New York

Re: So your 5 reviews, the last of which was 7 years ago...
cspatz 67 Reviews 409 reads

I see it differently. You are trying to throw your weight around. Your post boils down to, and I quote, "What gives you "cred" here are reviews -- pure and simple". You have 5 reviews and they are very old. No cred there.

Just skimming the recent posts immediately preceding this one, it looks like about 8 of the last 10 are from guys either without any review history or using aliases.  As someone who's been around this board for about 10 years, I'm telling you in a friendly, respectful but firm manner that IMHO that's out of order.

Simply put, while you may have P411 or other verification service credentials, no-one reading this board can know or see that.  What gives you "cred" here are reviews -- pure and simple.  Without them, no-one, hobbyist or provider, can be know for certain that you're a legit hobbyist and not a danger of any sort.  After all, we can only see this board, not your profile somewhere else so reviews are the coin of this realm.  

So if you're new here -- my suggestions are: 1) Get VIP access so you can search reviews and see the complete content, 2) Use the search functions to find ladies that interest you -- if I can learn to search reviews, anyone can and 3) when you find a lady that attracts you, contact her, arrange to meet and then review her fairly and honestly.  Do that a few times and before you know it you'll be a credible, respected member here.    

Let me add a brief word to the above -- for anyone new who's wondering, "Does this site really work the way it says?"  The answer is "Yes" but only if you take the initiative and dive in.  I hope what I've said here will guide you in how to do that -- again, I don't think it's that difficult.

Anyone with any questions is welcome to PM me any time.

... qualifies you as the board police and Ann Landers. Give me a break.

If you disagree and can offer some reasons why, I'm interested in seeing them.  I'm trying to make a constructive comment and suggestion that would make this board safer and a better information source.  I don't see why you have to respond with insults and name calling.  

Posted By: cspatz
... qualifies you as the board police and Ann Landers. Give me a break.

I see it differently. You are trying to throw your weight around. Your post boils down to, and I quote, "What gives you "cred" here are reviews -- pure and simple". You have 5 reviews and they are very old. No cred there.

How am I trying to throw my weight around?  Do you disagree that someone with reviews has more credibility than someone without any?  And are you saying that you're willing to give confidential information to someone whom you can't be sure is who they say they are?  If you know some way to verify that someone without reviews is indeed bona fide, I'd like to know what it is and I'll stand corrected.  But once again, it'd be nice if you'd make a constructive contribution rather than just attacking me.

And I agree that you've got a well established track record here, so it seems like we ought to be on same page, ie both with an interest in making this board informative and secure.  If you have some suggestions on how to do that, I'm sure we'd all welcome them.  

Posted By: cspatz
I see it differently. You are trying to throw your weight around. Your post boils down to, and I quote, "What gives you "cred" here are reviews -- pure and simple". You have 5 reviews and they are very old. No cred there.

This is how you are trying to throw your weight around..... "As someone who's been around this board for about 10 years, I'm telling you in a friendly, respectful but firm manner that IMHO that's out of order." Just because you go out of your way to say you are friendly and respectful does not mean you are not throwing your weight around. You "firmly" state these people are out of order and then proceed to straighten them out. That is called throwing your weight around.

Look, I pretty much agree with your points. I just find it hilarious that you think you have cred due to 5 very old reviews. And if you think this constitutes an attack then you clearly don't spend much time on this board.

you should not be allowed to post it, because you don't have enough recent reviews

so I will ignore you

MakingMeGrow403 reads

While I appreciate your notion, I think it really depends on the post at hand. If you are requesting specific information, ISO or certain specific recommendations I agree. If you are responding to a post or posting a question not specific to anyone, I don't see the problem. There are many people replying with aliases for their own reasons. I am responding under an alias and have been here on TER for 15 years and have close to 100 reviews. I think I have credibility and can add under the guidelines I noted. Whether you choose to read it is your choice.  Thanks.

You understand my point well, and your comments are reasonable, thanks.  

Posted By: MakingMeGrow
While I appreciate your notion, I think it really depends on the post at hand. If you are requesting specific information, ISO or certain specific recommendations I agree. If you are responding to a post or posting a question not specific to anyone, I don't see the problem. There are many people replying with aliases for their own reasons. I am responding under an alias and have been here on TER for 15 years and have close to 100 reviews. I think I have credibility and can add under the guidelines I noted. Whether you choose to read it is your choice.  Thanks.

in_vino_veritas409 reads

I get your general point about trying to encourage others to respond to one's question by participating in the forum via posting reviews. There are however a number of specific points you make which are questionable. The first is the issue of credibility and how one attains it. You seem to suggest that one review creates instant credibility. However, some folks here have expressed the view that a legitimate reviewer is someone who has 20-30 reviews. By that measure, they would not consider you a legitimate reviewer and, by your logic, might not feel comfortable responding to questions you post. Also, is credibility earned once and forever, or does one have to work to maintain it? Is someone who posted one review 10yrs ago, or 5 reviews, that last of which is 7yrs old, still legitimate today? For all we know, a hacker could have accessed the account of a retired hobbyist. So, I would suggest that legitimacy, or "bona fides" to use your words, are not as simple as you make it seem. Besides, if you don't think there are more than a few fakes reviews (good and bad) around here, I have a bridge to sell you. If you're just going by review count, how much credibility should a writer of fake reviews be given.
The second point I would take exception with is the notion that posting under an alias automatically creates suspicion. As one of the user of aliases you presumably refer to in your post, I have my own reasons for posting that way instead of using my regular board name, just like you have your own reasons for not having written a review in 7yrs. Using an alias doesn't necessarily imply any sinister motive on my part, anymore than you not writing a review in 7yrs makes you less "bona fide". Let's face it, whether you use an alias or not, we're all anonymous to most people here, with the exception of the more popular providers. Hint, when I use an alias, you're not the one I'm hiding from; you don't know who I am anyway.
The last point I take exception with in your post is the notion that bona fide posters responding to the questions of other bona fide posters makes the board more "secure", which I take to mean that sensitive information is kept away from unreliable agents. If you're concerned about posting a reply that could expose say a provider or agency to LE, does it matter whether the original poster is using an alias or has 500 reviews and using his own name? If you post, all the folks without "bona fides" can still see your reply. So, the only real way to keep such sensitive information secure would be for bona fide posters to communicate sensitive information only to each other via PM. So, technically, the only way to keep the board "secure", is to keep all sensitive information off the board.
Rather than separate the world into a  good and bad halves, I would suggest you should use your good judgment when deciding to post a question or reply to one. If you chose to respond only to posters who have x number of reviews, it's your prerogative but keep in mind that answering a post is not a personal favor to the OP, it could be information that benefits the entire community.

This site is for entertainment purposes only...  what security?  Everything I post is fantasy...  right?  Take EVERYTHING with a grain of salt and act on info here at your own risk.  That being said YOLO and YMMV and TOFTT.  Then post about it.

Its all fantasy...


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