New York

Re:A question on etiquitte
Kinkydad 41 Reviews 5281 reads
1 / 10

So I a provider a few weeks ago, and now I'd like to see her again.  I've left 2 messages on her cell phone over the past couple of days with no response.  

Should I take this as a message that she doesn't want to see me again?

Any experience with this stuff?  Kinda wierd, if this were a 'normal' thing I'd know how to handle it, but as this is a provider experience I'm a bit confused.


exlurker2003 127 Reviews 4190 reads
2 / 10

You can treat it as 'normal' thing.
IMHO, you can try to reach her again. Sometimes voice mails don't get through, sometimes the lady is traveling or taking off for a few days. You can always try to reach her via email if that's an available option too.
Sometimes, her not being in touch does not necessarily mean she doesn't care to see you again. I would keep trying!
Good luck!

SamanthaSummers See my TER Reviews 4504 reads
4 / 10

She may be on tour as someone previously said. Don't take her not responding as a sign she didnt enjoy you last time. While I personally think it's very important to answer e-mails and return phone calls, sometimes we might be at a family function and many of us lead quite "normal" discret lives.

I suggest e-mailing her and telling her your concerns, maybe she will realise that she over looked your vm and respond, also maybe leave one last message saying something like :

" I dont want to continue to leave vm's on you cell and will not call again after this, if by chance you are interested in seeing me again then please call me back by (such and such a time or date) if I dont hear from you I'll just assume your not interested in a repeat session with me"

At that point you've put your cards on the table and she will most likely call you back and if she doesn't then find someone that appreciated repeat clients and has better customer service skills.

Personally the only time I will not return a call is if I get a call for example thursday night at 10pm asking me to come to NYC that eve, alot of times I'm in bed by 10 pm (Hey I'm not a teenager I need my beauty sleep!) so the next morning when I listen to it, I just assume he was looking for only that night.
Not to mention I'm very cautious about calling men even on their cell phones and will not return a call that might sound like he just wanted to see me that eve and the eve has passed.

Best thing when leaving a cell message on a providers vm is to tell them it's ok to call me back whenever, or please only call back between such and such a time. ALSO its a good idea to repeat your number 2 times, sometimes It's hard to hear and if you cant understand the number you cant return the call!

Personally I much rather use e-mail and even confirm through e-mail and then when it comes a day or two before the appointment (I take bookings a month in advance alot of times) I'll send out a re-confirmation e-mail, if I do not hear back at that point I'll use the cell number during business hours only and leave a vm and ask for a return call. When I do call first words out of my mouth are "This is Samnatha Summers returning your call, did I get you at a bad time?" This way if there is someone in front of you, all you have to do is say yes and I'll just say no problem call me when your free,

Just my thoughts and experiences with bookings and phone etiquette.

Kinkydad 41 Reviews 3744 reads
5 / 10

Thanks...doubt she's touring, but I feel like a moron for even getting a tiny bit stressed by this.

joercny 17 Reviews 4571 reads
6 / 10

Once a lady was sick; another lady had a death in the family, another time a lady was moving to a new apartment.  Another time, a lady was plain rude.  Another time, she didn't call back because she couldn't see me, so what's the point? she said.  Ladies have outside lives so don't automatically assume it was your fault.  And other times, they're just bad business people.

energizer bunny 4393 reads
7 / 10

I would give her a few more days. Some of these girls have other jobs or SO's and they can not get back to us right away.
Be patient and I am sure that she will call you back.

LOVEDEFACTO 10 Reviews 4709 reads
8 / 10

One of the most important rules in business is to always return calls to your clients (be they current or potential). It has always amazed me no end how much this "rule" is ignored throughout the business world..

Kinkydad 41 Reviews 3613 reads
9 / 10

She called just now, and I'm seing her shortly...

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