New York

speaker1002 19 Reviews 6499 reads

We're lucky to have you. Gina, it was a sincere pleasure meeting you, and a great way to finish off a stressful week. You're da bomb!
XOXO Panther

eroticgina7355 reads

A smile will be on my face for a long time. I had such a great time with my old and new friends this week. I do apologize to the clients that I could not accomodate this week. The good news is that I will be back 2/16-2/20, please try to prebook next time after I post a week before my trip. I do have standing appointments with my regulars. I LOVE YOU GUYS ALL, LONG ISLAND IS MY FAVORITE PLACE TO VISIT!!! XOXO GINA 954-326-5800

soprano306406 reads

Thanks Gina ,I had a great time meeting you,I'll see you soon.


Don't let those Long Island guys monopolize all your time.  Us Manhattan guys need TLC too.  Come visit us.  Of course, making the trip to LI to see you would be time well spent.

eroticgina7677 reads

Sory but other guys ruined it for you.
Too many no shows and guys not willing to give me work info to verify them.
A drive to LI will be well worth it read my reviews.

We're lucky to have you. Gina, it was a sincere pleasure meeting you, and a great way to finish off a stressful week. You're da bomb!
XOXO Panther

eroticgina8608 reads

you definetely lived up to your reputation with the ladies.
I miss your hugs and kisses.
See yah right after Valentines Day.

Willy 7005867 reads

Hey, I drove 3 hrs to see Gina, well worth the drive! Little nervous as my first time with a provider, new to the hobby. Will see again!  Thanks Gina

eroticgina20222 reads

You really were a gentleman and treated me great.  I can't believe out time went so fast.

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