New York

Re:Time to stop the free advertisingteeth_smile
jaejae 18 Reviews 10269 reads

Your opinion is moot.

I like it when the women post their links, it makes it easier for me to get a cheap thrill and look at the pics :^)

Time to stop the free advertising by having people (providers) like Alexia and others post links to their replies with their Eros or NY exotics advt.

That is unfair and lets you know the only rerason they are answering with any BS is that they want their advt tio appear as a link.

That I do not trust, especially if a single independent has al;l this timwe to read and reply, how good can rtheir business be.Or better yet how good a provider are they that tyhey cannot fill their day.  Take up soap operas Alexia and pay the tv station to run your advt as a tag in the story, thats what you are trying to do and have been sucessful until now that you have been exposed.

Your opinion is moot.

I like it when the women post their links, it makes it easier for me to get a cheap thrill and look at the pics :^)

and it is the only way to put a face to any of the participants on the board unless you know them personally.

Am I missing something by the way.  I was looking to click on your reviews to see you had seen but I couldn't seem to find them.  Do you post them under a different name?

If he does, he has 2 accounts, the little envelope next to his handle means that is his main handle.

Blur11851 reads

One of the main functions of this very volunteer job as the NYC and Other Cities moderator is to be the "free advertising" cop...its a lot of work to keep the place as clean as it is and you guys have no idea how many ads I review, e-mails i write, shills I stop, calendars i check, etc to make sure rules are followed.

i think that the discussion board ads are very valuable part of these boards, especially considering the number of visiting providers we get. hobbyists that i consult with agree, and the providers are very fast to meet the guidelines because the board works very well for their purposes...

one of the features however, and one i absolutely encourage, is that providers who participate in discussions may add a link to their profile, website or other ad (eros, etc) If you have a problem with that, then you actually "exposed" me for helping providers work within the rules...

guilty and innocent as charged, your honor

my friend, you seem so invested in the way this board operates, and you are very very angry, so let me just repeat what i've said a dozen times over the past two years:

this is the coolest hobby on the planet, with wonderful people to meet and some wonderful people to screw...but you gotta lighten up...get laid this weekend, come back on monday tell us about it, ok?


So any person who pays a VIP membership thinks they can do what they please.  Typical hooker attitude.

Lets see them pay for one space of advertising on Eros and get 20 ads a week for free.

You pay for one membership, you get to answer comments without your link.

No one wants to catch your viruses in your links.

AlexiaNYC11716 reads

Just because you're on the other end of a PC does not mean you know what your talking about. I pay to participate in this exchange. I'm a "paying" VIP member of TER. This board exists for people involved in this hobby to communicate and share ideas. If I want to link my ad to a post it's well within TER guidelines to do so. Furthermore, if you look back over my post of the past few weeks you'll see that most of my post don't include a link. Sometimes I do sometimes I don't, ain't freewill a bitch!?! As far as my free time is concerned, you have no idea where I'm at when I'm posting. I could be at work, in Kinkos, in Central Perk-who the hell knows!?! Filling my day does not pose a problem since seeing clients is only part-time for me. You'll also be happy to know that I maintain steady regulars. For me it's the quality not the quantity. I don't need 6 guys running in and out of my space in one day.

Let's talk about you. What have you been up to? It seems just like yesterday you were lobbying against providers posting on the board, then there was the truth in advertising incident when you felt that by displaying my derriere in photos I was implying greek lessons. Now us ladies shouldn't be allowed to include our link in response posts(me, Alexia for example). Have you written ANY reviews yet?... No...not-a-one!

Whitelightening I'm starting to think your the right-wing Hillary was talking about. Your like the Jesse Helms of TER. Nevertheless, thank you for your input, you just gave me something else to do(tumbleweed swiftly rolls by).  

Don't give him the satisfaction. We all appreciate your input and participation, not to mention your steamin' pics ;).

If this clown doesn't appreciate your perspective as the rest of us do, he can go stuff himself.

Personally, I enjoy Alexia's replies on this board.  She is insightful, intelligent and, if you read her posts carefully, she does not push her service.  You don't have to click on her link or read her posts.  It's all about choice.

butt-one8130 reads

I was kidding around about the advertising !!!!! If u ever come out to LI post it LOL Don't work to hard ........ B

An inquiry is one thing but when someone comes here wanting to call the shots...It's another story.

Its like any thing else in have to earn your stripes...why should TER be any different.


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