New York

Re:For the Hobbyists
followme 6906 reads

sounds reasonable to me....but if you do not allow goooofy or corny posts I'm SCREWED.

Hello I have been appointed the temporary moderator for the NY board until Staff and GND can find a local or at least semi-local moderator. I am alredy a moderator on ISO, Porn Stars, Vegas and Phoenix boards, so I have some experience.

I just went through the moderated posts list and removed the obviously bad posts (mostly ads) and approved any that didn't look like trolls. Following this post will be more specific posts for the providers and hobbyists, I suggest you read them , they should be brief. Posts that are moderated will be approved as soon as I get a chance. I usually run the boards two or three times a day, more on weekends.

Regarding the Fortitude matter, I have no clue. I have always respected Fortitude as a poster and was glad to see him make moderator. He is no longer a moderator or allowed back on TER. I haven't even had a chance to read the post on TBD that I was told he made. If you have questions about the matter write to Staff, because I have no other information.

No telling how long I will be moderator for this board but I try to fair and equitable in my decisions. If you have a problem with something I have done, either TERmail me or post to the board with the subject 'To Modertor' or something along those lines.


-- Modified on 3/25/2004 12:42:49 PM

I trashed a lot of posts and approved a lot of posts that were waiting for me in the moderation list. We are starting fresh from today. I will be enforcing all the posting rules for the agencies and porviders these include but are not limited to the following:

1. All ads must include a TER approved link at the end of the post. An approved link will point to one of three places: A TER reviewed website (you must have a TER Banner or Site Review logo on the first or second page), your TER review profile or an ad on an Escort Mall. Any ad posts not meeting this requirement will be deleted.

2. You may post links at the end of your posts, as long as they meet the same criteria as the link for an ad.

3. You may post only one ad every 7 days. You may post clarifications and reminders under the same thread as the original ad without breaking the 7 day rule.

That is pretty much it in a nutshell. If your ad didn't make it to the board, you didn't meet one of the criteria. Any questions just let me know.

-- Modified on 3/25/2004 12:53:46 PM

I just went through the moderation list and removed a lot of bad ads and troll posts. As of right now we are starting clean. I will not allow flame wars on the board. If you feel someone is just trolling you or thread stalking you, let me know. If you have a question about how I run the board or a complaint just let me know. I will also not allow guys to post ads for the ladies or anything resembling an ad.

Lets trying and make it the board a friendly and informative place.


followme6907 reads

sounds reasonable to me....but if you do not allow goooofy or corny posts I'm SCREWED.

I have no problems with goofy or funny posts. But it reminds me of a rule I want to bring to everyones attention.

You cannot post to a message thread under more than one handle. The one exception is if the post is meant to be humerous.

followme3958 reads


frankie2003a6831 reads

Personally, I think a non-local moderator is less likely
to get into conflicts of interest.


I am about as non-local as you can get, I am in California and have never even been to New York :)

Good luck and welcome to the NY Moderator's position.
As far as never been here owe it to yourself to
visit and take in all that this great city has to offer.
Great places and fabulous food to eat and drink,
musuems,theatre,night clubs, and plenty of great neighborhoods and interesting people.


eroticgina7075 reads

Why don't you take a look at this page and see who is not following the rules.  Aren't all providers supposed to be treated equally??

Okay, checked your page and you can post a link to your page. Is there a specific complaint?

eroticgina5349 reads

yes there was you didn't catch it so I e-mailed admin and he took care of it.

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