New York

Re: Talk to him in private...
ElspethSin See my TER Reviews 594 reads

I did in fact talk to him in private and he did not respond to my request about what did not please him. I don't think it is fair that he can openly review things about me for everyone to see and I cannot openly discuss the review. I think the chance to openly defend myself about a poor review is what makes TER so special. Keep in mind he is capable of responding to this thread as well.

If he was not happy he should have not given me a thank you note and invite to be his date at the meet and greet.

I have had other providers step forward privately and say this particular person has done other things to upset them as well. This has made me feel less confused.

I recently saw a client who had canceled on me previously, but, I always give second chances. I was willing to host at a hotel that I had rented and not charge him any extra for the room. During the session, he seemed very pleased and prevented himself from popping off too soon during oral play. After this he had a hard time keeping it stiff with a cover on. I offered a female condom as it can help with these issues. He still could not get it stiff enough for the deed. I gave him a very slow and patient bbbj even though his time was up I stayed with the task and got him to CIM.  

Hours later he sent me a lovely thank you note and asked if we could go to the upcoming meet and greet together. He later gave me a poor review. I'm confused and hurt. Why would he lie to me and say it was amazing then write a review otherwise?  I always get amazing reviews and have never had a bad one before. Is his ego hurt because of his lack of performance in bed? Why am I supposed to be marked now as "not a once in a lifetime" provider? Is it best to ignore these situations? I would love the perspective from providers and clients.

Help a newbie out!

-- Modified on 6/29/2015 12:29:46 PM

Not at all! I don't want clients to lie to me about how great it was if it was indeed the opposite. I even received a very lovely email thanking me for a great time he had and inviting me to join him at the upcoming meet and greet. I'm searching for answers of the distinct hot and cold behavior. If he was not happy during the session I wish he did not lead me to believe so. If I did not feel we had an amazing time with an honest great connection I would not be upset.

LasVegan575 reads

joking........but just in in the world could she BULLY anyone into doing anything?

and work things out before you post on a public board. A breach of etiquette is not remedied by another breach; it simply makes things escalate.

Forget review scores. The bigger concern is that with this post your discretion may be called into question and perhaps you will be accused of manipulating reviews (and that affects how guys perceive those 10/10's you already have).  No one knows whether that is the case in fact.

I guess the only other observation I'll share is that you might consider the possibility that there are in fact TWO egos involved in this storyline

I did in fact talk to him in private and he did not respond to my request about what did not please him. I don't think it is fair that he can openly review things about me for everyone to see and I cannot openly discuss the review. I think the chance to openly defend myself about a poor review is what makes TER so special. Keep in mind he is capable of responding to this thread as well.

If he was not happy he should have not given me a thank you note and invite to be his date at the meet and greet.

I have had other providers step forward privately and say this particular person has done other things to upset them as well. This has made me feel less confused.

Master, you wisdom is a breath of fresh air, well said

The scoring can be ignored as it is so out of whack compred to all of your other reviews by established and respected hobbyist.

The narrative really seems to be more about him than you.  I'd chalk it up to chemistry.

The above would. Have been my unbiased observations if I was checking out your reviews with no prior awareness of your post.

His review will have little impact on your rep.

I'd forget about it.

200710005396 reads

You have disparaged his reputation multiple times in a single thread. First furious of his alleged duplicity (how dare he flatter me yet give an unflattering review) and then triumphant in back channelling terrible things from unnamed escorts.

This is Hobby Terrorism, plain/simple.  


He gave you a 7/7, which is actually a decent (though not stellar) score.  Literally, a 7/7 means he found you "attractive" and had a "hot time."  Nothing so terrible about that.
But these days giving anyone a score below a 9 is taken as an insult.  Some reviewers insist on being more rigorous in their scoring.  I do not but certainly won't slam those who do.  And, as others have pointed out, most of us will take a low score and throw it out or at least take it with a grain of salt if other credible reviewers have given higher scores.

I think your replies have stressed that your major q is not about the review itself but:

Posted By: ElspethSin
Why would he lie to me and say it was amazing then write a review otherwise?
that I will rephrase, trying to neutralize the "lie" portion, as: "Why would he say one thing to me face-to-face (or voice-to-voice) and then say something else when writing a review?"

'Cause that's psychology.  In many situations we try to avoid being confrontational or saying something that will escalate a problem.  ("No, mom.  It wasn't me.  I didn't break the lamp.")  Once there is a wall or internet of separation, a different story safely emerges.  (Well, of course I broke the lamp!)  

As I have said in other posts, I very rarely review these days.  One big problem is whether I am reviewing her or me!  I've met some great gals who try like the dickens and I love to see.  She might be capable of a 10 but what if I'm only good for a 7 (or a 6.  OK, a 5 but a good 5)?  Do I write a truthful review with an inflated score?  A truthful review with a score that reflects what really happened, even if it's my fault?  Whatever, writing reviews is a PITA anyway.

The low score may be a disappointment but don't let it ruin your day.  Of course, if we were lying next to each other, face-to-face, I might say something different

so many actors I know beause of you. Xo

LasVegan635 reads

fellow NYer who now lives in Las Vegas.........too many NY men will try to denigrate you for your post.  Don't pay any attention to them.

Your situation is not uncommon.  Am normally on one of the Las Vegas discussion boards and this happens all the time.

The price this guy will pay is........if you are wise......he will never get another appointment with you.  For one bad review, he now loses big time!

The impact of the less than fair review of you, zilch, only closed-minded hobbyists will give it any consideration........and those are the very men you will want to avoid.  This guy did you a can weed them out effortlessly.  Maybe because of ONE review.

As far as the good guys go.........they will look at all of your other reviews and see that in context........the review in question should be taken with a grain of salt.  It will have nothing to do with their decision to try and make an appointment with you.

Things sometimes have a way of working themselves this case.......that unfair, undeserved review may help you in more ways than one.

Ha Ha Ha I have never been called a bully or terrorist but TER hobbyists certainly have given me some new titles to work with.

horneyhotmess386 reads

It is a tough business to be in  and we have to have really tough skin - I wish you could review the guys  

Not everyone will give you a 10, or 9 and beauty is in the eye of the beholder  

they should get rid of the scoring system completely  

what's 10 to one guy is a 7 to the other guy and no he is not going to tell you  that he is not satisfied  he will smile in front of your face and tell you how beautiful you are and write the review and give you 7  

yes they will do that  

how about the one that give you a 6 for scores and mention in the review that they can not wait to see you again  

we will get 7, 8, 9 and some guys are harder reviewers than others so do not worry about i

A provider had 8/8 reviews on an average, I visited her and because of the Dingy sorroundings in her house i did not enjoy the session and so I have her 7/7  and mentioned about the Trash in the Review, she made my life miserable by texting me , then emailing me and also calling up TER , I did not want to spoil her reputation but this was a worst expereince for me. Finally I learned from TER that she has been delisted on TER  ofcourse not because of my reviewing but i dont know the other facts.

LasVegan390 reads

What goes around, comes around.  It is called karma and she probably deserved what she received.

Hobby..He has given a 7/7 before and perhaps it was just not a good chemistry match between the two of you. It happens and I have had 7/7 scores in the past but I do not let it bother me. I had a HOT time with your last reviewer but it may be that we had a lot in common and sparks were flying between us. Do not take it to heart and get upset over the review.  Also in my opinion...calling a "low scorer" out is not going to help you and may even hinder you. Chin up, look inward and move on....
If you are sincere and really show how much you enjoy your dates company - it will reward you with a really great time and memories!  

He is a really nice guy and I think that the situation could have been handled differently.

Justalurker361 reads

One rating is not a trend, and it may show that ratings are real.  I would look closely at what people are saying and decide if I fit into the chemistry camp of the stellar ratings or those of less than stellar. Especially important at those price points.

First off, you should never have expected a 10/10 from the dude in question, as his history shows he does not give out 10/10's to anyone.  His review seemed to be honest from his perspective, and given the number of white listings he has, he is fairly well regarded by some well-know ladies in the hobby.  But, I think his overall disappointment with the session has clouded his vision on the looks rating, presuming your pics are accurate, which I have no doubt they are.  

That being said, does he still want you to bring you to the upcoming M&G?  If he does, he likes you more than his review indicates, but has committed a faux pas given the current environment in regards to reviewing here on TER.  

Lastly, I would consider this review to be an outlier.  It will be noted and read, and be considered by most hobbyists on it's merits.  Personally, I would be much more interested (or not) in you based on our interaction at said upcoming M&G, assuming we have the chance to meet and talk

You do know a 7 is a great time, right? He gives pretty fair reviews and said it was his fault for certain things. I very much took it as an honest review.

Just a little perspective .... but I have had a few 7 reviews where he detailed me much like a 10 and has a history of giving far lower scores than I got. Most of my "lower" reviews are to die for on the details for any 10 gal, but I got a 7 or 8.  

You should never think a guy will give you a 10, even if he glows out of his ass and books with you again. You need to consider a 7 is actually pretty good.  

I know it is great to get 9's and 10's but he told you several times he enjoyed you and he is trying to book again. He likes you and you shouldn't let numbers get in the way. If anything, most guys with a brain will see the other reviews and go off of that. But do you see he didn't post bad about you at all? You need to see that and just take it at face value. Not trying to knock you but you can't expect 10's especially when it looks like he is just being honest.  

I don't know the history and if he flaked on you, I'd be mad too that he didn't consider all the trouble you say you went through.  

Don't be like the phonies who demand tens and make their own fake reviews up. They may make some money in the short term.... but in the long term they get exposed. I take great pride in just being flat out honest and never pressuring anyone to do a review of me. I am not saying you are phony, but it seems like you are pissed he didn't give you a ten. As long as he is honest, leave him alone.  

Posted By: Crazy Diamond
First off, you should never have expected a 10/10 from the dude in question, as his history shows he does not give out 10/10's to anyone.  His review seemed to be honest from his perspective, and given the number of white listings he has, he is fairly well regarded by some well-know ladies in the hobby.  But, I think his overall disappointment with the session has clouded his vision on the looks rating, presuming your pics are accurate, which I have no doubt they are.    
 That being said, does he still want you to bring you to the upcoming M&G?  If he does, he likes you more than his review indicates, but has committed a faux pas given the current environment in regards to reviewing here on TER.  
 Lastly, I would consider this review to be an outlier.  It will be noted and read, and be considered by most hobbyists on it's merits.  Personally, I would be much more interested (or not) in you based on our interaction at said upcoming M&G, assuming we have the chance to meet and talk.  

If I were the board moderator, I would move your post to be directly under hers.

If by any chance you are also going to be at the upcoming M&G, I'd enjoy conversing with you

I was agreeing with you and then added stuff for the OP. Wasn't trying to be mean to her either. It just gets old when either guys don't review fairly or the gal demands 10's. I do not know the case and can only go off what I read on his review. If she did put up with BS from him, I'd be upset at that review too. She would have been understanding and nice and got a slap in the face, so to speak.  

I don't see myself coming to NYC anytime in the next few years, but thanks for the compliment. Come farther East lol.

Posted By: Crazy Diamond
If I were the board moderator, I would move your post to be directly under hers.  
 If by any chance you are also going to be at the upcoming M&G, I'd enjoy conversing with you.  

I stopped writing reviews years ago.  And you know what?  I find it makes for a better session.  I don’t have to worry about taking mental notes.  Did we turn to the left or the right?  Providers have told me they are happy they don’t have to be concerned about a review so they relax.  She doesn’t have to worry that if she queefs it will be written about.  I find that the absence of reviews works for me because it creates a more intimate session, where it is just the two (or three) of us and not just the two (or three of us) with a potential worldwide audience reading about every detail.  Plus numbers are funny.  Like this poor girl getting caught up with the very subjective 7 or 10.  I have had guys with dozens or hundreds of reviews on this board confront me as if the number of their reviews is a sign of their prowess versus my puny total of 6.  They make me laugh. A lot. Relax and have fun people.  Life is too short.

I guess you don't check out a ladies review history [ provided by others who do not share your view on info sharing] before booking ?

Or are you just saying going to the effort of contributing to a review board is beneath  you?
More of a consumer than contributor to the community.

TER seems to be doing just fine in the years since I stopped writing reviews. Besides, I contribute my monthly fee.  Why do you care so much about what I do or don't do?  To each his own.  Life is too short to worry.

TER isn't a "community." It's a business. The owners run it because they want to turn a profit. They may or may not believe in some higher cause of making this subculture a safer place (don't we all dream of making a living from what we also believe in or enjoy?), but that's only an aside; if the money wasn't there, they wouldn't be either. And, like any online business structure, they provide certain features for free for anyone to use, without obligation to buy. A portion of those who do buy (such as the poster you're attacking, Garvin_Fred101) are the very target audience TER has hoped to capture and convert into a paying customer.

Further, TER doesn't offer free VIP for reviews as a "community service." They do so because it boosts the volume of their database, and by making that subscription purchase all the more attractive to potential buyers, they boost their conversion rates and profit.

TER offers these various levels of engagement for the point of making conversions/profit, and how anyone chooses to engage with this service is entirely up to them. If Garvin_Fred101 is engaging on a financial level then he is already supporting any "community" you envision on this site by allowing the company of TER to sustain itself. There simply is no higher level of support.

But many of the participants have formed a sense of a cyber community. Some of us have exchanged courtesies , banter and valuable information for years. Most of us will never meet in person but we do develop a level of respect and trust.  

I happen to pay for my membership and have done so since 2002. I also submit reviews.
The point is , if no one contributed reviews to this business know as TER , no one would be paying for memberships . TER as a review board would not exist.

I understand and accept that their are individuals who fear the exposure that might come with submitting reviews. I even get it when it comes to those who simply don't wish to commit the time of doing reviews. I'm OK with those who are just uncomfortable with sharing intimate details about an encounter .

My prob is with those who for one reason or another ( however valid that reason might be ) proudly proclaim their justification for not submitting reviews and then rather than acknowledged appreciation for those who do manage to do the reviews they rely on , choose to in some way employ flippant language or ridicule  toward the contributors.

I think I've exhausted my interest in this discussion.

-- Modified on 6/30/2015 3:20:38 PM

"... choose to in some way employ flippant language or ridicule  toward the contributors."

Wow.  You are way off base if you are speaking of me.  Not sure why you are so stressed out by my comments and Eve's wonderful comments.  Again, as I said earlier, why think about me?  Have fun and enjoy life.

Who gave a provider higher marks then she deserved cause he WAS AFRAID she BL him and then he went to the other forum to whine about it..

He stopped posting here after I called his sorry ass out.

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