New York

Rule #1: when in a hole, stop digging.red_smile
DJMagicMan 59 reads

Does Aldo pay you per hour or are you on salary? Lol. Do I need to tell you that pointing to what "others" do is never a defense of bad behavior? I guess I do. Lol.
And, by the way,  are you speaking for ALL "others" or just SOME of the "others?" Let us know when you have completed that research. I didn't know Aldo had white knights but maybe you are his first?
Between you and smartie jones, I dont know who is more clueless. Maybe Aldo will weigh in and tell us? Lol.
Nah, he would just blur the situation. LMAO

Does anyone know a good photographer?

-- Modified on 11/10/2017 11:24:03 PM

Posted By: SerinaSander

Does anyone know a good photographer?
Search "photographer" on this (NY) board and you'll see some recent discussions. Aldo, recommended above, tours (just like some Providers tour) and is sometimes in NY to do shoots.  Many other photogs tour to NY, as well. Or you can travel to them.  
But there are also boudoir, escort friendly photogs with studios in NYC, too.  
I recommend that you look at others' ads and when you see something you like (style, backgrounds and settings, composition, layout, lighting, pic quality, photoshopping, etc.) see if there is a photog's watermark and google them.  If not, contact the Provider and ask her who did her pics ... and for her comments: how did the shoot go, nice guy, not a nice guy, great pics but expensive, ... like a TER review for photogs!  
If this is your first pro shoot (in the US?), read the boards to know what to expect and, maybe, how to prepare.  Hair, makeup, outfit changes, ... you are on the clock!  Expect so many snaps per hour but you only get to choose a few finished image files to keep in the basic fee. Additional image files are an upcharge :-)  
Good luck! Happy snappin'!

It's not my first photo shoot but my first in NY I'm planning on doing. I used to ignore the "search" field before on the boards ... until now. So thank you LOL

He is terrible. I have seen several girls that use Aldo and they looked nothing like the pictures. He touches them up too much and so it makes it impossible to be a fair representation of her.

Aldo is a master of deception and I will not see girls that only use him. Like you, I have had bad experiences. He may be a nice man and reasonably priced for the ladies, but he is no friend of the consumer i.e. the "hobbyists."

Honestly... I'm not a fan of his work either.... LOL

In defense of Aldo ... His photos are glamorous works of art that people sometimes complain diverge too far from reality. But Aldo and others point out that he doesn't like to do excessive photoshopping,  His customers sometimes ask him to make things disappear (excess weight, blemishes, cellulite, ...) and he is able to do it for them skillfully, even though he advises against it.  Not ALL of his customers are overly PSed.  
I just looked at his site and was going thru his gallery.  He still has a glamour pic of someone I saw a couple of years ago, now retired. It is a GLAMOUROUS glamour pic and it got me to make the appointment.  She was definitely the girl in the pic, except the pic was taken in full makeup and fresh hairdo. I saw her with no makeup and non-coiffed hair: definitely NOT glamorous but still the pretty girl in the pic and I had a great time.  
Keep in mind that you are also seeing glamour pics but visiting a real hostess who did not just spend four hours at a salon just to prepare for your visit.

Posted By: BuffetBoy
Re: +1. I am not a fan of his work.
Aldo is a master of deception and I will not see girls that only use him. Like you, I have had bad experiences. He may be a nice man and reasonably priced for the ladies, but he is no friend of the consumer i.e. the "hobbyists."
EDIT: Changed the subject line for clarity

-- Modified on 11/11/2017 10:40:11 PM

By partaking in the editing of "excess weight" and "cellulite", he is complicit in committing a fraud. If his work enables someone to give an appearance they couldn't possibly reproduce in person, he is part of the chain of deception. Imo, he can NOT remove himself from that responsibility by merely "advising against it."  
That is an excuse, and is what separates good business people/practices from bad. At the end of the day, the lady is ultimately responsible for her internet appearance but let's not excuse those who help perpetuate the chicanery either. Good day!

Posted By: BuffetBoy
Re: That is one, weak, defense sir.
By partaking in the editing of "excess weight" and "cellulite", he is complicit in committing a fraud.
My worst cellulite experience was with someone whose photos were NOT done by Aldo.  I actually went back to look at the photos after the meeting to see if I had overlooked something.  Nope. Sour cream smooth in the pics, cottage cheese in the room.  
The sex and other fun made me forget about the cottage cheese while I was there.  Would I have made the appointment with unretouched pics? She had good reviews, but I don't remember what I was thinking at the time. Today, I know that cellulite is not a deal killer so I'll guess yes, I would have made the appointment.

Does Aldo pay you per hour or are you on salary? Lol. Do I need to tell you that pointing to what "others" do is never a defense of bad behavior? I guess I do. Lol.
And, by the way,  are you speaking for ALL "others" or just SOME of the "others?" Let us know when you have completed that research. I didn't know Aldo had white knights but maybe you are his first?
Between you and smartie jones, I dont know who is more clueless. Maybe Aldo will weigh in and tell us? Lol.
Nah, he would just blur the situation. LMAO

With your help I've found someone :-)

forever grateful!!


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