New York

Re: Thanks for your honesty goo....
Mr.Novatny 5485 reads
1 / 17

Just putting up a note to say thank you Jason and the Girls at Confidential for warming up a cold winter's night with a fantasmagorical evening of carnal delights; no doubt that Jason has probably the best private stock of beauty and grace in the business;  this Willy Wonka of Wine, Women and Song gave me the Golden ticket to his female factory of fantasy and made the ordinary world blurr by my eyes and it was soon replaced with a delightful dream of a quartet of beauties... I know I cannot review here, but I will post on the review area all the details...just wnated to say that Jason and NYCONFIDENTIAL are for real and may they reign supreme...

GetAClueLoser 3613 reads
2 / 17

I'm sick of your advertisements for this agency.  Great,  you got laid.  Whoo hoo.  

Lay off the ass kissing a lil bit will ya?  Jesus... It is enough to make me sick.  Is the NYConfi butt plug still in your ass?  

Seriously.  You sound like a freakin groupy.  Not a good look for any man.  

by the way... isn't Mr. Novatny the name of the character from a video game?  

All the best...

GooeyFacial 4896 reads
3 / 17

your shilling for that agency. Enough is Enough already!! This is not a flame and no ill will is meant. But as Archie Bunker used to say "hey Edith STIFLE"!!!!

Mr.Novatny 2328 reads
4 / 17

I didn't think I was shilling... I have had nothing but positive experiences at NYCONF... I am honest when I say that Jason brings a unique and professional approach that is refreshing; I enjoy his energy and his girls are reallyb great; I will still my "Shilling" if that is how it percieved; I have been a member of this board for almost 8 years; I always find it a great escape and good company and yes, the members are among the top professional in I will respect the decorum of the board from here on in... I have a review to write of my great evening but I will offer reviews of some of the other best kept secrets in the hobby...

GreatGig 3489 reads
5 / 17
no. 6 3621 reads
6 / 17

If I had won that contest I would be posting pretty profusely myself. That was an all-time great prize. On the other hand, tempting as they are, I don't enter N.Y. Confidential contests. The whole contest thing is a little indiscreet to me and I figure I am better off (and safer) paying for my fun in the long run. I haven't used N.Y.C. for that reason. Their presence on the board is too in-your-face and indiscreet - for me. Maybe they should have their own discussion board.

GooeyFacial 2557 reads
7 / 17

it is just that pages and pages of "singing the praises" of a particular agency gets old fast. Sometimes it gets overdone with other agencies as well. We have probably all gone overboard for our favorites at one time or another. But enough is enough.

mmax6969 25 Reviews 3023 reads
8 / 17

and in looking at your reviews---- how interesting and convenient that you are a regular...

DingleBerry 4018 reads
10 / 17

a kind word for your favorite girl, but to be a cheerleader ad infinitum,  ad fucking nauseum about an agency is pathetic. Thousand $ agencies need to get a reality check. If more guys revolted and stopped paying Shylock type rates the hobby would be better. As long as guys are willing to pay $20 a MINUTE we're ALL going downhill. Tsunamis created by our own brethren, I'm sad to report. Guys let's stop the SHILL TSUNAMI of these  self indulgent agencies!!!!  This is not a flame, but a REALITY!!   SAD, but true!!!

Westwriter 38 Reviews 3283 reads
12 / 17

I am shocked -- shocked! -- that Mr. Novatny had another wonderful experience with NY Confidential and had more praise for Jason. What a happy coincidence that he was the contest winner.

Emma Bond See my TER Reviews 2776 reads
13 / 17

The men of this board are to be congratulated for not trying to hunt you down and feed you to a Waring Blender. Now bugger off, you're boring me.

Showmethemoneyy 2588 reads
14 / 17

I think what others on the board are questioning here, MrNova, is not if you have had a good time or not, or Jasons service to you, what is being questioned is such a well-hyped bit of self promotion on behalf of NYCon's part is now the benefit and reward of a person (you) who has seven reviews, six of which belong to NY Confidential. I think the group is vocalizing their questioning of a regular/exclusive being the beneficiary of a page wasted on promoting this subject. We had to waste a page of participation just to see NYCon bestow upon you what they could have given you for your good patronage, without getting a bunch of people hopped up, and then dissapointeng them to the point of destruction and wasting one page.

In the annals of self-promotion, this one was a bust, and not the 36c type.


GooeyFacial 4552 reads
15 / 17
AAlexander 40 Reviews 4160 reads
17 / 17
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