New York

Re: Yippie I am one of the five. You just made my day. LOL (eom)
DAVBERTS 70 Reviews 2595 reads
1 / 23

about 300 to 1000 NY male hobbyists who spend their time on TER either reading provider reviews or writing comments on the NY DISCUSSION BOARD.

Nevertheless, I know for a fact that of those 300 to 1000 NY male hobbyists that only "5" of those male hobbyists are guilty of whining and moaning over comments made by yours truly.

Sure I can name names but they already know who they are as I know their actual handle names from reading 12 months of their nasty comments during 2009.

In the end of the day, there still just "5" grumpy hobbyists. Great news, I am still writing my comments so writing nasty comments really doesn't accomplish anything as I tap on the keyboard.

tiggyshine313743 29 Reviews 2108 reads
2 / 23

I've always felt the five do it so well that I don't need to chime in.  I'm sure i am not the only one.  Also, its better not to feed the troll.

anon90210 52 Reviews 2564 reads
3 / 23

It may very well be more then 5 hobbyists. Probably quite a few more then five. Let me ask you....Why should it be any?

I can also assure you there at least that many providers who can't stand your mindless drivel on their ads. It looks like one of them has already made her opinion known. I am sure she posted under alias to make sure that you don't further harass her.

If both hobbyists and providers are turning against you, why don't you focus on DAVBERTS and the reasons why.

27cigar 14 Reviews 2620 reads
4 / 23

....what is that all about????  You generally can get the value of what a poster has to say by reading a few. Don't like what you see, just move on. There are shills, there are windbags, there are loudmouths, there are people who are off their meds and then there are normal people.  DAVBERTS would be penny stock or junk bond status (like nil value).....stopped reading a long, long time ago. ;-)

TheTotalO 15 Reviews 2733 reads
5 / 23

Seriously though most guys don't care and that's why they don't comment on your inane drivel. But that doesn't mean your comments are any good, they are just being ignored.

Now you might not realize this but it is the ladies that are way more upset about your constant commenting than the guys. And their numbers are way higher than 5, trust me on that. One of them already very eloquently voiced her opinion above and I have heard the same sentiment from a bunch of ladies, locals and traveling. I have even been contacted by girls that only visit our city once in a blue moon asking me why you write all that "stupid stuff" (literally from a PM).  

So while you seem to be all hung up on us guys complaining about you, you might want to remember that it's really the girls that hate your commentsl.

Our Village Has an Idiot 2251 reads
6 / 23

The ones that don't hate you, laugh at your stupidity. You were always moderated & should be again.

cullster 1 Reviews 996 reads
7 / 23

its very hard to ignore when u post your crap in every thread   .

DAVBERTS 70 Reviews 5580 reads
8 / 23

a GUY more precise an EX-MODERATOR pretending to be a woman.

Real barrel of laughs WHUSSY which rhymes with his actual handle name.

DAVBERTS 70 Reviews 1300 reads
9 / 23

decided to use an ALIAS oh how not surprising...

I am still tapping on the keyboard.

spikenyc 110 Reviews 2735 reads
10 / 23

I second that!
Nothing but "peanut gallery" comments!

anon90210 52 Reviews 1842 reads
11 / 23

If you research the alias handle you will find only one other post, and it is not who you think it is.
You look dumber by the minute.

You have nerve to call anyone a wussy, when you are playing catch.

whiteknight10017 14 Reviews 2415 reads
13 / 23

I feel gay replying to a tranny chaser but your posts show that you should get a life.  If you want to spend this much time on the TER boards, do whatever makes you happy and more power to you.  However, it does detract from the board because your posts are rather pointless. I wish TER would implement an ignore button because you'd be on the list.

Jack Bauer 345 Reviews 1487 reads
14 / 23

BTW - she says it time for your meds DAVBERTS! :-X

Lover2Knight 19 Reviews 2671 reads
15 / 23

... you think I am one of the five. But your wrong. If I have something to say, I'll tell you straight. And you know I have. Listen, it might be time for you to heed other's advice.

What strikes me most is that a few of your posts are actually completely coherent and helpful, but others are totally off the wall.

I just keep asking myself why????

DAVBERTS 70 Reviews 2012 reads
16 / 23

Hey who made you the white knight for Whussy?

I guess Whussy wasn't able to defend against allegations so TBM was sent in to do the dirty work.

DAVBERTS 70 Reviews 1690 reads
17 / 23

Actually don't start celebrating as you are only in the fifth position as #1 position goes to Whussy the user of many aliases as seen on the NY boards.

DAVBERTS 70 Reviews 1824 reads
18 / 23

You are not even a New Yorker. Chicago boards are not exciting enough that you making comments here on the NY boards.

DAVBERTS 70 Reviews 2741 reads
19 / 23

Who said you were on my list? If I would be called a PROVIDER, I would be the provider of compliments and not of shilling comments.

Crazy Diamond 12 Reviews 1245 reads
20 / 23

We don't care if you post...all TER members have that privilege.  Just please restrain yourself when posting under ladies' ads.  Unless you know the lady, or are seriously planning to meet her, it is probably not welcomed.

DAVBERTS 70 Reviews 1580 reads
21 / 23

I have shown that only "5" TER male members are moaning about my comments on TER as described in the comments from 4 (which included 1 alias) of the "5".

Whatever happened to WHUSSY? I guess words are stronger and mightier than the blade of a sword.

ipeesittingdown 33 Reviews 3189 reads
22 / 23

IMHO, DAVBERTS appears to have shit for brains, I guess I have the right to tap that out; he doesn't have to read it, right?

27cigar 14 Reviews 2005 reads
23 / 23

.....maybe we should make it a homework assignment and give a prize to the best! ;-)

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