New York

Re: Heavy Research on BP and TER- Real Conclusions Here
JulianAssange 333 reads

The name Lovely Lorena is hardly generic. Not a MONGER alive who doesn't know who she is. I would hate to be you if she knew you even used the word generic in reference to her.  

I would hardly refer to any of the others Ive seen as generic or BP but they have all used it which all MONGERS also know.  

Posted By: MRSWEET
 A lot of eyebrows are being raised over this post. The real question is who is really lying and being fraudulent and what is the truth.    
 It looks like this is a debate of high caliber ladies that are well established versus the newer girls that are trying to defend their points. All of you ladies have valid points except a few things I found online you can see below.    
 Julian- You are coming across as a rude hobbyist. Your posts read that you mainly stick to backpage girls, and your posts look like you just have a disgust for high end providers in general. Maybe because the truth is you don't have the means of experiencing them. You also have no history under your profile, which does in fact make you look like you have come out of nowhere. Also when the provider asked you to name ladies, your reply was generic and listing a generic first name doesn't give you much ground to stand on in making your point. You just come across a bit rude and harsh.    
 Brittany- I can see why you felt the need to make this post. Upon viewing both sites, there are obvious similarities within these 2 sites. I also saw from your Twitter posts that you have been around since maybe 2014 or before. If you compare the similarities of the outlined paragraphs and dialogue of the sites. For example, the intro page starts off with similar wording, then the body paragraphs have similar outlines to yours, and the closing paragraph is similar. She also did use very specific words in the same manner as you did.  Also the website theme is identical to yours. You have credibility here in this case. Your claims that she changed it is making your statement harder to back up. I don't see you as a bully, that word seems a bit harsh, but because of this website changing debacle, it makes it easy to dispute your statement.    
 Aisha- Whoever you are, good luck in this industry, but maybe be more mindful of trying to set yourself apart without it being eerily similar to other established ladies in the industry  
 Melissa- I admire you having such a big voice and can see you care about the girls you associate with in this industry.  Your twitter is a testament to that. Maybe be mindful of your temper when making your point so the meaning behind your words are absorbed better. That spitfire attitude is sexy to be honest, and I've had you on my radar for a while, but on the boards, it'll set you up for the backlash that I see coming from a few others.    
 Natalia- I see you are trying to defend yourself from what a provider said to you. After seeing the facts, it comes across as it was the manner in which you handled the situation that upset the other lady. If she claimed it was brought to her attention over you using a tagline, it looks like she was trying to make you aware and maybe she really didn't appreciate it, but it seems as though she was able to acknowledge she knows it is a word she does not have entitlement to and that anyone can use. You writing a novel over it makes it look slightly dramatic.    
 Zak- Your idea is genius and I think it is a great solution. Way to keep the peace    
 Now onto the facts I have come across from some buzzing behind this other new provider and subtle hints of the backpage references and bait and switch debate. I have stumbled upon a link that I'm having a hard time posting due to TER posting guidelines but it is almost discrediting for the new lady or ladies in this business . Is BP's Erin Bradford the new Natalia? If so, it's time for someone to acknowledge that this is an obvious bait and switch in itself. If- and  am saying if here, no need to get upset about this- you are cheating clients into paying a higher rate, why not just increase your rate under the same name as others do? There are obvious similarities from the BP ad of Erin Bradford and Natalia. The only difference I can see is maybe a breast job that may have recently occurred. I like the ebony ladies, especially a classy ebony companion. Natalia is someone I wanted to see, but not if this is the case. Has anyone who has met Erin, met with Natalia?

I want to give everyone notice that New York City provider Aisha Ibrahima has copied my website and content. I just want to make sure there isn't any confusion, or that anyone isn't wrapped up into any bait and switch.  

Please note her website is

I would never mistake the two for a bait and switch. Hers is much better written.

I've been following this on twitter since it began.  I've never seen either of you, have no side to be on and are completely objective.  

I've looked at both websites and I honestly cannot see where the plagiarism or imitation is.  I'm even more baffled by the idea of impersonation or bait and switch.

Brittany, can you please point out exactly where the content on her site is copying yours?  I've seen claims of Aisha taking info from your site word for word.  I can't find it though.

I'm not concerned of who has heard of me or not, since I spend most of my time working overseas. Aisha changed her content and deleted her Twitter account after it was made public. That's all I have to say on this matter. I just wanted to make this known, as I do not know what her intentions were in her actions.  Thank you for taking the time to read my posts. Wishing everyone a wonderful week and stay safe everyone!!!

Not questioning who has heard of either of you just stating my objectivity.

Since I didn't see either of your sites prior to your tweet on July 17th I can't comment on what was or wasn't changed.  Based on the screenshot you tweeted of both sites though I don't see anything similar in that picture.  Furthermore the site Aisha has up now doesn't appear to have changed compared to that screenshot.  Her twitter account is still active btw.

Posted By: brittanybenz
I'm not concerned of who has heard of me or not, since I spend most of my time working overseas. Aisha changed her content and deleted her Twitter account after it was made public. That's all I have to say on this matter. I just wanted to make this known, as I do not know what her intentions were in her actions.  Thank you for taking the time to read my posts. Wishing everyone a wonderful week and stay safe everyone!!!

but I am thoroughly confused. I saw this drama on twitter and avoided it and then it's brought over here?! The screenshots you posted don't show any proof of what you're saying either so I don't get it at all. What exactly is/was your complaint? Like tangible point by point, she did this: (insert example).

This sounds like there's something else at hand. She also did not delete her twitter. It's still there, you all probably blocked each other though.

And I literally know neither of you nor the ladies you associate with, so these are opinions of someone with no loyalty to any ladies. I'd just really like to understand what it is you are warning people about..

The original poster, Brittany, is a first class provider and person.  I can totally vouch for her character and motives here.  I have seen her several times and come to know her very well.  She is completely legitimate and just looking to protect a well earned good reputation.

That's cool.  However, for those of us who haven't met either of these ladies, need more than just the accusations from one side to be able to form an opinion.  Like Norah said some actual, visual proof would be helpful.

Why bother posting a link to Aisha's website as it stands today if it has changed?  It's irrelevant to the claims of being copied and being used for bait and switch at this point.

Kinda want to leave this alone too.  But this is a public board after all and an important subject.

Posted By: brevjab
The original poster, Brittany, is a first class provider and person.  I can totally vouch for her character and motives here.  I have seen her several times and come to know her very well.  She is completely legitimate and just looking to protect a well earned good reputation.  

I had to chime in here as I just had the pleasure of meeting this lovely Lady and am not going to let people slam her relevance. I pride myself on being a top rated ethnic provider and a few ladies, and specifically someone who has had a backpage girl who now goes by a different name copy some of my stuff too! She is a very grounded and successful individual who has very wealthy clients and simply doesn't immerse herself all over TER and review boards because her rate is too high to cater to most hobbyists. DON'T KNOCK THIS GIRL JUST BECAUSE YOU DONT KNOW HER!  She is very upscale and chooses to only associate with TOP TIER LADIES!!!  

Also see my tweet! We met today and I will be adding her to my DUOS PAGE!!!

She doesn't need to provide anything more than she already has! If you "don't care so much" then why are you questioning it? Just keep it moving then! !!!

Your one to talk. Your ad contents main wording reads nearly exactly like a woman's who only retired around the time you started. Nearly everything you have written screams of her web ads. Concupiscent. Salacious. Erotic connoisseur. Lascivious. libidinous and carnal temptation were all things she had been well known for. I read yours and it screams hers. So pardon me if I don't take your endorsement too seriously.

It seems quite suspicious that you're coming in guns blazing for this unknown provider..UNLESS YOU ARE IN FACT HER POSTING UNDER AN ALIAS USERNAME...which seems more correct. I WELCOME you to specifically name this provider you are claiming I copied. Lol...I spent 2 weeks writing the content for my website. So if you can state proof of the BS you are claiming..PLEASE DO SO! I AM ASKING YOU TO! Also I see you have ZERO REVIEW HISTORY YOURSELF....can you please name any ladies you have even met with?!?!? Because right now, I'm calling BS on your statements altogether. Also everything you are saying about me. But go ahead...since you seem to have some "facts." I'm sure next you will come up with something like "that girl is long gone and you can't prove it" haha. If you ARE in fact a guy/hobbyist, then how about you book an appointment with Aisha and write a legit review for this lady. Put your money where your mouth is!!  

Posted By: JulianAssange
Your one to talk. Your ad contents main wording reads nearly exactly like a woman's who only retired around the time you started. Nearly everything you have written screams of her web ads. Concupiscent. Salacious. Erotic connoisseur. Lascivious. libidinous and carnal temptation were all things she had been well known for. I read yours and it screams hers. So pardon me if I don't take your endorsement too seriously.

Once TER changed hands, just like everyone else who had a shit ton of reviews, we were getting banned from joining another site, I changed handles.
The lady is long gone and after doing a search of both ads and boards it seems TER has removed all of her content. So it seems her name cannot even be mentioned. Did a search on BP to see if any of her ads were still up but no luck.  

I only mentioned it because of your jumping on this thread defending someone who is claiming her ad content was stolen when it would appear you have borrowed someone elses as well

This is EXACTLY what I just said would happen. Thank you for proving my point. You shouldn't point fingers and make false statements about me and/or my friends. It doesn't make you look good either. As my friend said on twitter, facts are facts. If you don't have any proof then don't just throw out BS without something valid to back it up dear. I honestly don't believe you are a hobbyist, I could be wrong, but that's what my "spidey sense" is telling me. As far as bullying, most top tier ladies won't show support for someone who is a bully or a fraud. It shows that someone is a good person and simply defending themselves, and they have every right to do so. Regardless of what you think, we, as providers, are individual small businesses. It's not right to copy someone and profit from it. I stand up and argue for these ladies who have fallen victim to these BP mentality girls  that don't really know what they're doing, and resort to copying. There is a lot of shady stuff in this business with inflated reviews and girls stealing photos and content.  IT'S NOT RIGHT. I don't appreciate you attacking my integrity and trying to label me as a CLEARLY I AM NOT.  

Posted By: JulianAssange
Once TER changed hands, just like everyone else who had a shit ton of reviews, we were getting banned from joining another site, I changed handles.  
 The lady is long gone and after doing a search of both ads and boards it seems TER has removed all of her content. So it seems her name cannot even be mentioned. Did a search on BP to see if any of her ads were still up but no luck.  
 I only mentioned it because of your jumping on this thread defending someone who is claiming her ad content was stolen when it would appear you have borrowed someone elses as well.  

Didn't prove shit. Dont know why her listings were removed but none are showing in a search back to 99999999 days.  

Ladies I see are top tier except for lovely lorena none are listed here. Content shouldnt be copied. Nor should bullying be allowed.  

If the content of Aishas site was changed why would Brittany still bring it up except to shred a new girls reputation?  

Why is she not able to show proof of her claims?  Proof she does show makes her look a little deranged, if not deranged vindictive. Why else if the problem was solved would she continue to throw her under the bus? Frankly those are questions you should be asking yourself if you do business with her.

Since Aisha's site has been up for only a little over a month, it was created on June 1st of this year screenshots from the way back machine aren't available but there are other ways to see if the content has been changed and they show that she has not changed her content since the inception of her site.  

Went over to twitter and looked at the screenshot that you put up and the screenshot shows no proof of similar content either. Which makes me question why you would even screenshot something that doesn't support your claim, except for the fact that you said it was proof. None of her ads on any site even read similar to yours either.

This has led me to several conclusions.

One is that your a bully and trying to eliminate what you perceive as competition from a new girl to the scene who appears to have a much higher level of education and you dragged your band of merry women in to it to help get rid of her.  

Two that there is something really wrong in your head if you actually think the content is similar much less as you stated 100% copied.

 And if what you are saying is even remotely true, that she changed her content since it was made public I have to question then why are you even still attacking her, which leads me back to both one and two, but more so two which makes you a scary provider and one I wouldn't trust seeing. Especially in light that you only have one review. Are reviewers too afraid of you to review because your not quite right?

Thats the only conclusions I can come to. So I thank you for the heads up. I will make sure that I will never see you or any of the women that jumped on your band wagon of internet bullies.  




Posted By: brittanybenz
I want to give everyone notice that New York City provider Aisha Ibrahima has copied my website and content. I just want to make sure there isn't any confusion, or that anyone isn't wrapped up into any bait and switch.  
 Please note her website is  


I'm sorry this happened to you. But I can vouch for you! Love u babe! Xoxo

I have met Brittany in New York and we hanged out a few times in the City. She is beautiful and classy and lot of fun to hang out and we are great friends. I love her!

Posted By: brittanybenz
I want to give everyone notice that New York City provider Aisha Ibrahima has copied my website and content. I just want to make sure there isn't any confusion, or that anyone isn't wrapped up into any bait and switch.  
 Please note her website is  

For those of you who follow my whereabouts, last month I've published a Tumblr blog named "ConcupiscentNatalia". Only two days later, I received a message from a renowned NY provider on Twitter accusing me of copying the word "Concupiscent". Here were her exact words:  
" Hi Natalia. I hope this message finds you well. I'm very flattered you like my use of the word concupiscent, however it's also a unique word. Would you mind using a different adjective as your title? It simply looks as a copy and a few people have reached out to me about it. Please let me know if you'd like me to help you with any writing as well. I'm happy to assist and I look forward to your reply! :)"

So to sum up my response to her accusation:  
1) I told her that I did not copy the word from her, and that I was sorry she felt that way, because I've been a victim of plagiarism and would never subject any provider to it.
2) I explained to her in details how I came across the word while I was seeking ideas for my new blog title, which was by simply googling "Erotic words in latin", coming across the Nerve article titled "23 Obscure Dirty Words to Broaden Your Erotic Vocabulary" (linked below). And voila! The chosen word was featured in the post, I liked it, and decided to use it for my blog.

To defend myself and address the accusation, since she claimed that "a few people have reached out to her about it", I decided to tweet publicly:  
"Coming across an obscure word coincidently used by another provider, does not make me a plagiarist."  

Unfortunately, the person who accused wasn't fond of me defending myself publicly despite not mentioning her name directly. She wanted it to stay private (something I'd have done if she was the only one accusing me, as an individual), however she claimed that "a few people have reached out to her about it" which makes it a group accusation. So to my defense I am entitled to address this group, and the public tweet was my only way to do it, especially since they were anonymous.  

She then addresses me in private, and here were her exact words:
"I can see your POV and hopefully my last tweet to you was a peace offering. It's seriously just a word and I really wasn't upset about it. It's just the clients and a few ladies messaging me saying you copied. It's just a word and technically I didn't make it up, just the first to use it in this hobby. Everything is all good."

So after this seemingly peaceful agreement, it was to my great surprise that in the midst of Brittany's Copycat-Gate the person still accused me to have copied the word from her, by referring to me as "Aisha's friend, the one who's also a copycat".

So if you're wondering what my story has to do with Brittany's Copycat-Gate, or why I copied and pasted elements of a private conversation:
There is now a group of providers targeting other providers by making up lies about them being copycats despite not being able to provide any kind of solid evidence. That is pure bullying. I make it my responsibility to be as transparent as possible and expose any kind of unfair behavior directed at unsuspecting providers

"It's just a word and technically I didn't make it up, just the first to use it in this hobby."  

Wow.  Thanks for sharing Natalia.

I searched the word "Concupiscent" in the NYC Ad Board.  Would you believe several people have used it as far back as 2012!?  The nerve!! LOL


Posted By: NataliaNova
For those of you who follow my whereabouts, last month I've published a Tumblr blog named "ConcupiscentNatalia". Only two days later, I received a message from a renowned NY provider on Twitter accusing me of copying the word "Concupiscent". Here were her exact words:  
 " Hi Natalia. I hope this message finds you well. I'm very flattered you like my use of the word concupiscent, however it's also a unique word. Would you mind using a different adjective as your title? It simply looks as a copy and a few people have reached out to me about it. Please let me know if you'd like me to help you with any writing as well. I'm happy to assist and I look forward to your reply! :)"  
 So to sum up my response to her accusation:  
 1) I told her that I did not copy the word from her, and that I was sorry she felt that way, because I've been a victim of plagiarism and would never subject any provider to it.  
 2) I explained to her in details how I came across the word while I was seeking ideas for my new blog title, which was by simply googling "Erotic words in latin", coming across the Nerve article titled "23 Obscure Dirty Words to Broaden Your Erotic Vocabulary" (linked below). And voila! The chosen word was featured in the post, I liked it, and decided to use it for my blog.  
 To defend myself and address the accusation, since she claimed that "a few people have reached out to her about it", I decided to tweet publicly:  
 "Coming across an obscure word coincidently used by another provider, does not make me a plagiarist."  
 Unfortunately, the person who accused wasn't fond of me defending myself publicly despite not mentioning her name directly. She wanted it to stay private (something I'd have done if she was the only one accusing me, as an individual), however she claimed that "a few people have reached out to her about it" which makes it a group accusation. So to my defense I am entitled to address this group, and the public tweet was my only way to do it, especially since they were anonymous.  
 She then addresses me in private, and here were her exact words:  
 "I can see your POV and hopefully my last tweet to you was a peace offering. It's seriously just a word and I really wasn't upset about it. It's just the clients and a few ladies messaging me saying you copied. It's just a word and technically I didn't make it up, just the first to use it in this hobby. Everything is all good."  
 So after this seemingly peaceful agreement, it was to my great surprise that in the midst of Brittany's Copycat-Gate the person still accused me to have copied the word from her, by referring to me as "Aisha's friend, the one who's also a copycat".  
 So if you're wondering what my story has to do with Brittany's Copycat-Gate, or why I copied and pasted elements of a private conversation:  
 There is now a group of providers targeting other providers by making up lies about them being copycats despite not being able to provide any kind of solid evidence. That is pure bullying. I make it my responsibility to be as transparent as possible and expose any kind of unfair behavior directed at unsuspecting providers.  

Marietta452 reads

This girl did not copy I've read both websites and like others said if she changed, why is the OP trying to drag this poor girls reputation. Move on seriously, you should be entertaining your "upscale clients" and not have time for pettiness. Why resort to this public posting eh, why? Why are you so heartless? It wasn't enough to drag this ridiculous post for days but to post on ter as well. Vile.

This is insane. When I first started providing, I had a bsc provider as well say I copied because she was threatened by me. I copied a word from the dictionary, a word that you can see in all girls as right now on ter, eros, p411 but no she directed her accusations at me. She wanted to ruin me. She had no proof. She sent me harassing messages and hated that I ignored her. I have the screenshots to prove everything. Some ladies are just terrible people. Snakes under the green grass. Pretend they are nice but they are venomous.  

When I saw this attacks on twitter it reminded me and omg I know it is all false. Is the OP mad that they have a similar client? Is the OP mad that this new girl is charging a high rate? etc This was in my case I am sure this is happening.  One of the bullies online called this girl uneducated, please obviously this girl is very smart, I like her writing better. Bullies will say all sorts of terrible things to tarnish reputation, I absolutely hate bullies, why are you acting the opposite of what you claim on your site? It is fraudulent, trashy, ghetto behavior. The OP has shown no proof that it was copied, it is he said she said and we should believe because you've been in the game a while. BSC. You are showing your true colors and all who support you. Mean, catty, immature, insecure etc. Grow up.

A good friend will not support bad behavior, even if you've met her and she is nice, you do not support bad traits, you correct/call them out. These are fake friends OP watch out.  

I support you Aisha, forget these trolls. This will still be biting them a year later. Watch as they attack another provider soon, the same set of bullies.

When two women have an argument with each other TER rules dictate we have a Jello Wrestling contest. Since each provider has more than one friends we will accept tag team rules.  

Winner gets to keep the web site. Loser has to change the website.

All betting goes to a child's charity as both these ladies are acting like children.  

Thoughts comments.

Posted By: brittanybenz
I want to give everyone notice that New York City provider Aisha Ibrahima has copied my website and content. I just want to make sure there isn't any confusion, or that anyone isn't wrapped up into any bait and switch.  
 Please note her website is  

The moment we allow someone to make accusations, about anyone or anything, at any time, without proof, is the moment we all lose as a society.

I'm not questioning the person.  I'm questioning the accusations.

SLUT SHAMING! We should be here for each other! Cool your jets ladies!

MRSWEET457 reads

lot of eyebrows are being raised over this post. The real question is who is really lying and being fraudulent and what is the truth.  
It looks like this is a debate of high caliber ladies that are well established versus the newer girls that are trying to defend their points. All of you ladies have valid points except a few things I found online you can see below.    
Julian- You are coming across as a rude hobbyist. Your posts read that you mainly stick to backpage girls, and your posts look like you just have a disgust for high end providers in general. Maybe because the truth is you don't have the means of experiencing them. You also have no history under your profile, which does in fact make you look like you have come out of nowhere. Also when the provider asked you to name ladies, your reply was generic and listing a generic first name doesn't give you much ground to stand on in making your point. You just come across a bit rude and harsh.    
Brittany- I can see why you felt the need to make this post. Upon viewing both sites, there are obvious similarities within these 2 sites. I also saw from your Twitter posts that you have been around since maybe 2014 or before. If you compare the similarities of the outlined paragraphs and dialogue of the sites. For example, the intro page starts off with similar wording, then the body paragraphs have similar outlines to yours, and the closing paragraph is similar. She also did use very specific words in the same manner as you did.  Also the website theme is identical to yours. You have credibility here in this case. Your claims that she changed it is making your statement harder to back up. I don't see you as a bully, that word seems a bit harsh, but because of this website changing debacle, it makes it easy to dispute your statement.  
Aisha- Whoever you are, good luck in this industry, but maybe be more mindful of trying to set yourself apart without it being eerily similar to other established ladies in the industry  
Melissa- I admire you having such a big voice and can see you care about the girls you associate with in this industry.  Your twitter is a testament to that. Maybe be mindful of your temper when making your point so the meaning behind your words are absorbed better. That spitfire attitude is sexy to be honest, and I've had you on my radar for a while, but on the boards, it'll set you up for the backlash that I see coming from a few others.  
Natalia- I see you are trying to defend yourself from what a provider said to you. After seeing the facts, it comes across as it was the manner in which you handled the situation that upset the other lady. If she claimed it was brought to her attention over you using a tagline, it looks like she was trying to make you aware and maybe she really didn't appreciate it, but it seems as though she was able to acknowledge she knows it is a word she does not have entitlement to and that anyone can use. You writing a novel over it makes it look slightly dramatic.  
Zak- Your idea is genius and I think it is a great solution. Way to keep the peace  
Now onto the facts I have come across from some buzzing behind this other new provider and subtle hints of the backpage references and bait and switch debate. I have stumbled upon a link that I'm having a hard time posting due to TER posting guidelines but it is almost discrediting for the new lady or ladies in this business . Is BP's Erin Bradford the new Natalia? If so, it's time for someone to acknowledge that this is an obvious bait and switch in itself. If- and  am saying if here, no need to get upset about this- you are cheating clients into paying a higher rate, why not just increase your rate under the same name as others do? There are obvious similarities from the BP ad of Erin Bradford and Natalia. The only difference I can see is maybe a breast job that may have recently occurred. I like the ebony ladies, especially a classy ebony companion. Natalia is someone I wanted to see, but not if this is the case. Has anyone who has met Erin, met with Natalia?

As I have to leave the office, I don't have much time.  

I love the higher end ladies, and have been seeing them for quite sometime. Perhaps this is a discussion we should have on the RO board, under my real handle. Your questions of who I am may stop. While I don't use this handle often, it can be found on the general board as well as the meet and greet board.  

I am not rude to those whose motives are not questionable, especially seeing that I am privy to some information on all of the ladies in question.  



Posted By: MRSWEET
 A lot of eyebrows are being raised over this post. The real question is who is really lying and being fraudulent and what is the truth.    
 It looks like this is a debate of high caliber ladies that are well established versus the newer girls that are trying to defend their points. All of you ladies have valid points except a few things I found online you can see below.    
 Julian- You are coming across as a rude hobbyist. Your posts read that you mainly stick to backpage girls, and your posts look like you just have a disgust for high end providers in general. Maybe because the truth is you don't have the means of experiencing them. You also have no history under your profile, which does in fact make you look like you have come out of nowhere. Also when the provider asked you to name ladies, your reply was generic and listing a generic first name doesn't give you much ground to stand on in making your point. You just come across a bit rude and harsh.    
 Brittany- I can see why you felt the need to make this post. Upon viewing both sites, there are obvious similarities within these 2 sites. I also saw from your Twitter posts that you have been around since maybe 2014 or before. If you compare the similarities of the outlined paragraphs and dialogue of the sites. For example, the intro page starts off with similar wording, then the body paragraphs have similar outlines to yours, and the closing paragraph is similar. She also did use very specific words in the same manner as you did.  Also the website theme is identical to yours. You have credibility here in this case. Your claims that she changed it is making your statement harder to back up. I don't see you as a bully, that word seems a bit harsh, but because of this website changing debacle, it makes it easy to dispute your statement.    
 Aisha- Whoever you are, good luck in this industry, but maybe be more mindful of trying to set yourself apart without it being eerily similar to other established ladies in the industry  
 Melissa- I admire you having such a big voice and can see you care about the girls you associate with in this industry.  Your twitter is a testament to that. Maybe be mindful of your temper when making your point so the meaning behind your words are absorbed better. That spitfire attitude is sexy to be honest, and I've had you on my radar for a while, but on the boards, it'll set you up for the backlash that I see coming from a few others.    
 Natalia- I see you are trying to defend yourself from what a provider said to you. After seeing the facts, it comes across as it was the manner in which you handled the situation that upset the other lady. If she claimed it was brought to her attention over you using a tagline, it looks like she was trying to make you aware and maybe she really didn't appreciate it, but it seems as though she was able to acknowledge she knows it is a word she does not have entitlement to and that anyone can use. You writing a novel over it makes it look slightly dramatic.    
 Zak- Your idea is genius and I think it is a great solution. Way to keep the peace    
 Now onto the facts I have come across from some buzzing behind this other new provider and subtle hints of the backpage references and bait and switch debate. I have stumbled upon a link that I'm having a hard time posting due to TER posting guidelines but it is almost discrediting for the new lady or ladies in this business . Is BP's Erin Bradford the new Natalia? If so, it's time for someone to acknowledge that this is an obvious bait and switch in itself. If- and  am saying if here, no need to get upset about this- you are cheating clients into paying a higher rate, why not just increase your rate under the same name as others do? There are obvious similarities from the BP ad of Erin Bradford and Natalia. The only difference I can see is maybe a breast job that may have recently occurred. I like the ebony ladies, especially a classy ebony companion. Natalia is someone I wanted to see, but not if this is the case. Has anyone who has met Erin, met with Natalia?


My problem with Melissa was that she publicly accused me of plagiarism again instead of just letting it go like she said she would, while she was the true copycat. I take my reputation seriously and refuse to let anyone spread lies about me.

I don't know who the BP lady Melissa is referring to is. Concerning "Erin Bradford" it's nothing else than my old name. If you read my reviews, you will notice that the older ones referred to me as Erin. I am definitely not a bait and switch.  
Whatever old BP as you saw, with a broken link to my old website, was just that. Old.
I'm not cheating any clients into paying higher rates, they are the same as when I took a hiatus in April. Many of the ones who saw me as Erin, saw me as Natalia and still enjoy my company.
I changed my name because I'm no longer a 19 years old college girl and I think my new name sounds a lot cooler. If I was dishonest, I wouldn't have reclaimed my old Erin reviews

So here are my points:

1- Your history on this board is as sparse as Julian’s. No reviews at all and coming out of nowhere.  
2- You twist the argument about “established” vs “newer ones” while the real argument is whether Aisha truly plagiarized from Brittany.  
3- You bring up nonsense that has nothing to do with the argument, like Julian preferring BP ladies over “high end providers”, and mocking his income. You know, stuff providers do.
4- You side with Brittany although most people agree that there is absolutely zero evidence that Aisha copied. And seriously, what website changing debacle??  
5- You pat Melissa on the back about a “backlash” although she’s the one making all the accusations and bullying the other providers.
6- You say the exact same things that Melissa told me regarding the accusations she made. Smells very fishy.
7- You keep bringing up BP bait and switch, and once again try to deviate the argument against me.  
8- Just like Melissa you congratulate Zak about the Jello fight idea.
9- You only listed the people Melissa interacted with and had strong opinions about, leaving the other folks who also strongly disagreed with her behavior.

But most importantly:
Any real hobbyist worth his salt would know the REAL definition of a bait and switch: An escort who isn’t as advertised physically, or service wise. And in this case, any real hobbyist would just read my reviews and realize that there is no way in hell that I am a bait and switch because I look exactly like my pictures, and don’t upsell or lie about any of my services.  

Come on, the jig is up. Just stop.  

Posted By: MRSWEET
 A lot of eyebrows are being raised over this post. The real question is who is really lying and being fraudulent and what is the truth.    
 It looks like this is a debate of high caliber ladies that are well established versus the newer girls that are trying to defend their points. All of you ladies have valid points except a few things I found online you can see below.    
 Julian- You are coming across as a rude hobbyist. Your posts read that you mainly stick to backpage girls, and your posts look like you just have a disgust for high end providers in general. Maybe because the truth is you don't have the means of experiencing them. You also have no history under your profile, which does in fact make you look like you have come out of nowhere. Also when the provider asked you to name ladies, your reply was generic and listing a generic first name doesn't give you much ground to stand on in making your point. You just come across a bit rude and harsh.    
 Brittany- I can see why you felt the need to make this post. Upon viewing both sites, there are obvious similarities within these 2 sites. I also saw from your Twitter posts that you have been around since maybe 2014 or before. If you compare the similarities of the outlined paragraphs and dialogue of the sites. For example, the intro page starts off with similar wording, then the body paragraphs have similar outlines to yours, and the closing paragraph is similar. She also did use very specific words in the same manner as you did.  Also the website theme is identical to yours. You have credibility here in this case. Your claims that she changed it is making your statement harder to back up. I don't see you as a bully, that word seems a bit harsh, but because of this website changing debacle, it makes it easy to dispute your statement.    
 Aisha- Whoever you are, good luck in this industry, but maybe be more mindful of trying to set yourself apart without it being eerily similar to other established ladies in the industry  
 Melissa- I admire you having such a big voice and can see you care about the girls you associate with in this industry.  Your twitter is a testament to that. Maybe be mindful of your temper when making your point so the meaning behind your words are absorbed better. That spitfire attitude is sexy to be honest, and I've had you on my radar for a while, but on the boards, it'll set you up for the backlash that I see coming from a few others.    
 Natalia- I see you are trying to defend yourself from what a provider said to you. After seeing the facts, it comes across as it was the manner in which you handled the situation that upset the other lady. If she claimed it was brought to her attention over you using a tagline, it looks like she was trying to make you aware and maybe she really didn't appreciate it, but it seems as though she was able to acknowledge she knows it is a word she does not have entitlement to and that anyone can use. You writing a novel over it makes it look slightly dramatic.    
 Zak- Your idea is genius and I think it is a great solution. Way to keep the peace    
 Now onto the facts I have come across from some buzzing behind this other new provider and subtle hints of the backpage references and bait and switch debate. I have stumbled upon a link that I'm having a hard time posting due to TER posting guidelines but it is almost discrediting for the new lady or ladies in this business . Is BP's Erin Bradford the new Natalia? If so, it's time for someone to acknowledge that this is an obvious bait and switch in itself. If- and  am saying if here, no need to get upset about this- you are cheating clients into paying a higher rate, why not just increase your rate under the same name as others do? There are obvious similarities from the BP ad of Erin Bradford and Natalia. The only difference I can see is maybe a breast job that may have recently occurred. I like the ebony ladies, especially a classy ebony companion. Natalia is someone I wanted to see, but not if this is the case. Has anyone who has met Erin, met with Natalia?

The name Lovely Lorena is hardly generic. Not a MONGER alive who doesn't know who she is. I would hate to be you if she knew you even used the word generic in reference to her.  

I would hardly refer to any of the others Ive seen as generic or BP but they have all used it which all MONGERS also know.  


Posted By: MRSWEET
 A lot of eyebrows are being raised over this post. The real question is who is really lying and being fraudulent and what is the truth.    
 It looks like this is a debate of high caliber ladies that are well established versus the newer girls that are trying to defend their points. All of you ladies have valid points except a few things I found online you can see below.    
 Julian- You are coming across as a rude hobbyist. Your posts read that you mainly stick to backpage girls, and your posts look like you just have a disgust for high end providers in general. Maybe because the truth is you don't have the means of experiencing them. You also have no history under your profile, which does in fact make you look like you have come out of nowhere. Also when the provider asked you to name ladies, your reply was generic and listing a generic first name doesn't give you much ground to stand on in making your point. You just come across a bit rude and harsh.    
 Brittany- I can see why you felt the need to make this post. Upon viewing both sites, there are obvious similarities within these 2 sites. I also saw from your Twitter posts that you have been around since maybe 2014 or before. If you compare the similarities of the outlined paragraphs and dialogue of the sites. For example, the intro page starts off with similar wording, then the body paragraphs have similar outlines to yours, and the closing paragraph is similar. She also did use very specific words in the same manner as you did.  Also the website theme is identical to yours. You have credibility here in this case. Your claims that she changed it is making your statement harder to back up. I don't see you as a bully, that word seems a bit harsh, but because of this website changing debacle, it makes it easy to dispute your statement.    
 Aisha- Whoever you are, good luck in this industry, but maybe be more mindful of trying to set yourself apart without it being eerily similar to other established ladies in the industry  
 Melissa- I admire you having such a big voice and can see you care about the girls you associate with in this industry.  Your twitter is a testament to that. Maybe be mindful of your temper when making your point so the meaning behind your words are absorbed better. That spitfire attitude is sexy to be honest, and I've had you on my radar for a while, but on the boards, it'll set you up for the backlash that I see coming from a few others.    
 Natalia- I see you are trying to defend yourself from what a provider said to you. After seeing the facts, it comes across as it was the manner in which you handled the situation that upset the other lady. If she claimed it was brought to her attention over you using a tagline, it looks like she was trying to make you aware and maybe she really didn't appreciate it, but it seems as though she was able to acknowledge she knows it is a word she does not have entitlement to and that anyone can use. You writing a novel over it makes it look slightly dramatic.    
 Zak- Your idea is genius and I think it is a great solution. Way to keep the peace    
 Now onto the facts I have come across from some buzzing behind this other new provider and subtle hints of the backpage references and bait and switch debate. I have stumbled upon a link that I'm having a hard time posting due to TER posting guidelines but it is almost discrediting for the new lady or ladies in this business . Is BP's Erin Bradford the new Natalia? If so, it's time for someone to acknowledge that this is an obvious bait and switch in itself. If- and  am saying if here, no need to get upset about this- you are cheating clients into paying a higher rate, why not just increase your rate under the same name as others do? There are obvious similarities from the BP ad of Erin Bradford and Natalia. The only difference I can see is maybe a breast job that may have recently occurred. I like the ebony ladies, especially a classy ebony companion. Natalia is someone I wanted to see, but not if this is the case. Has anyone who has met Erin, met with Natalia?

He seems to be coming from a neutral place. I too have compared the sites and can see the big similarities. Maybe "plagiarism" wasn't a good word to use. Inspired and identical is more accurate. For a fellow lady who was a BP provider, it does seem quite of a switch that Erin chose to not have old reviews linked, which could mean that the lower previous reviews would have been a more accurate description. That is something most people should be aware of if they aren't. A lot of reviews for a lot of  ladies seem to be highly exaggerated. Also just to make a point, if Melissa says she was not the only one entitled to using her tagline word concupiscent and it's just a word why is there a book being written here explaining all of it, if there really aren't any guilty feelings there. Or you could possibly be jumping the gun here and again acting out on feelings of guilt. The right thing to do would have been let it go and to move on from it. Some people should be aware to dodge a bullet here since you don't really know what's behind the blur. Also  you shouldn't vouch for someone you really have not met or know personally since you don't really know who you are dealing with. Mr. Sweet, I highly recommend Melissa, and I can't say enough good things about her. She's exceptionally talented and wonderful. I met Melissa back in 2013 when she first got her start in Atlanta working under the name Sasha for Dynasty Companions based down in Atlanta and a few other cities including Virginia beach and DC. She never worked in Florida for discretion purposes if she grew up there. I don't think it makes sense for her to wait years later to create a website from something that may or may have not have really existed. It looks like a sketchy account was created, and anyone can easily fabricate, photoshop, or edit old ads on cityvibe and backpage from the knowledge I've gathered from other ladies I have had the pleasure of meeting. Also posting screenshots and making such a big fuss over this seems quite immature and just unnecessary drama.  It seems rather suspicious that some ladies may want to state a case against a well established woman.  

For the Brittany and Aisha sites  
It looks very 50/50 on who is siding with who, but I would like to take a moment to explain the visible similarities. This is a discussion board after all.  

1) The colors are identical, black and gold
2) The use of french words are identical  
3) The paragraphs are laid out identical meaning
4) The script fonts are identical  

Brittany says in her first paragraph she is a perfect size 6 hourglass figure. Then Aisha says in hers she has a petite hourglass figure.

 Brittany says she has naturally silky dark hair that is naturally curly. Then Aisha says her hair is long composed of brunette curls.In  

Brittany's she goes on to list her favorite places and specifically names places. Then Aisha goes on to specifically name authors.  

 In the closing statements Brittany says your time with me will be an epicurean adventure. Aisha says from our time together you can expect stimulating discussions.  

So, the point here is plagiarism, not so much. Inspiration and a little copying is a better route of going. Seeing that Brittany lives up to her international experience and has a lot of established friends only proves her to have been more original in this case. Original is the key word here.

So after sharing my story about being falsely accused, a wonderful lady who is now retired decided to share hers as well.    
A hobbyist did confront The Bully on about her own plagiarism, however the retired provider made a Twitter account named @ConcupiscentOne (linked below) and explained in details on top of providing extensive evidence and receipts (real ones!) to show that The Bully who was trying to tarnish providers reputation by falsely accusing them of being copycats, was the true offender after all.    
For the skeptics who think that I may have been involved in creating that account, many receipts date back to as far as 2011. I was still in High School back then.  
Conclusion: Please girls, let's stop playing "mean girls". We don't have to be friends, but let's not throw each other under the bus either. This whole drama was completely unnecessary. And for those who jumped on the bandwagon throwing accusations without evidence, please think for yourself. Because a girl is your buddy, doesn't mean you have to support everything she does, especially when it harms others.  
That's it. I'm officially over what happened. To the girl who is concerned, I forgive you.

and based on the receipts you've posted here as well as on Twitter, your claim seems to be nothing more than a smear campaign. It is extremely disheartening to see yourself as well as other established providers dragging a new provider, when at the end of the day, you have provided no evidence that she did actually plagiarize your content. If Aisha really did steal your words and change her website after being discovered, then that would be unfortunate and totally unacceptable.  

You claim in your comment posted on the 20th at 9:37:09 am that Aisha has since changed her website. But based on your tweet (posted on the 17th) with a side by side comparison of your site and Aisha's site A) the content on her "Bienvenue" page is still currently the same as it was on the 17th and B) the content on Aisha's "Bienvenue" page does NOT include content that is remotely similar to what is on your site.

I was going to refrain from commenting, but it is honestly super gross seeing sex workers who've been around for years making claims against Aisha that really just seemed to be fueled by favoritism and the fact that you've been around first/longer. For clarity's sake, I took it upon myself to compare the text from both of your pages on Copyspace. Aisha's content matched yours by a whopping 1% and the only similar wording that exists on both of your main pages is "in New York."

Are you comparing the two sites as they appear today?  I've read these two sites repeatedly this week and completely disagree with your observations.

In your conclusion for Brittany you said, "Upon viewing both sites, there are obvious similarities within these 2 sites."  I don't see anything similar or obvious whatsoever.

You also said, "For example, the intro page starts off with similar wording, then the body paragraphs have similar outlines to yours, and the closing paragraph is similar. She also did use very specific words in the same manner as you did.  Also the website theme is identical to yours."

Where are the similarities in the intro page, body paragraphs and closing paragraphs you're using for examples?  What are the "very specific words" used?  The website themes are not "identical" either.

Agree with MRSWEET and SANCHOPANZA on this one. Natalia a bit dramatic, immature, and argumentative. Julian seems to dislike high end ladies.  

-I'm taken back that certain people aren't seeing and stating that there are obvious similarities between those two sites. I see the favoritism and siding on this matter are coming from a certain class of providers and clients.  

Even though new to ter, I choose to only write about the good experiences. I 'm glad that this has opened my eyes.  I checked out those twitter accounts. It is very immature and not classy to post screenshots and it doesn't look legit to me either. Why was a random account created 2 days ago after this post and nobody seems to like it or want to follow that random account. It looks like it was made by a jealous provider.  Erin/Natailia. It does appear as a switch on clients that aren't aware. Shouldn't the profile read "Natalia Nova/Erin Bradford" if you are accepting your old profile and reviews so people are totally aware? I am quite disappointed after seeing all of this. I was looking forward to meeting with certain ladies and now will definitely steer clear of them.  

-Since I am somewhat new to ter can someone explain the envelope mentioning? I thought I had one was well. Does it not mean you are a vip member? I am not sure of all the guidelines but ter doesn't let people have multiple users and thought they do a good job of catching that.

-Mr. Sweet, I too big time recommend Melissa. She was a delight and made my experience intimate and memorable and also have repeated. Last time she rolled out the red carpet for me. Won't go into too much detail, as this isn't a review writing board. She's just plain awesome.

-I'm now ISO a classy, mature but not mature in age, for my next conquest in the 500-700 range. I am now looking at Chanel Carvalho. Also had my eye on Jada Jacobbs if she ever comes to the New England area. Has anyone met with Chanel that will vouch as a solid recommendation?  

-Also in search of a classy asian provider and a blonde. Was looking at Kelly Johansson. Any recommendations?

I find it amusing that you assume because I am not siding with one of the ladies that you recommend that this must mean I have a dislike or disdain for high end ladies. Perhaps I just have a dislike for wanna be high end ladies who try to portray themselves as something they aren't. Money or cost isn't a true measurement of someone's class or placement in society. You would never see a true high end lady running her mouth off or posting on TER. The true high end don't slum.

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