New York

Re:Good old NYC doubles, (don't apply let it fly)
HelloCT 3012 reads

It never ceases to amaze me why guys can't call to cancel instead of just not showing up. I suspect the reason is that they simply are self centered and have no respect for women in particular and perhaps anyone but themselves in general.

Samantha and or Stephanie, please come back to Connecticut soon. I  am sure given the lack of great independant providers here in CT your "no-show" percentage would be small. I know I would be right on time !

Here Steph and I are in NYC, Mid-Town area, where sure enough there has been a rash of hours being booked and then cancelled or no-showed.

Needless to say we have encountered that today as well, if you previously contacted me for something from 2pm on please feel free to call again 347-392-1937 (no need to be discreet, leave a detailed mess with your number repeated twice! Also leave the time your hoping for so this way I can just call you or e-mail and we both are on the same page!

Who knows maybe a few that were disappointed due to our almost full card, will be rejoiceing because now we have openings (yup a multi hr cancelled, at least he cancelled and not no-showed so he is forgiven and will be able to see me/her/us in the future, as no shows will never get another appointment with either of us again in the future!
Go to my link below also Stephanie Spring who is newly listed on TER has a post with a link to her page and pics.

Hot fun in the Summertime!

-- Modified on 7/9/2004 9:23:57 AM


What's the deal???!!!  There seems to be a rash of that type of behavior.  I daon't know why.  I would (and have never) stood anyone up, although I have once.

Any thoughts?

I wouldn't stand you and Steph up........... : )


To bad because from the Indies and the agency that have been contacting me, they  are sick and tired of it just as much as me and others. In fact many have told me that they are thinking of taking NYC and LI off their frequent schedules. Or instilling deposits (something I won't do) Who looses? The guys who like divercity. Me,...hey I can go to Conn, Boston, NJ  or elsewhere and still do great.  I will still keep my LI monthly trips, since I have a good client base out there as well as my monthly pre-booking incentives. Others though may not be fortunate enough to have the high % of regular callers , which makes a very big difference.

It is all in your hands gentlemen! Please, not everyone does this. In fact most are good enough to always show up on time impecably groomed, others who must cancel do so asap. Problem is the games that are being played with these constant no-shows, not just for me but many others Indies as well as an agency.

HelloCT3013 reads

It never ceases to amaze me why guys can't call to cancel instead of just not showing up. I suspect the reason is that they simply are self centered and have no respect for women in particular and perhaps anyone but themselves in general.

Samantha and or Stephanie, please come back to Connecticut soon. I  am sure given the lack of great independant providers here in CT your "no-show" percentage would be small. I know I would be right on time !

Although I've only a handful of reviews, I've seen many ladies in the several years since I became a TER member.  But I've never "no-showed" (and would never think of it), and cancelled only once (with 8 hrs. notice, though).  Are TER members more thoughtful and considerate about keeping appointments?  Are there enough TER members and those from the other board for WGs to limit their new clientele to only verified members?  Maybe these are naive questions, but I was curious.

I only know that they are a TER member if they tell me themselves. I will ask where someone heard about me and if they say something like eros I know they are full of it. Most common answer is "the internet" Where I'll ask "where on the internet?" They sometimes respond with "your website" which doesn't really help me, since these questions are a way for me to feel the person out. I usually mean where did you hear about me, your friends recommended me, a provider did, on TER or one of the other boards. It they say TER I still don't ask who they are unless they choose to tell me, if they are someone that doesn't like giving out info, then I might ask them to pm me just to verify that in fact they are going to be someone that is legit and not someone doing a favor for the competion.

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