New York

Re:For those that didn't seem to like my last post...
Westwriter 38 Reviews 1854 reads

What a BS answer. My only question was why NYC had a two-hour minimim and other cities didn't? We need more compansionship here?

Well.. you wont like this one either...

I have my own reason why I ask for 2hr min. in some cities like NYC.  If you don't like it than you have the choice to pass on.

I have plenty of gents who prefer spending quality time with a lady like myself for two hours for an unrushed and relaxing time.  Its called Companionship.

Instead of bashing people you have no clue about why not save your energy on more pressing issues..instead of my decision making of how to entertain.

Last I knew you didn't have to be a perfect 10 to be a great companion.  What one defines as a perfect 10 is their own opinion..not someone elses.

I find these boards to be more insulting than anything else.  There is much that I could say about some of the gents I know.. and those I don't.  I choose to remain respectful and not fall in the same line of insults.

I am sure this will open a hornets nest.. but alas..I guess on here I cannot expect anything less.

well , i missed your last post but this one is right on the money . if you don`t like what a provider is offering , then choose someone else and stop coming here and bashing them . Dallas , you should ignore these people , i am sure you can find better things to do

everybody's got one.
You do whatever you want. I personaly prefer longer dates with someone who looks as good as you do.

It is totally up to the provider.   This is a free market--one of the few left--and those who don't want to invest the time the provider requires can move on.

And it seems to me that this is just another case of that, you are essentially charging us New Yorkers twice your rate to see you. For us guys that have a limited amount of time to see you (and you seem well worth the time) this means that I would have to pay for two hours when I would only have time for one. I guess only the men in NYC and out call guys in CHICAGO, LA, MIAMI, SF, need two hour companionship all other cities can take it or leave it. That crack  another hobbyist made about your quality was out of line, but as a NYC hobbyist I'm just getting a little tired of getting charged more that rest of the country.  I know hotels cost more here but there are also more men here.  Just a thought for you and the other providers to think about.

My reasoning is a legit one.. and one you can ask me privately.  You may understand from there.  I do not discuss my so called laundry out on the boards.  You and the others are more than welcome to email me/or pm me anytime you have a legitmate question.  I've always been honest and up front with what I can discuss.  

Its been said doing a little investigation of your own directly from the source could get you a lot farther than trying to make a fuss on a board.  Not that your fussing too much. ;)

Love Laney2750 reads

We pass on what we have to deal with and advertisers love to inflate the rate for advertising in NY not to mention the additional "travel ad" fee in addition to the monthly.

Just because there are more men in NYC doesn't mean we can see more at a time. Hotels do cost 2 to 2 times as much as any other place I visit or tour.

A suggestion might be for you to host. Then you might be able to negotiate a lower rate.

If it makes you feel any better my rates stay the same across the board. When I travel to back town USA I still charge 400. The reason? More time getting to where I'm going plus the added expense of travel (air, train, etc.), food, tips and other incidentals. The guys on the other side complain about rates being too high for their area. Guess we providers have been spoiling our clients by traveling and trying to please them even more. : )

Anyhow, cheer up at least you're in a position to spend time with one.


What a BS answer. My only question was why NYC had a two-hour minimim and other cities didn't? We need more compansionship here?

Dallas you’re right “you didn't have to be a perfect 10 to be a great companion” but there does need to be a great attitude.  My.02

One.. I've never been accused of not being a great hostess.. I take my time and get to know you.  For those that like rush rush.. well ofcourse the connection wont be there.  

Two.. my previous is not a b.s. response.  Simply email or pm me for my reason.  

As I said.. I didn't expect a lot of compliments from this post..and the one gent was right.. I do have better things to do.. I thought coming on here and trying to discuss would show I'm not one to hide about things.  I guess not.

Not my cup of tea2707 reads

If I want a companion, I'll get a dog.

I pity guys that need a companion. Can't they find a drinking buddy, or a mutt?   I pay to get laid, not talk.

I detest 2 hour minimums, but don't begrudge you your right to run your business as you see fit.

I almost always avoid ladies with this requirement.

Good luck to you. You ARE attractive.

-- Modified on 1/25/2007 9:48:18 AM

Ella York3445 reads

I have always had a two hour min even before it was the standard but have never seen a need to justify it.  It seems like just the perfect time for my dates and attract the right kinds of clients for me.

A provider has a right to charge for whatever she wants, I respect that Dallas. However, no piece of ass, and I mean NONE is worth 750.00 !! I don't care how much cash anyone has, I consider any man a total moron or just plain lazy if they get ripped off like that. Do your research on TER and you can find a gorgeous GFE who doesn't have a two hour minimum for 300-400$$ If you choose to pay the ludicrous rate that Dallas is charging then I pity you.

"It seems like just the perfect time for my dates and attract the right kinds of clients for me."

Glad to see the ones that I've had the pleasure of not meeting as we definitely wouldn't connect on the "respect level".  

For every one complaint I have 10 to discredit.  For all those that have im'd me like I asked.. thanks.. and glad we could work things out.  

Taking the time to understand definitely helps in making a negotiable meeting more realistic.

I've said my peace on here.. and I thank the ladies that have written me feeling the same.  Quality is always better than quantity.. and I truly couldn't be more happier seeing one elite gentleman than 5 a day.  For those that know me well.. you know what I'm talking about. ;)

Be safe..

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