New York

Re:TER Chat Rooms
fortitude 11372 reads
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I find my self spending many enjoyable moments in the LA Chat Room, which is the only real active room on TER.  Just tonite I spent an hour being seduced by 2 of the nicest ladies, one from LA the other from Vegas (I reviewed her last week).  The only thing that bothers me is that most of the chat revolves around the doings and people in Southern California.  Everyone is welcomed there.  There is no slamming or bad-mouthing going on.  Just some good clean, and often dirty fun for all.

Am I the only guy in NY that would like to start up the NY Chat Room?  It's a great way to meet and learn from our membership here, as well as our providers, who would have equal access.

I presents a great forum for all, and also some marketing for the gals.  And it's fun.

bertie 13 Reviews 11031 reads
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i spent time at a chat room once, and it became addictive, time whizzes by like REAL fast, as you probably know. it was a bad habit that i stopped doing.

i would like to see a chat here too. but i'm wondering, with all this LE stuff, would we let our guard down too much.

Singer 15 Reviews 14640 reads
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I am from LA and somewhat active in the LA chat room and even have had several occasions to chat with Fortitude.  Yes, it is addicting, but fun.  I'd rather connect with individuals than sit in front of the TV any day.  Some days I am laughing so hard that it is hard to maintain your sanity and there are some days when it is not so.  It's the people that make the chat rooms fun or boring, so I would highly encourage other cities to start their's up.  Tonight, there is a chat informally scheduled in the Atlanta room at 9:00 pm east coast time and I visit there as well.  It's fun to be connected to people all over the place.  As far as LE stuff, obviously you have to be careful, but not any more than you would be anywhere else...

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