lol ;)   I say 'hit her up' Vino lol

I bet your site is just blowing up with guys wanting to spend time with the biggest BSC hooker to work this site.
HINT: please get back on those meds. Those who know you know you need them.

Just finished reading this post and was wondering what sites are reliable or the best way/place to go about looking for an arrangement like this with a woman.  I have seen several dating sites that seem geared to this type of "hookup," but I get the sense that this isn't what is being discussed here.... not sure.  

Anyway, this sort of arrangement is perhaps, with the right woman, something I am interested in experiencing.

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