New York

saleschamp 2 Reviews 4690 reads

Oh cmon...This is an ad...At these dollars you gotta be kidding. A little more than half delivers BDJ babe for 3 hours...

Guys!!! Listen up!!!

Last week I had this nice piece of ass from AXPERINCE named Bambi. Sweet innocent looking chic. Let me tell, what a great time I had. She took really good care of me. Her pic did no justice to her. Great bod, beautiful face and an awesome time.

So check this out, after my time with her, I decided to check out the site for new girls. HOLY S***!!!! 3 HOT PERFECT 10 girls will be in LI today. I already made my call to see Jennifer Electra!!! This girl is smoking!!!!

I am hooked with AXPERIENCE. And from I hear, in June, more girls are coming from Las Vegas and from Down Under Australia.

Check out the 3 ladies coming in starting today in Hauppauge. They will be here till Saturday. Give them a call. You will not regret it.

Thank you Charisma and AXPERIENCE!!!!

I agree Jen Electra is a 10, but unfortunately, she charges $1350 per hour which is absurd. I'll call BDJ and save a $1000.

No commercial here brotha........

I wrote a review about her on this site. Just look for it. It's the real deal.

You are shilling for the agency.    Not a big deal.  Happens here all of the time.

But to try and pass yourself off as someone who is actually an experienced hobbyist on this board and who is seeing these girls...... you need some work on your posts.

First bit of advice ... try not to use "So check this out" or "Guys .. listen up!!!"  Those a long with "nice little piece of ass" kind of give you away.

Oh cmon...This is an ad...At these dollars you gotta be kidding. A little more than half delivers BDJ babe for 3 hours...

I want to know if there is anyone on the Island willing to spend $1350 to be with one of these providers??????????????

What can they possible do that a $300-$500 provider can't do............

Can they be any better than Jill from BDJ or Maria from AATRE......I don't think so

I would pay that price if the provider could go from DFK to ASIAN without taking her tong out of my mouth....:)

One of those 1350 ladies on their site, Nicole, used to work for AATRE.  And she was barely worth the rates that AATRE gets.  She hasn't been with Isabella in a long time, probably because she wasn't all thet good.

Nicole was with another agency in Fla. as Penelope.

Somebody, please help me understand. We have girls on Long Island this week like Alanna, Mimi, Maria and even for a little additional spice, Jill. Why would anyone who is smart enough to read these boards when making a choice, ever choose to see women like the ones advertised on this site [Axperience], without reviews and at the prices their asking? Am I missing something?

I saw the same thing and thought to myself- You must be kidding me- Capitalism at its best!  Too rich for my blood and plenty of beautiful ladies like Taylor James, Toni, and Jill to keep all of us busy!

LI will be lucky to have Taylor James with us in June.  She is more beautiful than ever. (and so much fun)  I can't wait to see my ATF!!  I am right behind you Bud!

If you're reading this and you actually paid $1350 to see a girl no hotter than Jill, please e-mail me. I want to give you the number to my shrink.

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