New York

coffeecan 10654 reads

I agree with your comment, I would not want to be the recipient of a hurtfull comment either.
If the recipient of that comment re: two airline seats is monitoring this post; I hope you will accept my apology for being an ass.
As far as can'tsaywho is concerned, kiss mine!
Party on!! CC

CantSayWho10020 reads

How is it that people like Seventhson, and White Lightening and Coffee Can be allowed to post their insulting, rude comments on this Board? Isn't that against the Board Rules??

Frankly, these jerks offend us all! Boot these asses to the curb, already!!!

In the words of radio DJ Howard Stern- what made him popular and famous was that he says things that others are only thinking.  He is the voice of the silent, those that are scared to speak out, those that do not follow the propaganda machine of the business women who is only interested in your money,not your safety or health.

Thats why we the outspoken few are permitted to say what we plaese under freedom of speech and the voice of the silent majority.

1way8104 reads

I think you're wrong about Seventhson. Sometimes a post can read differently than what the writer was meaning.

Coffee can is Coffee Can he offers a different view on things. We still love him for it.


I want to make it clear on my stance. If a provider or agency is a rip off, bait-n-switch and the like, I will slam them. I will have fun exposing them all that their expense. If she charges more than $1,500 per/hr her last name had better be: Spears, Ms. Jackson, Roberts or Connelly!! We had fun with the $2,000 provider last month.

Do not ever think that it is appropriate to make fun of a BBW or an unattractive provider. It is rude and crass. I wonder what some of these ladies would say about us if they saw our picture on this site? Get it. If our responses become too negative no providers will want to advertise with NY.

So be nice until it is time not to be nice.

-- Modified on 7/8/2003 4:37:02 AM

did you know that J-Lo charges $750,000/hr for an "appearance" (obviously just that, an appearance, nothing more)

kinda puts things in perspective, no?  :)

"I'm just Jennie from the block"  ... LOL

seventhson10385 reads

dear heart, as you well know, we're not making this stuff up. Telling it like it is will be characterized as "insulting" and "rude" by those who find truthfulness insulting and rude. Here's a little life secret to put in you back pocket. There are persons who have problems so they go see a psychotherapist. maybe they get lucky and the therapist is well trained, perceptive, sees through their self deceptions early on. Then, at some point the therapist starts to bore in on the issues that make the patient's life so miserble. It starts to become apparant that the patient's behaviors and attitudes are the primary source of the problems that the patient has projected out onto the world. The patient is confronted by his own lying, manipulation, cowardice, distortion, living in fantasy worlds half the time, dreams of revenge or omnipotence, or just plain lameness and mediocrity, escapism, whatever... and the patient becomes furious with the therapist.. the therapist no longer is a kindly understanding figure but an, eerrrrrr insulting, rude jerk and the patient, indignant that anyone could say such things to her, storms out of the office in a huff.
  Well, well... and if the patient had stuck it out and worked through all those infantile fixations and childhood disturbances, she might have discovered many inner riches as well, hidden good qualities, strengths, genuine positives... but that won't do her any good because she's currently locked into a fuming paranoid confrontation with the world and all the sick scumbags that deserve to be made to mine copper with their bare fingers.
  Oh Kay, we'll... snifff.... boo hoo... go away like bedraggled unwanted wet junk yard mutts... we know when we're not wanted and not loved... and you can go back to your controversy free, mind numbing recycled drivel and shivel that makes so other boards feel like your head is about to implode when you read them...
  If you want to promote your crap, why don't you spend some real money and buy advertising instead of salting these boards and reviews with patently false testimonials ?

I got lost in the long story, and kept confusing who the therapist is, and who's the puppy? The walrus was paul, I think.

But back on point, insulting or rude comments are not allowed on the boards. We have a wide open forum here, with a lot of leeway, but please try to be respectful of each other.


If I read Seventhson' latest posts correctly, he was, and has been warning us off of sxyazn and all the agencies they operate under. The funny thing is, every time right after he warns us, someone comes back with a new bad experience.

seventhson10974 reads

I call it like I see it. I don't post supportive comments under an alias. TER claims they have a policy against fake reviews. Anyone can see that sxyazn post numerous fake reviews with enough stylisic similarity that they take no effort to catch and delete. There is a serious credibility issue at stake here.
I raise the warning flag, and behold!, you happen to see the rare real impression a customer had. Until this mess, I did not give much weight to the complaint that Julie's review are by and large phonies. My assumption was that she ran the biggest and most respected operation in the city. Now that I see how lax TER is with the sxyazn.... uh, promotional literature, all the julie's will be taken as probable sex fiction until proven otherwise. I don't see how holding TER or the writers of this misleading stuff is inherently offensive. It may take a high level of abrasion to scour off the hard crust of misrepresentation. Often when people brand commentary "offensive", they are really saying that said commentary exposes the true nature of their game.

No one yet has said that the Julie's reviews were inaccurate, misleading, or false one.

We have a contingent that loves to go to julies, and consistently recommend the providers. We also have a few who claim that the reviews are fake, but still reward their friends with julie's treats, again never uttering a complaint about the service received

but of course refusing to write a review that may concur with the hundreds of others already written by other members...


I will always reward friends with servies that I personally feel will be provided as per the request of the customer.  I know factually that certain Julies girls will do what is expected of them- Domino was one, she promised you a wild time and gave you a wild time.  As for other personnel at Julies- let the buyer beware.
But when sees day after day a large percentage of reviews all being Julies girls- an eyebrow of criticism has to be raised as to who is writing this stuff and for what reason- obviously by the tone and pattern its Julie or her staff and the reasoning is that it draws in biz.  Enough said- its all about the green-not you

coffeecan9376 reads

Good Morning Fellow Hobbyists,
Just checking in after reading can'tsaywho's post over my first cup of coffee. I am just "thrilled" you thought to include me up in your seemingly whiney thread about hobbyists posting rude comments, etc..
I just want you to know I call em as I see em (like a good umpire)-- Blur's a referee, there's a difference.
I enjoy participating on The NY Board and unafraid to call on someone who appears to be full of crap in a post or an advertising provider who may be planning a trip to NYC. I feel empowered as a NY hobbyist to point out "she may be too fat for one airplane seat and may want to reconsider her potential return on investment-- coming all the way to NY w/o appts & having to buy two plane seats round trip!
Have a great day, I hope it gets better for you, "can'tsaywho"---why??????
Warmest Regards,

-- Modified on 7/9/2003 7:58:24 AM

fortitude8834 reads

I for one welcome your "full of crap" type of posts.  Calling the way you see them about an agency, brothel, or advertising is at least part of what the NY board is all about.  However, I really believe that remarks buying 2 airline seats, and similar comments, are out and out viscious.  Period.  It helps nobody.  And it is simply hurtful to some.  The purpose of this board is not to hurt, it's to help.  Help other hobbyists to find providers.  Help to provide information re this hobby.  Not to slam people for physical attributes, especially one that other hobbyists may find attractive.  There was at least one guy that posted he'd love to see her. And I know many guys that go for girls with back.  If you don't like BBWs, or any other specialty provider, that's fine.  But, how dare you slam these types simply because they don't appeal to you.  There is no reason or excuse in my book.

I posted something this week, not on this local board, that was even more hurtful than your airline seat comment.  It brought a provider to tears.  I was wrong in posting as I did, and I am the process of pulling that post to make amends to this person.  There's just no reason for these types of posts.

So, coffecan, continue to call them as you see them.  Try to be sensitive enough to others, and don't slam when slamming is not necessary to the purpose of this board.

I called this one as I see it.


coffeecan10655 reads

I agree with your comment, I would not want to be the recipient of a hurtfull comment either.
If the recipient of that comment re: two airline seats is monitoring this post; I hope you will accept my apology for being an ass.
As far as can'tsaywho is concerned, kiss mine!
Party on!! CC

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