New York

Re: Gave number of my UTR ATF to my son to date her
JoeMc 78 Reviews 2458 reads

If you have to ask the question- you are definitely crazy- I would nip this in the bud before it becomes a problem- Cannot picture this ending well

I have a UTR Brazilian ATF whom I really care about on a personal level.   She does not see anyone but me, and she has no boyfriend.   For months I have been urging her to get out there and find a boyfriend, but she says that they are too much trouble and she always has me.

I also have a son who is 38, and thus only a few years older than she.   I thought they would be good for each other, and I asked her if I could give her telephone number to him.   She and I agreed that I would say that her mother is a client and I met her at meetings with her mother.

I gave my son her business card for her civvie profession and I urged him to call her for a date.  Am I crazy?

Eventually he will find out.  They always find out.

36DDD Binky2475 reads

On the other hand, I wish my Dad had sent me some hot fuckin snatch to fuck!

I fear this will not turn out well.

Imagine when sonny boy speaks to mom about her.  And he will!

BobbyTZ1835 reads

Great way to start a relationship. With a huge lie and a huge secret. Why would you want that for your son? What will he think of you and her when he learns the truth?

If you have to ask the question- you are definitely crazy- I would nip this in the bud before it becomes a problem- Cannot picture this ending well

Crazy?...Sounds like a recipe for a new Woody Allen movie...but good luck!

Q: Did you hear about the guy who finally figured out women?
A: He died laughing before he could tell anybody.


And I thought I heard everything!

Reminds me of a story similar when I just started providing.  I was dating a college mate for a couple of months when he told me his father hobbied.  My bf at that time told me that his dad took him hobbying to pop his cherry along with bunch of their friends and met one  of my escort friends.  She became his GF with the knowledge of his dad, and his dad even saw this escort several times before she became his GF.  So I played it off like I knew nothing, didn't know her, yada, yada, yada.  So to make the long story short, his family eventually found out I provided (from my so-called friend of course) and had to break it off with him.

Moral of the story, nothing comes good out of beginning a relationship with lies.  

Good luck in whatever you decide.


How do you think your son will feel when he finds out he's dating an escort?

And, more importantly, do you continue to fuck your ATF while your son is dating her?  How will YOU look him in the eye?

I'm just asking two questions.   I think they are appropriate questions to consider given the situation he's describing.  While you may think you know what my own conclusions are, you may not.  I'm merely raising two ethical concerns that would make me think twice before taking the same action.

ritchie4324 reads

He's not being judgemental at all, just realistic.

my2cnts2226 reads

While I guess I can appreciate the sentiment that she means a lot to you and you seem to want the best for her, in my eyes there's no way this ends well.  If I was the son, I'd be embarrassed as all hell when I found out and he WILL eventually find out.

Are you crazy?
No I don't think so but there is a very thin line here.
What happens if she develops feelings for your son or vice versa, how will YOU feel about that?
I think your intentions were sweet in this scenario but I don't think you thought of the consequences of your actions and how they will affect your relationship not only with your son but with someone you also care for.
Good luck sweets. xox

I suspect you feel you will lose this lady eventually. So you decided to hook up your son with her and therefore keep her around longer. Which means you plan on continuing seeing her. Of course you've told your son this.

Interesting point vodkak and if this is the case, which we of course don't know, it would question how sincere korn really was about helping his ATF and his son.

But even if this point is not true and your actions Korn are truly sincere and were meant to help two people in your life, which are dear to your heart, which I strongly believe to be true, as most people, who know you much better than I, think so, this situation is just soooo dangerous and freaking complicated.

1. Starting a relationship with such a lie of hers to your son is just not a good thing and eventually it will come out. And when it does do you honestly think your son will just say to her that it is okay and continue the relationship.
2. Complicating your relationship with your son with such a lie can seriously damage it. I just hope the relationship between you and your son can survive this, if this would come out.    
3. I don't know how the rest of your family situation is, but if there are others, how will they react if this comes out. Not only concerning this specific situation, but concerning your hobbying overall.
4. And lastly there is the (to me) most important question if you would continue to see her, even if she would be dating your son. I hope the answer is no, but if it is yes that would be just bad on so many levels. All I can say here then is, that I think I have seen this on the Jerry Springer Show before.

But all this said I truly hope everything goes well for your ATF lady, your son and yourself, and nobody gets hurt by this, as I know that this was not your intention.

As they say "beauty is in the eye of the beholder", in this case giving a companions phone number with the potential to date ones son may be "a turn on in the eye of the beholder". What turns someone on may not be game for another, but to each their own right?--Sitara Devi

This is way too funny...I am reading the responses and I'm on the floor laughing...Here is another little scenario for you... They hit it off..fall in Love..get you pause and picture yourself in church while she walking towards your son...should I keep going?!!! hahahahaha this is way too funny!!!

The outcome can't be good for anyone. Too many  variables and no common sense here. I suspect Jerry Springer's producers will be contacting you if they catch wind of this.

vt2562 reads

I want her number, too! If you really care about her well being you would help her get more clients!

playhard20082433 reads

Sharing or giving this woman as a sort of gift to your son.. As more of a sexual fantasy feeling.. At least that's what I think..

You have already said she is your ATF, but there must be a reason why she is not YOUR girlfriend or wife. Could it be because you are ALREADY married? This is clearly a perfect example of LIVING VICAREIOUSLY THRU ANOTHER PERSON. You love your son very much, and only he would be well-deserving enough (in your eyes) to date this girl that you are quite near being in love with. You have some sort of boundary that you cant or wont step over with her. You have obviously fallen head-over-heals for this lady, but your personal circumstances wont allow you to get serious with her. So.. you do the next best thing, you fix her up with your look-alike, younger version of YOURSELF. And isnt it convienient to have her always around? Admiring her pretty and familiar face at the dinner table? Or maybe you want a little thrill of sneaking off to the closet with her at a family dinner?
It is my feeling that you want this girl to be serious with you, amd a part of your everyday life. Circumstances (married or other) prevent you from asking her into your serious life. But fixing her up with your son, so you can live vicariously thru him, is really not a good idea. There are a million tragic endings to this scenario. Im sure your son is a handsome man and can find a lovely women for himself. Just dont fool yourself, to think you are doing this for your son, or for this women. You are wanting to do this match-up to solve something that YOU are stressed and confused about .

-- Modified on 5/21/2008 5:16:06 PM

That was the sound made when Flora hit the nail on the head!


Thanks for all of the comments to my friends on this board.  Although some of the comments were based on mistaken or assumed facts and a few impugned my motives, I take all the comments in the spirit in which they were given.   I also concluded that this was a mistake on my part, but it was too late.   The matter has now been rectified and is closed.

Well, despite everything everyone had to say, it was a romantic gesture, and thus immune to the laws of common sense.  Good luck, and I hope it all works out.

Should keep everyone involved from being bored, if nothing else.

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