New York

Re: Hi
Aaliyahp123 See my TER Reviews 47 reads

Thank you for the feedback, I truly appreciate it!

One client that I meet with our personalities didn't click ( which is understandable not everyone gets along) and he wrote a very bad review. I want to know how I go about getting that review removed because this site is one of the very few that I use and got a majority of my clients from here.

Ok so I don't think you can remove it even though you feel it's very bad . The truth is on both accounts the session happened and he is entitled to review his experience.
I am assuming I found the correct Aaliyah , the review isn't  terrible . Although I get the numbers are not what you're aiming for he's not a super high scorer . For example he states clearly that you are beautiful, and you are . He states you look better than your pictures, not a terrible thing to say honestly . Looking at his other reviews a girl who he has now called his all time favorite  and beautiful he gave an 8/8 respectively. That's the absolute best he has ever had in the hobby his favorite of all time gets 8 so what is he going to give on someone where maybe the chemistry wasn't there ? The answer is less than an 8 . I agree that reviews are important and help us to get bookings but even a bad review can have value for a new girl . For example we can look at anything someone may say and learn from it and going forward make it better .  
Also I noticed your reviews are not linked to your name . You can request that if you like so it appears and is easily viewable with your posts .  
Some reviews will be great some will be less than we hoped for . What you can do is consciously try and be the best god damned experience that they can possibly have going forward , think 💭 what can I do to make this guy recall me at 80 that's your goal make then happier than any girl before you . How? Pay very close attention to them ,Their reactions and make the session about them . Even if you are doing this for the money make it about them entirely, I repeat entirely. You will do ok , you're very pretty assuming the pics are you and like he said you look better than your pics so you should do fine , just be wonderful to them . Don't just try and get them off . Anyone can do that , be memorable . Good luck . Be well , Pollie

Thank you for the feedback, I truly appreciate it!

Pollie pretty much gave you some very sound advice. As much as you would like to remove the review I don't see that happening as it did occur. Consider Pollie knows what she is talking about just by her review history.
  Hang in there Aaliyah you are not going to please everyone and use this as a learning tool.

The numbers may seem disappointing to you but the review isn't as bad as you seem to think. A couple of things that I wonder about:
Is there anything FALSE in the review?  There is bad and there is false: "He complained about my tattoos but I don't have any tattoos!" I don't see any of that, but I wasn't there.
He says that the pics are not you (but that you are better than the pics!). Your Profile says "Photos accurate". Are the pics really you or just a good representation? (Something important to me and others.)
He complained about odor because you had to travel to get to him (probably on a hot, sweaty day?). By all means, you are entitled to explain that you'd like to take a quick shower and freshen up for a client. Most guys will take it as part of the hour and appreciate it; others might wince and complain 'OK, but the hour doesn't start until AFTER the shower' and crap like that. Just make it a quick shower ("Would you like to dry me off?") and not a 30 minute spa session OR even suggest that he join you in the shower. (Some guys will expect anything from playfulness to intimacy to BJ preview in the shower. Watch out for, "We took a shower together but I might as well have been in there alone." disappointments.)
He complained about stubble. Make a note. Depending on how you arrange your schedule (short notice vs advance scheduling), that's something to improve upon for the next time.
He mentioned that you arrived an hour late, not a problem for him this time, but that could be a problem for others wanting to meet you. We all don't have the same flexibility as that guy.  "An hour late" can affect the client's mood, his need to rush to get to his other commitments on time, etc. and that can affect a session and the review. "Felt rushed." Not because she was rushing but because she was later and HE was rushing!
I, myself, look for certain things about services. Because neither your Profile nor your reviews make some things clear ("Don't know"), I would wait for something more definitive before contacting you. I don't want to be explicit so you'll have to read C between I the letters M to know what I'm wondering about. If you want to change anything in your Profile to clear up any misconceptions, you can "Contact Us" TER admin or file a "Problem Report" on your own Profile and ask TER to make the changes.  
This might be a complete fantasy, and if solo guy complains about being contacted, you can blame it on "some idiot on TER suggested it" but maybe you can offer to meet solo again and show him that you have learned a few things from his comments and would like him to write a new review (but he has to wait 90 days: sometime in December) showing how much better things can be. Not a freebie (maybe -$50?), just asking for another chance.  (Did YOU have a good time? Do YOU want to see him again? Would YOUR review of him say, "He smelled like dirty socks, 3-day beard made kissing scratchy and uncomfortable, ... Would not repeat.")
Good luck! A bunch of high scores will totally obliterate that one low score down the road.

You can only do that if you can prove to TER that the session never happened or that there are substantial things in the review that are incorrect.  But from your post you have just proven the session DID take place. So, no, you will not be able to get the review removed.
That said, as Pollie and imp have pointed out, the review isn't that terrible and a girl can easily survive a bad review now and then.  What you should focus on now is generating some rave reviews that will let guys ignore this bad one as an outlier.

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