New York

Re:Unscientific survey of Hobbysts Only
OhOh24 22 Reviews 2893 reads

Carissa has to be there.

I have about 40 reviews here, so I am not totally new to the hobby. I stick to independents only and it has in gerenal worked for me. I am just curious as to who the fellow hobbysts rank the best in NYC in price points $$$, $$$1/2 and $$$$. I have my own favourites, but am curious if I am missing out on somebody special. Thanks.

As indies go, I'd have to cast my votes (in no order) for at least the following (and there are more!)

Ashley Taylor
Missy Petite
Sexy Toni
Sensuous Victoria
Alana Allure

-- Modified on 6/15/2006 5:28:20 AM

Smelly Smegma2731 reads

Gemini Star
Gina Rollins
Alana Lace

"To do" Indy list is long, but includes:

VaVa Varonica
Angie Rene
Victoria Von Helksine

I'm sure I'll forget someone.....(in no particular order)

Love Laney
Nicole ONeill
Sexy Toni
VaVaVeronica (and her friends)
Victoria Von Helksine (not local or here often enough, and does she count since she now does porn?)
Angie Renee (no longer local)

-- Modified on 6/15/2006 8:08:35 AM

Top 5 indy locals in no order
1-Amanda Manhattan
2-Ashley Taylor
3-Gina Rollins

Top 5 indy visitors in no order
2-Miss Molly
4-Sexy Toni

-- Modified on 6/15/2006 9:26:39 PM all are the best!!!!  I am flattered, honored, and cannot wait to see you again......

-- Modified on 6/15/2006 12:59:34 PM

Ahhhhh!!!! Alanna Lace do I miss her so. Wish more of your list would visit LI more often

BeaverBoyz4287 reads

Ashley Taylor is too fake. Too much plastic surgery for me.

I am thankful for the feedback. I have seen some of these ladies already and I agree with those assessment. It seems like I still have a long "to do" list....( Sexy Toni,  Ashley Taylor, Gina Rollins...). Now, where do I start ?

blacklab2795 reads

Chiara Delano, Anna Minx, Victoria Von Helkine

I can't believe that none of my favorite ladies have been mentioned.  In no particular order:


It's been far too long since I've seen the latter two ladies!


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