New York

Re:Absolutely! but in addition...
orthodx 13 Reviews 9824 reads

agreed.  DFK and a Brain.

I have trouble with the current review format and I am not sure how to deal with it.  I don't know if this is a matter for the moderator or the discussion group.  Some people when they fill out the form tend to check yes on everything such as anal, will bring 2nd provider, really bi, etc.  However when you look through the reviews there is never any mention of the item checked yes ever happening.

I suppose my question is there anything that can be done about that.

There are also complaints about girls who only have one review done by one guy who has never done a review before.  When one reads the board, it seems there is a solid core of experienced respected guys who simply don't post reviews.  Could they comment on why they choose not to lend their valuble experience?

From one who much to learn and is willing to be taught

seventhson9696 reads

shilling has reached epic proportions. Fantasy fulfillment reviewing used to dominate. The session they wish they had...
"My pulsating member, only slightly larger than a tennis ball can when half erect, trembled as my grapefruit sized testicles slammed against her perfect taut ballet dancer cheeks and she sang out her earth shattering mega-orgasm in a perfect middle C as she also is with the Metropolitan Opera. As her climax built, her middle C lifted to a C sharp as I recalled Rachmaninoff's Vespers and hummed along to myself in B flat and the champagne bottle next to the bed exploded in perfect synchronization, covering us with Cristal".... unnnnh, yeah.

The self posts are either girly soft porn... the session she wishes they had... " I fed her godiva chocolates as we cuddled and chatted and looked through home furnishing catalogs. Then I gently, lovingly placed my lips upon her feminine part, her glorious Yoni, the dripping cup of love nectar, and ..." Next.

or... unintentional parody of male fantasy " omigod it was so incredible as her totally hot incredible butt took me to a crazy place I've never been then I tore off the cover and came on her bellybutton, and it was like, incredible"

but they became too expensive. the free month to month membership wasn't worth what i paid the provider. i also don't like the way the reviews are catagorized, and i feel a few of my reviews(massage girls) have gone unnoticed.(so much for helping a good provider)

TER also gives me a lot of flack if i review a provider who has no website but advertizes elsewhere,,,, like new york magazine. (even though the form mentions OTHER ad sources)why should i put up with this shit.

appreciate the input.  If it was a classic post then I suppose it is an ongoing problem.  I don't mind the subjective part of the post because that is all fiction anyway, right?  What I have a problem with is the questionaire before since that's what is screened when one tries to chose someone based on what they will or will not do or even what they look like.

I am not sure if it is beacuse you are not suppposed to score more than a 7 unless you add additional services.  My problem with that is a provider could potentially give covered FS only and still give you the best time of your life.  Isn't that worth a ten for that person?

that basically all activities were provided and they were provided with excellence and even joy. That is, the provider really tried to make this an experience for the hobbyist. Not too many of those, I'm afraid! :(:(

thought about your answer for a while as this discussion moves off of page 1.

IF you were equate reviews to figure skating or gymnastics, then what the provider actually tried to do during the encounter would be the degree of difficulty while what how the client actually felt about what the provider did would be the score.  Therefore if a provider gave you the best cbj you ever had, you could give her a 10.

Conversely if a provider brought you her sister form Arkansas who is also her mother, let you do greek with both of them nad performed enthusiatically but it was absoulutely the worst experience in your life, then you could give them a 1 or 2 since there were two of them.

YMMV ( I hate seeing that) would mean something.

Age, hair color, weight, height etc are objective things which should be verifiable.

The rest is really of to the reviewer

my definition of GFE = DFK! without that the session is practically useless! Go figure! Different strokes, as they say!

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