New York

Roger That BuddyM.....enough(eom)
mmax6969 25 Reviews 3757 reads


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Hey Now2441 reads

Long discussion about her stalking clients, and calling their wives etc.  She has disappeared from the BDJ site.

SlickRick69693117 reads

Shocking thread, usually where there is smoke there's fire. How about the stuff about not using a cover, I know I will stay away its not worth taking a chance.

This does seem to be causing a lot of antagonism here.  It's almost like a red state/blue state debate.  I believe in the presumed innocent concept, but I do have a few comments.

1-An alias does not always mean an untruth.  There may be fallout to the poster, and they want to remain an "unnamed source", which is very often accepted in other venues.
2-There seems to be a feel about deep-sixing this, and an intolerance for any further discussion.  Comments like "Let's take this private" or "Been there, done that", "LET'S MOVE ON", etc. don't help anything.  These boards, I thought, were to be used for items like this.
3-If Andie wants to go indie, wouldn't she tell her regulars, especially if she planned on dropping out as of Friday?  Give us a #, notice, etc.
4-When someone leaves BDJ, their reviews are not always pulled.  See Chrissy/Sandy as an example.
5-Kim always weighs in on everything.  Where is she now?  When Sissy dropped out of BDJ, Kim came up with a reason, even if it was only to cool things off.

I really want to believe that everything with Andie is cool.  I just believe that neither the "where there's smoke, there's fire" nor the "let's just forget about this" helps out our community.  Maybe this needs to go to the Reviewers Only Board.

My intent here was not to offend anyone.  I'm just looking to clear things up, if possible.

SlickRick69693204 reads

I guess you guys don't take this issue serious,If your not married don't have kids, don't have a business etc, you really have nothing to worry about,On the other hand if you do you always have to wonder how much info anyone has on you,
I mean you can  google anyone and find out where they live etc.
Bottom line I would just be careful you really don't know who you are dealing with.
This hobby thing should be fun and peoples lives should not be fucked with. In the end its great that we have these boards so to at least get information and make our own choices.

-- Modified on 7/23/2007 10:48:11 AM

has extorted numerous people, has called hobbyists wives, and sent their reviews to the wives as well. She has substance issues, and has stolen from at least 3 people I know of. She has been arrested in excess of 25 times for all types of things.  Kim has remained silent because she's hoping Andie will finally pay her what's due her. For all you white knights, maybe you have been duped, or have substance problems too?  Wake up, and smell the Crack!

I spoke with Kim only moments ago, and she is`waiting patiently for Andie to do the right thing, and pay her what's due her. If not, God help her... Kim will reveal ALL in gory detail about the truth of these allegations.  Kim will back up what so many others have been saying on these boards.

-- Modified on 7/23/2007 11:33:36 AM

Sonds like some serious personal issues and and doesn't need to aired here. We are all safe now thanks to your post.

These are some serious charges and all you & buddy want to do is sweep it under the rug. Why, because it's Kim & her agency bdj? Don't you 2 ever get tired of kissing Kim's a??

I can't type for Buddy M but I think what you are missing is that the point has been made. Maybe there is some truth to what is being said here. Quite honestly at this point....who cares. I only suggested that it should be a private matter. We aren't the judge and jury. Move on. My opinion has nothing to do with Kim or BDJ. This is supposed to be FUN!!!! Remember?????

BobbyTZ1818 reads

She's an agency girl.  She should just know their first names.  Unless the guys were giving their personal information to get something on the side.

This sounds a little far-fetched to me. Most hobbiests just want a quick, no strings fuck.

-- Modified on 7/23/2007 12:23:57 PM

enuff about the topic....all angles have been discussed and yes, married guys, need to be very careful,....I think that has been true since Eve met the snake in the Garden, nothing really new.

I don't buy that. If that were the case, providers with the same looks would be pretty much interchangable. But they aren't, and 95 times out of 100 it's because of how they make the guy feel without touching him.

BobbyTZ2853 reads

Should have put the "HOT" in there.  We don't want the same ole, same ole.  We want a mind-blowing fuck.  At least I do.  Maybe others want a provider to call them 30 times a day.  Not me.  I don't want to know about their life, their problems, their family.  Ruins the fantasy.

I happen to know Andies real name and addresses. She had shown me her real drivers icense before as well as her passport.  This morning I ran a NATIONWIDE CRIMINAL BACKGROUND CHECK on her name, DOB and guess what.  The only thing that came up was a prostitution bust 15 years ago in Florida.  Nothing else!!! No robbery, burglary, assault, aggravated harrassment, stalking, etc.  No theft charges, no ID fraud NOTHING.
As per the uncovered accussations - Never had that or saw that or was suggested that we try that.  Anyone that consents to that needs to think with their large head before even trying that.  Yes she is a great provider who never says no to anything PSE or GFE but with a cover. The meter is never watched, always running overtime at no charge and always welcomed back with a smile.  She has a requirement - happiness for both parties and will make sure she enjoys herself just as much as you do, and there is no faking it.  She gets into it.
Now please do your homework before you hide behide aliases and attach the copies of your evidence on your next post regarding her arrest record.  REMEMBER,CONVICTION RECORDS ARE PUBLIC INFORMATION, SO THATS HOW YOU GET TO SEE THE ACTUAL ARREST CHARGES BEFORE A PLEA. TAG THEM ONTO YOUR NEXT POST FOR ALL TO SEE THE FALSEHOOD OF THIS INTIAL THREAD.

Who knows what the true story is or who really is posting under all the allias'. Anyway, if it is true that she has done these things then let's all be glad she's gone. A far as calling client's and their wives, that's really messed up. However, why would you give her that info? Im sure some guys saw her on the side looking for a deal and maybe got too close to her. Kim does not give out this info so it came from the client. Stop thinking with your dick, guys!

Plenty of providers (including BDJ ladies) exchange #'s with clients so they can see them on the side (they make more this way and clients sometimes get to pay less being she's not splitting the $ with the agency).

As far as her owing Kim money, that's pretty low. It's also a risk an agency takes when they hire a girl. Kim is being very professional (unless she is one of the allias posting) and not saying a word. Outing Andie's personal info is just wrong. I'm sure it's not the first or last time Kim (or any other agency) has been ripped off. Clients and providers should never be trusted 100% of the time and that's just part of the game.

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