New York

Re:Im curious...
Victoria VonHelk See my TER Reviews 3075 reads

as to why youre not using a valid ter handle with with this nonsense statement. If you had any credibilty, you would use a handle with message capabilities and perhaps some reviews as well.

Now booking! If we havent met before, please include references. Contact is only through email, so please allow screening time for scheduling.

How about "best buns" award winner for TER in 2003! Need to say anymore............who cares if anybody's seen her, go see her!

I know.  All good reviews but any from hobbists living in New York?

Landem2913 reads

Okay gentleman, here's the short answer from NYC - everything that our left coast bretheren have said is true! I've seen the lovely and charming Victoria several times, most recently when she was here in early September. (Yeah, I know - write a review! - slipped through the cracks - well, maybe this time.)

Bottom line - Victoria's overall 9+ performance rating is well-deserved. My advice - run, don't walk, to spend some time with this wonderful and sexy lady. But remember - the line forms behind me.

Good to hear from you my friend.
Hope all has been well.

All I can say Gents is that if Hyabby says she's got the "goods".
She got the "goods"!


shavednutts3365 reads

She is OK.  500 hr is a little bit pricey for my blood now.  

Saw her back when she was 200hr.  Also her teeth were in terrble shape back then and she was doing some sssssss ddddd also.

She use to go by as Lila.

-- Modified on 10/28/2004 2:05:36 PM

as to why youre not using a valid ter handle with with this nonsense statement. If you had any credibilty, you would use a handle with message capabilities and perhaps some reviews as well.

... but I met Victoria on Labor Day and she is delightful. Also, one of the finest kissers it has ever been my pleasure to kiss!

shavednutts2378 reads

-- Modified on 10/30/2004 8:34:51 AM

-- Modified on 10/30/2004 10:38:28 AM

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