New York

re:Absolutely right, I drive my wife insane putting
HarryWotton 11 Reviews 310 reads

all my crap in her purse - keys, phone, glasses, wallet, etc.   But heck, at least I don't bitch at her for the always expanding collection of purses.    The other day she bought this purse in this strange color and she was thrilled to find not one, but two, pairs of shoes that went with it.  The shoes were in her closet and had no idea she had them!!!    I could almost see the disappointment in her eyes because now she would not have to go out and hunt for shoes that went with the purse. lol  

Anyway, I think we best leave the man purses and Speedos to the Europeans, I will keep using my wife's oh so carefully curated collection of purses.

I always though the messenger bag fad was the in between step to get men to carry purses
Now I see a lot of guys with the Louis Vuitton bags

what's next guys wearing make up?

Lol I like manties! If your going to wear tightie whities anyway, why not have them in fun colors! I love it. Plus they hold a nice surprise package easily wrapped for thankful giving!

Sort of reminds me of a mullet ... Business in the front, party in the back! Manties, business on the outside, with party underoos

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