New York

Re:Just Jamie's a No-Show -- Twice!
Bighugo 5 Reviews 4438 reads
1 / 27

Can't really post this as a review, since there's nothing to review.  But this is a story which shouldn't go unreported.  Sounded nice enough on the phone.  Made a day date, then she called about 45 min. later to cancel because the city was too crowded, so she wanted to go back home (true story).  Called her later that evening and said she felt guilty, so she'd give me a reduced rate for the following day.  Called her the next morning and set up a 10AM meeting at my place.  At 10:30 she called from the cab to say her watch said 10 AM, not 10:30, but was only "3 minutes away."  Never showed up and never called again -- this after blowing me off the day before because the city was "too busy."

I don't like making such a negative post, especially since there's always a chance something untoward happened (an accident, etc.).  But, since she said she was only "3 minutes away," it's hard for me to believe this was anything other than truly lousy behavior.  I've tried calling and leaving messages repeatedly, but no response.

ACE123 15 Reviews 3438 reads
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for her inflated prices - she should be doing better than that!

buddym 45 Reviews 3111 reads
3 / 27

Can't f**kin believe it.  Jamie you should be ashamed of yourself. at your fee schedule some like this is unexcusable.  Please respond and lets get the record straight.


Bighugo 5 Reviews 3605 reads
5 / 27
JustJamie 3681 reads
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MMMMMMMM well lots happened since we last spoke
Cab driver got lost, I left my cell phone in cab
Spent the whole afternoon looking for it, calling cab companies I have no idea about numbers etc

Have never ever missed an appt. nor have I not just shown
No need to defend myself, except apologize to the man who booked me for an appointment
Perhaps it wasnt meant to be for the both of us
Never EVER had such a hard time to see someone
Also THE CAB driver did say we were only 3 minutes away, I do not know the area where this man lives, very very far from midtown etc
PS....and if you must state "the city was too buzy" like it wasnt yesterday, HELLO the parade, the time I left to go see you was nuts just trying to get a cab etc (I dont use the subway)

SO if this makes me a bad person SO BE IT........!
I get my phone back within the hour.....thank goodness!!

mrbiggs79 3597 reads
8 / 27

700dollars you should be ashamed of yourself

HippoMan 3078 reads
9 / 27

I really do understand how bad it feels when things turn out like this, and I can't say anything about your own situation... but I feel that it's important for me to say that when I saw Jamie, she was reliable and all went very well.

Because of my very positive experience with her, I'd give Jamie the benefit of the doubt based on what she wrote here ... concerning losing her phone, having cab troubles because of the crowds due to the Puerto Rico Day parade, etc.

(P.S. -- does anyone know why it would take so long for my review of her to show up here?)

buddym 45 Reviews 4879 reads
10 / 27

Not at all sure I buy that story.  You had a responsibility to your client not to leave him waiting.  Haven't you ever used a pay phone which is located on every corner in Manhattan.  Your flip attitude is not appreciated and you owe this guy more than just an APPOLOGY.  
Jamie , I thought you were made of better stuff than this.  I enjoyed reading your posts, but frankly I am very dissapointed in you now.  I'm sure my fellow hobbiest will agree with me.  I will be interested to see if you will follow up with some further explanation.


RoDunn 166 Reviews 4086 reads
11 / 27

This was an unfortunate situation and I can sympathize with the gentleman.  However, she did call him both times.  The first time she cancelled.  The second, she called to let him know she was running late. I've been actually stood up (no phone call, no nothing) several times, even by a very well-respected provider. It sucked, my time was wasted, but I realized these types of things happen. And while it's okay to relay an incident, lets not pile on, especially when the provider doesn't have a reputation for "no shows."

Finally, I think the comments about her rates are out of line.  Murhpy's Law can hit anyone. And, I REALLY think it's out of line to suggest that she owes "more than an apology."  While we may wish for that, we're not owed that. Plus, it sounded like she did offer him a discount after the first incident.

Getalife 3686 reads
12 / 27

These idiots are becoming the petty women they hate women for... and yes I am using an alias so small pee holed posters can't jump on my case, You are too good for this stupid stuff. PUHHLLEEASE GUYS GROW UP.

Bighugo 5 Reviews 3887 reads
14 / 27

Exactly!  For the record, I believe her story and sympathize with her sutation.  But MY time is valuable, too.  So, to leave me sitting there wondering if she had met some terrible fate ro if she was just a flake is simply lousy, rude behavior.  And, also for the record, Jamie still hasn't returned my calls or emails to apologize.  So, her "apology" posted here seems more like grandstanding/public relations than a true, heartfelt apology.  As for her rates, that's irrelevant.  If she charged nothing it would still be rude not to offer a personal apology.

Bighugo 5 Reviews 3523 reads
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As for Jamie's story, I forgot to point out two things:  First, she says the cabbie got lost.  But, when she called me from the cab, I asked her if she knew where she was going and she said (and I quote), "The cab driver knows exactly where he's going."  Second, as for her statement that ". . .the time I left to go see you was nuts just trying to get a cab etc (I dont use the subway)," in fact she told me that she WAS going to use the subway and I gave her specific directions as to which stop to get off.

This whole thing is as distressing to me as it is to Jamie.  But, by, shall we say, "stretching the truth," she's adding insult to injury.  I happen to be a VERY forgiving person (as witnessed by my calling her again after she blew me off the first time).  Jamie, if you want to make it right, all you've got to do is call me, tell me the truth and apologize.  I'll be happy to report it in public on this forum if you do.

RoDunn 166 Reviews 4219 reads
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Sorry, but I just don't think it's the end of the world if I don't get to see a lady.  I simply don't take this "hobby" that seriously.  I'm here to have no-strings-attached fun.  If I think a lady does me wrong, I won't forgive or forget (or ever try to see her again), but I also won't dwell on it. There's too much fun to be had elsewhere.

I got stood up a few months ago, but instead of sitting home steaming, I picked up the phone and booked with a pretty young thing who had one of the hottest bodies I've ever seen. It was one of my best experiences ever.

JustJamie 3527 reads
17 / 27

I posted a lenghty rebuttle
But after a few hours it is not up
The review board that only posts what it wants to, and gets paid by others to have only good things written about them


Keyser Söze 2467 reads
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dude, chill out, its not like she offended you. give her the benefit of the doubt. You weren't there so you don't know know what really happen. i'm not defending Jaime but you're coming on too strong.
This is a matter between jaime and him, we are not here to impose judgement, specialy if we don't know th facts.

chaching 3356 reads
19 / 27

     really unprofessional. she was probably guilted into a 10am call. i'm sure she was still in bed at 1030,  it sucks getting up before 9am to get ready, back to the same ole - same ole . she is on vacation. good for her.  
    because if she had been 3 min away, in a cab with the info written on paper [all info is always written on something that you throw away later] , you don't get out till your destination, she would have gone in told her worries to her client, together they would have made phone calls to help her out and would still have gotten payed too.

Bighugo 5 Reviews 3924 reads
20 / 27

I had no idea this was going to be such a hot topic.  In any event, it's a new day and enough emotional capital has been spent on the subject.  Everything I've posted is true.  If Jamie wants to try twist the truth, she'll just have to deal with her own conscience (assuming she has one).  She screwed up badly and now wants to blame the cab driver, TER, or anyone else -- other than herself.  As caching points out, you don't get out of the cab until your destination.  I don't live in Outer Mongolia.  All she had to do was call again, say the cabbie was lost and ask for directions.  For some unexplained reason, she either got out of the cab in an area she didn't know, or simply told the cab driver to take her somewhere else.  Whichever it was, it was a bad, dumb decision.

A couple of final notes for the record:  First, to caching's point, no she wasn't guilted into it.  As a matter of fact, late Sunday night she actually called ME to say she felt guilty and would see me the next day at a reduced rate.  Second, she wasn't asleep.  The only reason I called Monday morning (around 9 or so) is that she told me she had to be up by 5:30 Monday morning.  Lastly, she's still not called or emailed to apologize.  I'm sure that, despite all this, she's a very nice woman and, by all accounts, provides good service.  But she screwed up badly in this instance and has compounded the problem with meager excuses and attempts to blame others.

VonRyan 15 Reviews 4128 reads
21 / 27

Well...the good news is that nobody got hurt but the bad news in this illfated liasion was that invaluable time
(not to mention a stiffie) was lost on the part of Hugo.

I've said it before and I'll say it again...that there is nothing better than what happens behind them doors with a special provider...but the communication and interaction you have with that provider beforehand must go smoothly...without a hitch...and in that way, both the hobbyiest and provider can concentrate on having a good time,"boinking",and all that other fun stuff that goes on.

Sure...Murphy's law applies,but...when it happened to me once and I knew that there were more holes in her story than swiss,I was pissed!...
but in that case and what should happen in this case...the provider worked it out directly with me to my satisfaction ,life went on, and big Jim and the twins were smiling once again.


-- Modified on 6/15/2004 10:02:35 AM

Kiddox 4308 reads
22 / 27

I don't believe that lame story she's using for an excuse and she's not worth $700 an hour at over 30 years old but we can't fault them if they find a jackass willing to go along anything over $250.

SamanthaSummers See my TER Reviews 4472 reads
23 / 27

Quoted by Just-Jamie

"The review board that only posts what it wants to, and gets paid by others to have only good things written about them"

Now Jamie I know more than anyone that shit happens and sometimes we need to go out of our way to put it right. You know the old saying the customer is always right, or they should be if you want to keep him as one. Sure there are alot of clients that do do real crappy things just as providers have been known to do as well.

But when you start making false allegations trying to insinuate because someone has good reviews we are paying to have them put up your way off base and *I* personally resent it.

I wont speak on this incident although I would have handled things differently, making excuses and blaming others just makes you look bad. Seems like alot of guys like you so you must have been doing something right. However when you start to blaim TER, the client, the cab, the phone, the parade it gets a person scratching their head and wondering whats is she going to say next.I quoted what I personally did feel disrespeted by, but don't worry about me. My skin is as thick as it can get and I'm over it already.
I do wish you luck on your vacation. Take some time off , regroup have fun , then come back and be the best provider you can be and show these guys that it was an isolated incident.
My thoughts, sorry I try and stay out of threads reguarding other providers but her quoted statement above I felt a personal slight by, but hey like I said I'm over it already and I wish her the best during her brake and when she returns.
Samantha Summers

-- Modified on 6/15/2004 7:24:31 AM

ritchie 4081 reads
24 / 27


Hey guys with so many other providers out there dont waste your time on this one. There are a lot better ones out there!

The excuse is lame and like another poster points out there are phones on every corner of NYC so she could have used them but she was too cheap and too self centered to use them. Leave this lame wannabe behind and find a real jewel, someone worth your money!

buddym 45 Reviews 3180 reads
25 / 27
JustJamie 3866 reads
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WHOLLY CRAP.... the board hasn’t looked any better than today!
Finally you actually post things…. call Ripley’s!!!!!

I did write a lengthy post about it all, TER never posted it, how interesting!J

1/ His number was in my cell phone where I keep my calendar of appts also (so couldn’t call him)
And WON’T call him after everything written on here!
The cab driver DID state he knew where he was going, then next thing we are 10 blocks away, he got flustered etc so I gave up and got out, it was way too late now.

2/ I am very disappointed in TER, I had written a long message in response etc, never showed up on here AND written to the moderator and nadda, now that’s service!

3/ I won’t fight with all of you and I am GLAD I never saw this person who I had an appt. with.after reading everything he has now written. SO LET IT GO BAMBI!

I know who I am and what I am about.
I have a great clientele and TER isn’t my focus on life!
I never meant to or set up NOT to show up to this appt.
If only we could all spend our good time and energy on happier things in life, now THAT would be time well spent!

SO if my attitude stinks so be it.


salivate 3 Reviews 3510 reads
27 / 27

These things can happen to anyone. Its unfortunate it all got aired out in public with your reputation on the line. The world is a little too mistrusting. Once a provider did not show for me, didn't call, and I called her number for hours to no avail. Since she had a consistent history of high regard in the escorting community, I waited over a week for a response to my e-mail regarding the no show, no call. Well, there was a death in her family and she had to leave town immediately to see to other family members, forgetting to contact me. Last thing on her mind as it would be for most of us. In summary, we all deserve the benefit of the doubt before going "public". Don't let this incident get you so upset.

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