New York

thirsty 2 Reviews 3112 reads

If I might add one point to your eloquence.



junior4574930 reads

As they say there is something rotten in Denmark. I am posting this message for hobbyist, provider, moderators and even the long Island cheese-balls equally.

There is so much he said-she said and even a little T/S said crap going on that it’s making my fucking head spin. I don’t know how this all got started but I hope this thread will help bring this to an end. People…….people….. people, can we just remember a few things here….TER is not the “real-world” this is a place we all come to escape and learn and play about this “hobby” of ours. Just as is the fact I’m not really fat, nor gay this whole place is a bit of fantasy for each of us. Although for me some of you have entered my “real” world this right here is not the real-world. You must all remember this and stop with all the foolishness that is going on here. Stop using this as a vehicle for what ever agenda’s you do or don’t have. Sit back read some reviews… some of the Bill & Junior show and relax….enjoy the fantasy for a few minutes. Let’s not get as caught up as we seem to have with looking for the negative. Let’s stop the smear campaigns the character assassinations all the bullshit.  Let’s put our cocks away and end the pissing contest gentlemen (I don’t have a proper analogy right now for the ladies sorry) Let’s all do our part to stop the bullshit dammit!!

We are all treading on thin ice and it’s for no reason. Here I’ll be the first one to say this…..I’m sorry…….I’m sorry for whatever you think I may have ever done to offend you. I am sorry to each and every one of you for anything in the world you feel I need to repent for. Let’s all air ourselves out here and move on. The TER I have grown to know and love is going to change, and change is not always good. I hope this thread will wake some of you up and perhaps change the course it seems this board is heading.  

Let’s stop all the bullshit people…….Once again to all of you I’m sorry.  Hey to prove my point even further I’ll take it this far………I’m sorry Mr. Info….I’m sorry for wishing to meet you on the street one day so I could kick your arrogant ass. I’m sorry… offer to buy you a drink re-stands. Yes, I’m sorry Mr. Info. Can we all learn from this, I certainly hope so.

Be well and stay well everyone…..Have a great day.

Abraham Lickin4258 reads

But first...

Anyone else thinks Junior sounds like an evangelist turned politician that is not running for any office any time soon?

Anyone care to explain what Junior was trying to say?

Let Lickin take a shot. (not again)

Soooo....If I may briefly add a few additional words of POSITIVE reinforcement to what I believe junior was trying to say...

Fourscore and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent a new nation, conceived in liberty and dedicated to the proposition that all men and women are created equal in lust for each other.Therefore, we need to have MORE SEX!

And further more...What is needed is

More head!...

OOPS....I seemed to have lost my hat again...

BTW,Anyone have extra theatre tickets tonight?

BILL183564215 reads

piss on each other have a good time Junior. There are still plenty of us that are here just to have a good time. Where it started, who started it, who wants to continue it doesnt concern us. The parties and get togethers initiated here have given us the opportunity to get to know each other, understand one another and learn from each other. Obviously there are some that don't like to see this and may even fear it for their own personal reasons. I'm long past trying to figure out the agendas, sorry but many of you hamsters are beyond understanding. Doesnt matter to me who ya are, where ya come from or what you do for a living just join the community, have some fun and laughs and lose the petty differences and attitudes that only get in the way.

For those of you that want to take what I say personally when I call you a hamster its with affection and a smile on my face so get over it. I make fun of the LI guys more because you're all so wonderfully vulnerable, yes I realize I'm shameless for doin this but I really can't help myself.

Its friggin miserable outside, lets all try to make the day a little brighter in here

LOL was junior serious ? Man im glad I dont have VIP.. 50 bucks every 3 months to get your ass in trouble LOL..

Hell, I Can do that for FREE !

"your ass " in trouble. Meaning in GENERAL.. Not junior..

Although the clammer states, Junior has a nice ass ? :)

-- Modified on 10/13/2005 9:24:53 AM

Dr. Ruth2430 reads

to counsel him. His wife won't have intercourse with him, and fellatio is out of the question. He needs to masturbate furiously to relieve his anxiety. He becomes pathetic when he gets syrupy. Junior, get yourself some Astroglide and spank to your heart's content! When he "goes soft" (pun intended) on Mr. Info, he needs to masturbate!

If I might add one point to your eloquence.



Jesse Jackson2942 reads

(Junior from the pulpit) " I have a dream that all the hos and hobbyists will come together on the mountain top and copulate like rabbits and that the black rabbits, white rabbits, and jack rabbits will all fuck equally and find the promised land in a unified and dignified manner. I may not get there with ya because no rabbits wanna fuck my ass. But if you fuck like bunnies you will see the other side of the mountain and the promised land. (Where's James Earl Ray when you need him?).  Note to Junior: you're better when you're not serious!

-- Modified on 10/13/2005 12:12:39 PM

I accepted your appology already :)   xoxoxo

-- Modified on 10/13/2005 9:21:53 PM

I'm hopeful that you all WILL end the intrique. I've not wanted to spend any time on TER lately. It's been getting too perilous. When I come here and leave with a knot in my stomach, that's not a good thing.

Hopefully, now I'll leave with a smile again. I still think the group hug was a good idea. Anytime, anyplace boys.

Now let's all be friends and remember that this IS a fantasy world here. I'm looking forward to seeing lot of smiling faces next week.


Somehow my post may have inadvertantly started some of this crap. It was not my intention. I thought it kinda funny that us LI'ers were referred to as cheesy. That the review happened to be of one of our ATFs inflamed the issue and put a different spin on it.

I apologize for bringing the provider into it.

I have been traveling lately and lurking (sorry Ex) on the other boards to find some good providers and I have to say that they don't have much going on. The NY board always has something of interest, be it a mini-review, sex lesson, donuts or just picking on junior.

It is a fun place to visit to break up a dull day of work.


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