New York

Re:My perspective
FloraFaun See my TER Reviews 4690 reads
1 / 54

This week, your Flora Faun has felt strings on arms, legs, head, feet... puppeteers with hiding faces lifting my limbs attached to strings attached to the piece of wood in their hands...forcing my bound body to walk thru and witness an unfamiliar and terrifying pit where the "Mark of the beast" numbers attack me in all directions, sneaking up, biting me, bruising me, until my confidence is nil.
4 bad reviews in one week? Three with sixes? I've strived to give my very best in New York, for almost one year now. "Not a clock watcher", "Felt like a real girlfriend", She truely enjoys what she does", the most kind words and appreciative men have given me great delight in their visits, and then "BOOM!" this week, three 6's? comments I'm too chatty, round face, not enjoying sex, reviews that result in a complete loss of my confidence.
I have several reasons here to suspect a scam. There's been an incident recently that could've brought this on. I had a dangerous visitor, whom I reported to other providers so they wouldnt get hurt like I did. He knows this, and could be seeking revenge.
But just say, that they are legitimate reviews..
Im not doing anything differently then Ive done all year. I go over the clock, smile alot, am open, honest and genuine in both my personality and sensual response. I ask what makes you happy and then I do it, I orgasm without ever pretending, experiment new ideas and positions, I give and give and aim to please, and if someone felt they didnt get good service, Id always offer a refund. no problem. Everyone's left with a smile, Said thanks for a great time. So these bad reviews have bombarded my profile like unfamiliar and unexplained phantoms!
Comments I have a round face, yet look like my pics. Please, if you dont like my face or body in pics, then why would you come to see me in person, and then complain afterwards? Do you realize the affect this had on me: I havnt ate for six days! Im trying to give you a long thin face, but unfortunately my mother gave birth to me the face I have. Should I seek plastic surgery to get my jaw sawed down a bit?
I offer two cups of coffee or more everytime, I ask if you're enjoying or would like to try something different. My body's thin, tanned and skin soft. I had blood testing done this week and fainted, my mouth hygene checked at dentist, just so I can garantee a paper that says Im clean and noone has to worry about daty. And I enjoy Daty and bbbj, and Everything! I swear Im doing my best and never fake orgasms or pleasure. I'm not a mind reader, but I do try to read everyone's actions, and the rest is communication, to tell me how I can best serve you and give you ultimate pleasure.
It grieves me to know Ive slept with someone who's not been honest, or would back-stab me afterwards. Dont you understand? I dont care about money. Yes, I have to pay rent, or else Ill be offering you a nice park bench to meet me in central park on. And usually I need to eat (not this week tho), so some money for that. But I have a super high sex drive, and I love bringing and receiving pleasure, I like honesty and no mind games, instantly connecting with someone and finding intimacy. Healing thru touch and openness to give. I'd give free sex to someone who really appreciated me, or tell the punter who doesnt like me, to find someone who better suits his desires, or give a refund to anyone who felt I didnt meet their expectations.
I dont know what to do differently now. Ive not ate to solve any "round face" problem, took tests and fainted so all men could do daty without fear, I go over the clock, ask if you're happy, respond with pleasure.. but after witnessing so many bad reviews, I'm feeling hopeless. For the comments about me talking, yes, I can shut my mouth and not say a word when you walk in my door, shutting off the honesty of my personality, and be just a body, if thats what's expected of me. But it seems then, that you want someone else then who I am. Why not go to a girl who's not me, instead of resenting my personality and then blaming me afterwards for not being different?
Im confused, have had a migrane for three days, and my heart's broken. I had such faith in Ter men. Giving extra attention and trust in them, over men from eros. I'm suffering greatly from these hurtful comments and reviews. Noone says anything negative to my face. Why would someone go into a shadowy place and then shout to the whole world how bad I am, when all they had to do is tell me at the meeting, and I'd do anything I could to make them feel better? If this keeps happening, I will have to leave New York, or I'll end up in a hospital.
On a different note: I have met so many wonderful men whom I've connected with. Its men like this, who keeps me hoping and happy. I dont know what I'd do if these men hadn't visited me. In general, ive never seen anyone leave with a frown, and I have many regular vistiors, so in my everyday reality, I'm much appreciated and cared for, but its in cyberspace that I keep getting hurt. And I dont even know who these unhappy men are...
Please, my heart is sensitive, and I've such a good spirit, please dont crush me anymore. Ask for your money back, I dont care, but please communicate with me at a meeting, not just leave me with quiet resentment, that will make you lash out in your quiet place by the computer. Im not out to rip anyone off. I just want to have fun, peace, pleasure, intimacy, and make everyone as happy as i possibly can. And I must maintain the peace in my soul.

This is as heartfelt a post as I can reveal. I pray noone will attack me on this post. Please feel my honesty and read with an open mind.
thankyou for listening, Flora

-- Modified on 3/7/2007 6:58:29 AM

exlurker2003 127 Reviews 2468 reads
2 / 54

I believe everything you've said. Don't pay too much attention to false reviews.
Keep your confidence level up and keep doing what you're doing.
The truth always wins out in the end.

Whore Next Door 3212 reads
3 / 54

This is not a flame. Do you honestly think you're the only one of us to get  bad scores?  Do you hear anyone else moaning about it? Why do you insist on endless rants on so many boards? You seem like a nice person, but you must have some serious issues up in the gray matter region.

You deserve an Oscar for best whine in a dramatic role. Girlie,  enough is enough.

JoeMc 78 Reviews 3656 reads
4 / 54

Out of curiousity I looked at your reviews- most are excellent- the one 6 has only 1 review- so that is suspect, the one reviewer gives almost everyone bad scores- so those 2 right bear little weight

erehwonnam 55 Reviews 2886 reads
5 / 54

Flora, I haven't seen you yet, but you have had great, consistent reviews with the occasional 6 or 7.  If I were you, I would forget about this and just move on.  Don't dwell on the motivation of the negative reviewers.  If they are being truthful and have no hidden agenda, then your average is still overwhelmingly outstanding.  If they are getting back at you for some reason, then   it isn't something you should take personally.
Cheer up.  It is not that bad.

ihatewhiteknights 3474 reads
6 / 54

-- Modified on 3/7/2007 7:25:01 AM

inxsnnj 12 Reviews 2668 reads
7 / 54

One review was from a guy who is known to be rough with women.  Two are reviews from guys with very few reviews, and so are suspect from the start.  Another is from a reviewer who has difficulty distinguishing women's appearance (given his other reviews of other providers I have seen), so you can't put much stock in his evaluation of their performance.  

On the other side you have a ton of positive reviews from lots and lots of other guys.  The smart hobbyists will be able to tell the difference.  The dumb ones you don't need.

A lot of us may not appreciate this, but even the most hard boiled, jaded providers can actually be hurt by negative reviews.   To some extent Flora is expressing publicly what a lot of girls express privately.

Nonetheless the very best thing you can do is shrug this stuff off.  There are always going to be creeps who write negative reviews.  You are better off ignorning them, and keeping confidence in yourself.

tylerboy 46 Reviews 2518 reads
8 / 54

guess it might be time to change your career..oh my god..a legitimate real fulltime 9-5 job that pays 10 bucks an hour!

mikithemilf See my TER Reviews 2234 reads
9 / 54

Get out of the kitchen...we all have recieved bad reviews and we all have survived. There are gals out here with real problems like dying spouses and a flu that has kept me out of business for close to 6 weeks. I am wondering how I will support my kids... you are healthy, young and making money...this is a business, even Jennifer Aniston gets a bad review sometimes, you seem to be in this for self validation. Flora not everyone will like you and you are better off leaving the business than allowing it to kill you..You do not have the emotional strength for this business and your rants are scary I am truly worried for you...This is the hobby, its not disneyland, get help before you self destruct, please... you are so much more than your reviews

-- Modified on 3/7/2007 8:28:14 AM

inxsnnj 12 Reviews 2871 reads
10 / 54

Ironically, if this is the provider I suspect, she herself has bitterly complained publicly about what she believed were unfair reviews.  At any event, anyone familiar with the threads on this board knows perfectly well that Flora is not the only person to complain about reviews -- well known providers do it all the time.  

It would be great to live in a world where providers didn't feel the need to publicly kick each other when they're feeling down.  But for some the only way they can compete is by tearing someone down.  So much for sisterhood.

mmax6969 25 Reviews 2998 reads
11 / 54

INXSNJ said it well. I have met Flora and will attest that she is neither a six in looks or in performance. I have found her to be very sexy, with a beautiful body and a mindset that all she wants to do is please! I also think that the majority of Flora's reviews reflect just that. My advice in all we do is never to take yourself to seriously.....I Don't. ENJOY!!!!

mmax6969 25 Reviews 3436 reads
12 / 54

First-  Hope you are feeling Better!
Second- You are the true definition of the MILF
Third-  Play Nice

mikithemilf See my TER Reviews 2051 reads
13 / 54

I am playing is a gal who is having a breakdown over review scores...It is an intrinsic part of a providers life to develop a thick skin I hae tried to communicate this  explaining why this is not personal,and to just relax and have fu

-- Modified on 3/7/2007 8:44:26 AM

mmax6969 25 Reviews 2902 reads
14 / 54

that these things aren't necessary for the boards but not everyone is tough nor do they understand that it is not personal. Just think you could support her publicly here but remind her privately as someone who possesses the wisdom to know better. Remember- I still love you!!

inxsnnj 12 Reviews 2413 reads
15 / 54

You posted this less than 2 months ago, complaining about what you felt were unfair or false reviews.  Could you please explain why your post complaining about unfair reviews is so different than what Flora is doing?  You and Flora have a different style for expressing yourselves, to be sure, but the basic concept is the same -- indeed, in your post, you expressed that you were upset, felt you were being treated unfairly, complained that it was badly affecting the work you enjoy, worrying that you were going become jaded, or start hating men, and on and on.  It sounds like all the same feelings Flora has.

Would you have appreciated it if one of your fellow providers responded publicly by telling you that if you can't stand the heat get out of the kitchen?  Would you have appreciated it if one of your fellow providers had posted publicly her belief that you were mentally ill, and were on the verge of a breakdown?

I think your post is unfair, frankly, and somewhat hypocritical, given that you have complained so recently yourself about what you perceived to be unfair or untrue reviews.

I strongly agree that Flora should not start posts like this, because it won't do any good, that's for sure.  But I also think it is unhelpful, to put it mildly, to give someone a kick when they are feeling this down. And if you were on the receiving end of such an attack, you would feel the same way.

ihatewhiteknights 3444 reads
16 / 54

actually, when you are on the hot seat and everyone is looking at you, isnt't that usually when advice finally sinks in?  Further, Miki is correct, if you're not tough and understand that everything isn't personal, you aren't going to make it as a provider.

mikithemilf See my TER Reviews 3440 reads
17 / 54

The difference was i never saw those men at all...the reviews i got were by men who NEVER saw me at all they had my old location, untrue facts about my pubic region and wearing clothes i dont own...i had gone through channels and was denied...these men were using me for free memebership....
I have spoken to Flora a zillion times with support on this topic and explained it was not in her best interest...I have taken more heat and srama in this profession that Flora can dream of...

If one needs to take to her bed  because of reviews perhaps she is not strong enough to deal with the down side of this may see this as a slight to your belovede Flora, I see it as someone who truly cares about her mental health...

THFKAM 2989 reads
18 / 54

to the idea that providers shouldnt bash each other on the boards?  You know that idea -- the one as to which I AGREED with you and Eddie?

You could have made a couple of good points in your response and stopped.  Instead you made it personal.  Incredible -- have you ever listened to yourself after a couple of mediocre reviews?  

I dont want to argue with you.  I want the return of Yoda.  What have you done with her?

ihatewhiteknights 2669 reads
19 / 54

You are correct, why trust someone with less than say 20 reviews?  Particularly when they diverge is score, anywhere from 10's to 2's.  Those are the guys who you watch out for because we all know we can trust guys who posts 9-9's but only have 2-3 reviews posted.

mikithemilf See my TER Reviews 4742 reads
20 / 54

Where is the bash??? I am truly worried about this gal..I bitch like a pussy about my bad reviews...but I do it in private..
What happened to are so cranky lately???love you anyway

-- Modified on 3/7/2007 8:48:46 AM

Whore Next Door 3906 reads
21 / 54

Flora is complaining about legitimate reviews. The two are not comparable. Whining rants are embarrassing. Why draw attention to bad scores?

-- Modified on 3/7/2007 8:50:32 AM

callmesm 9 Reviews 2387 reads
22 / 54

Everyone responds differently to a given situation. Flora will deal with this her own way, even if it annoys some of the "older" posters, not to say providers. She made it clear that she was seeking sympathy and understanding, not criticism, and that is her right. If you can't give the first two, I would tread carefully with respect to the third. Or read her posting one more time.

inxsnnj 12 Reviews 1946 reads
23 / 54

You've got an ax to grind -- I never said you can't trust someone with no reviews at all, I said that made them suspect.  We are ALL suspicious of reviewers with only one review (whether they are good or bad), because a number of reviews on this site are bogus.  

As for your saracastic comments, they are a little hard to take seriously, since you are using an alias, so we don't even know who you are, how many reviews you have, etc., etc.  You are free to post under an alias, of course, but I am free to doubt anything you have to say as a result.

inxsnnj 12 Reviews 3271 reads
24 / 54

Flora begins her post by stating that she doubts these reviews are legit, then goes on to say that even if they were legit, they were unfair.  So your distinction does not hold water.  

I also think it is disingenuous to claim that you complained about a review because it mis-described your apartment.  You complained because you felt the reviews were bad -- a "horror" to use your words.

Here's what you had to say about your feelings at the time:

"I have been staying low profile lately as I am planning to return to school and have been busy w/ the application process...

TER has been a blessing and a curse for me....I need the boards and my reviews to survive but the drama and the bullshit has ruined my love of providing and I feel I need to create distance in order to continue doing what I love to do best...

It pains me that though I approach my calling with judicious integrity there are those who insist on whining to the moderators, creating fictions and generally behaving in a way that suits 15y/o boys...This is not my hobby, this is my livelihood....if I offend you, walk away.

I came to this lifestyle with a love of sex, please don't make me leave w/ a hatred towards men...

Thanks for letting me share,

Again, I don't think you would have received it as an expression of concern for your well being if someone responded with a public post telling you that you should quit if you can't take it, and further adding that you were exhibiting signs of mental illness.  You know and I know that this is not the way anyone expresses genuine concern for another person's well-being.

I was hoping to appeal to your better nature, and that your core values would allow you to see that your response was inappropriate.  I am referring to chesed and rahamim.  Guess I was wrong.

mikithemilf See my TER Reviews 2559 reads
25 / 54

When someone post under aln alias they get blasted when someone posts under their real name they get blasted...i guess if someonr has a strong opinion, especially a woman its a no win..I am a meany in my true  identity...bitter old and jealous and a coward not worth hearing in an alias...its a good thing i dont care or id have a migraine too

mikithemilf See my TER Reviews 4290 reads
26 / 54

This is taken out of context....the storey is way beyond a few reviews

HavingFun(a-rep) 18 Reviews 2334 reads
27 / 54

What an ass!!!  A person tells you they feel bad about themselves and this is what you have to say.  In my (apparently not) so humble opinion, shut the &^%$() up if that's all you have to say.  Would you ever do that to a person if they were standing in front of you.  I mean really, that's just cruel.  

There are much nicer ways to convey the thought. How about ... "I'm sorry you have had to endure that this week.  We've all been through it and it is really tough to stomach sometimes.  A thicker skin is all that is required."

greg1955 17 Reviews 2943 reads
28 / 54

I'm with Inx on this one.  Miki's reply was heartless.

mrfisher 108 Reviews 3504 reads
29 / 54

One of the six's is from a one and only reviewer, so eliminate that.

You should be proud of your review history.

Cheer up!

FloraFaun See my TER Reviews 1994 reads
30 / 54

I appreciate your encouragement. I do feel better because of your kindness. You are good men and I appreciate you so much.
Thank You x flora

-- Modified on 3/7/2007 11:56:38 AM

tylerboy 46 Reviews 4556 reads
31 / 54

this girl has way too much time on her hands to write these long winded comments..maybe you should start writing romance novels

Whore Next Door 3406 reads
32 / 54

That you respect men's privacy? You don't ask for ID? Why don't you wear a sign that reads LE- bust me now!  The more you ramble, the less sense you make.

THFKAM 3733 reads
33 / 54
sean57xxx 29 Reviews 2934 reads
34 / 54
sean57xxx 29 Reviews 3347 reads
35 / 54
sean57xxx 29 Reviews 3452 reads
36 / 54

No one takes "one review wonders" seriously.
You have excellent reviews from well-respected reviewers (like yours truly).
It is unfortunate but don't lose any sleep over one jerk.

Tori Of ATL See my TER Reviews 2665 reads
37 / 54

This business is full of insecure individuals with hidden agendas...... please don't let it get to you (*it's the nature of the beast*)

Just keep enjoying yourself and continue to provide consistent service and the reviews will tell the true story......-AND-....

As sad as it is, although you eluded to it I am not sure you are convinced.....everyone has a different view of what numbers belong on a review, I hope you can let this roll off of you and you can regain the serenity and joy that
I'm sorry you are being stressed over it, I am sure any provider who is sincere in their performance would be effected too.
Much luv ~T

dawgdish 27 Reviews 3405 reads
38 / 54

I'm glad to see you posted this topic, Flora, I know it's been eating you up.  Someone who wears their heart on their sleeve can't just hold it in, for better or for worse, and I've never met a provider who puts so much of herself in what they do.  As many have pointed out, those reviews are suspect.  They could be planted with malice, they could be from someone who wanted a dumb piece of meat instead of an intelligent caring woman...who knows?  All the 8's, 9's, and 10's tell the overwhelming truth.  I truly hope your headache, and heartache heal and that you emerge from this stronger.  This is a rough town, and a rough business, especially for those who really care, like yourself.  You and I know that the story of who and what you really are is written large in life, in beautiful flesh and blood that courses through a warm heart, and is way to good to be brought down by a few phantoms on an internet message board.  Keep being you, and don't change for anyone.

LOVEDEFACTO 10 Reviews 2653 reads
39 / 54

don't give yourself up because of a couple of middling reviews. You are much better than that and can't let them win, can you? Your record speaks volumes. Good luck to you.

FckngLvr 3502 reads
40 / 54

.. furthermore, I would say that the description has so many details about your musings about this board that it should be trivial for you to say, without a doubt, whether it is real or a fake.  If it is a fake, there is nothing you can do other than to keep up a cheerful attitude and move on.  If it is real, then I think that you still need to move on (no matter what, not everybody is going to like you!), but there is something you might still learn from a more careful reading of the review.  I think I could also do without the drama that the reviewer claims he had to listen to.
BTW, I have seen you once and decided to postpone my review of you until I saw you again.  Why? Because I know you were a little stressed when I saw you, and am sure that our session will be better next time.
So relax!

-- Modified on 3/7/2007 8:32:35 PM

socketome 14 Reviews 2376 reads
41 / 54

Any review with less than an 8-8 rating is false.

So what are those other numbers for?

a voice from the dead 2909 reads
42 / 54

but come to find out that people took them, ALL! LOL AHHHH, to want to be me, dead, lol.
Well, watching this thread I have felt that providers need to whinnnnnnneeee (mispelled with pure intent), misfor(tone), dis(cust), abuse of privilage, and many more things.
What hit me the hardest is the whinning that happened in this thread.
Ladies use tactics, like this for you to go to their reviews. Others are truely upset and are to stupid to keep their dismay off the board. Other ladies claim that the review is false and want the so called "white knights" to help advocate getting the review removed.
That being said:
There are ladies that have truely false reviews. Because they are easy targets. I had a review taken down many EONS ago before I knew it was up. Many people will attest to a fake review when they know it is not something that fits. IE: missing typical mentionables, flights of stairs, carpet, ect...
Point is: Flora you Faun over yourself too much. I am sure you are lovely individual. However, you appear to be quiet contrived when drawing attention to yourself about how people reviewed you. Do you really think this will help your appointments? It will not. Ask a lady in Boston.
Ladies: It doesn't look very supportive ( being yeah, or Nay) on this topic when you set out to abuse another provider. All a lady does is re-state to a male that you hate each other and they can continue on their terms.
Guys: White Knighting or downing people is just silly. It won't get you a discount, or a new friend, let a lone points with other fans. You look like an ass frankly. Sorry but it is true, bahh-humm-buggg-----...
In the end, we all, ladies and gents, have bad days and weeks.
So Flora:
Stop bitching
Guys: stop defending or downing.
Providers: Give it up, there is more cock in NYC then any lady needs.
the voice from the dead....

Get A Drink 3138 reads
43 / 54

I agree with him. You shouldn't take on an oppositional attitude because you disagree. You have not ever been worth the 400 you demand. You are not nice. You never are and others should be allowed to state that here as well. If you get a shitty review you are the first to sat, "HEY LOOK AT ME!"
Leave the newer ladies alone. At least they are bitching like you did (oh' I am so wronged and hurt) and the other shit you spweed here long ago. You might be gone but you are not forgotten. We just choose as a whole to not deal with you.
Personally, I think she whines but it is never as insulting as your shit.

mikithemilf See my TER Reviews 3554 reads
44 / 54

I get what I get$$$. I am who I am and i am honest, I could give a shit about a popularity contest...this is not high school and i rather be the dweeb from the chess club who is secure in my inadequacies that to need to run to a bunch of strangers  for validation in my ability to sell my pussy or rent myself out by the hour...This is my job, not my life. Your first mistake is to think I care what you think...

igroc 17 Reviews 3042 reads
45 / 54

I've seen Flora, and yes, she is different then anyone else I've been with.  But even though I didn't give her the highest or lowest marks I can honestly say the following about her.

Tell her what you want and how you want it, you'll enjoy it and she will too.

Flora, don't pay no mind to this garbage.

Little-Bit-GFE See my TER Reviews 3291 reads
46 / 54

...Im not on the boards enough, so I cannot read this very long thread, however I read what you wrote to start this... Do NOT even worry yourself about wronge reviews, we all get em'.. You may just not have clicked with them or something, we arent everyone's cup of tea so thats fine we'll worry about the ones who's cup of tea we are!!
I would also say its part of the business, you seem to be a different yet great fun provider so stick with it, and dont let this get you down.


Ha Ha 2005 reads
47 / 54
ihatewhiteknights 3071 reads
48 / 54
mikithemilf See my TER Reviews 2783 reads
49 / 54

He is comparing apples and oranges,I ranted about OBVIOUSLY fake reviews ie.had wrong location,haircolor etc...flora ia talking paranoid conspiricy...I have taken my knocks out here for years and have survived without whining for pity..this is a career choice and not slavery, only the strong survive
As for inxsnj he is a yenta of the worst kind and a shit long did it take after tge M&G for you to share our conversation...sheesh,your worse than a girl....

myreality 1848 reads
50 / 54

I have to say on a  personal note that I checked each and everyone of Flora's "bad" reviews, you know the ones that don't have an 8 or 9 attached to them.  The fact is that none of them appear to be "bad" they just seem indifferent.  None say that she short changed on time.  None say that she had a horrible attitude. None say that once activities began, she denied any action.  They just say that Flora wasn't their cup of tea.  Nothing wrong with that.  Despite what others will tell you, every provider is not going to be perfect for a guy the way she was for another guy.  Maybe one of the parties was having a bad day or week, fine but you have to allow for that.  And while Flora can call six the newest trend in hobbying, check out her reviews, she's been getting the occasional 6 or 7 as far back as five months ago.  

Yes some of these reviewers have only the one review, but check it...some don't.  On the other hand, check out some of her 9-9 reviews.  Some of those guys have only one review.  Are we to trust them as much because their one review is high scored?  

As to why guys won't say anything in person?  Despite what providers may think, we do try to be gentleman.  And besides, why do it after the fact.  If we are being talked to nonstop and endlessly on a message board, would any man want to listen to that in person?  I've contacted a number of her "bad" reviewers and they all said the same thing, she's a great girl but wasn't my cup of tea; "I'm just being honest."  

The point of TER, besides entertainment, is to offer honest opinions so others can come to informed decisions.  If you go to a restaurant that every one raves about, despite your expectations the experience and food are average, do you confront the owner and cook about it right then and there?  And afterwards, when you are talking to your friends about the place and they ask you your opinion, are you honest or do you tell them "it the best place in the city" since that's what everyone else is saying?

(I've been around for a while, have a good number of reviews ups, and do (in this case) know what i'm talking about.  I'd like to respond in person but frankly don't feel like being bombarded with PMs so decided to use an alias.  Don't believe a word of it, contact the mod, he'll confirm all three statements.)

Ha Ha 2940 reads
51 / 54
ny_hobbyist 4347 reads
52 / 54

It's unrealistic to believe you can please everyone... don't hurt yourself trying to change to please everyone else... if someone wrote they prefer plump women, would you try to gain weight?

Ha Ha 2664 reads
53 / 54
jmitch50 2 Reviews 2331 reads
54 / 54

Hey - Flora - I saw you both as Flora and as Bella - you were much better as Bella - I see providers bi-monthly and my last visit with you a few months ago was fair at best - if I had written a review I would have given you a 4 at best - so pleeeeeeeeeeeease stop whinning!

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