New York

re: Can escorts ever be friends?
MochaNautteBBW See my TER Reviews 675 reads

I befriended a client back in 2007 and he's been my best friend for 7 years. I don't see much of him anymore because he spends the majority of his time in New Jersey.

How many have experienced an escort to actually become a real friend of yours?  Rather than paying for her time just to see her?  For someone like me, I don't have any friends in reality, but have some amazing connections with providers.  Has anyone had success of them actually hanging out with you without needing any extras and without paying for her time?  Most of the Time for me, it really isn't about sex.  People get lonely.

I'm not necessarily looking for ways to avoid spending for their services.  I do enjoy the intimate portions of a date, but the conversations are my favorite part that usually comes afterwards.  It's not that I would judge or take time away from their normal working hours.  Just during free times or whatever, I just want to be with a friend to binge watch tv shows with, watch movies, check out new places to eat.  I don't need to have sex, in reality, their personality (for some) and life stories shine more than anything else.

Im not asking for a relationship, I like not being in one.  I'm not asking for friends with benefits, because that's when the escorts services are accommodated for.  Just a real friend.

-- Modified on 6/27/2014 9:03:55 PM

-- Modified on 6/27/2014 9:13:46 PM

have made very good friends who I care about and I know they care about me. Yes it is possible and it happends.. at least to me.  

there are some wonderful people out there...or in here! ;)

You just can't go looking for it but sometimes it happens.  It sort of works backward from traditional dating.  You get the sex part out of the way first, then, if there's some chemistry, a friendship can happen.  But even then it's not like a standard friendship.  You can't just call her up and say, "Let's get together."
That said, I've don't lots of things OTC with gals.  Just don't make it out to be more than it is.

Every escort also has a personal life and spends time either alone or with friends or going out to places or spending time with family.  They don't charge their friends to have a good time with even though they do get paid for their time when they are "working."  I'm sure once they're extremely comfortable with that client, it wouldn't be considered real "work" outside of maybe the intimacy portion.  While the intimacy is good, it's not usually required if the emotional connection creates an atmosphere that overcomes other forms of pleasure, as it is with close friends or family.

Generally speaking, the women who've answered you here are correct.  And going out looking for friendships here is almost always a mistake.  You seem to be a classic case of the guy who's susceptible to the syndrome called, "I've fallen for a hooker and I can't get up."
So, yes, it can happen.  But it will only happen naturally, because of chemistry between two people. It can't be forced.  Most of the time that will lead only to disappointment.
I've been lucky to have met more than a few women with whom I sometimes socialize OTC.  But even then, it's only when they reach out.  It's just not something you can ask for.

I'm not saying I would straight up call them.  I wouldn't ever do that unless I was trying to set up a date.  Even still, there actually has been one that gave me their real name and number.  At the time I had personal things going on that didn't let me reach out to them so I ended up trashing that info and haven't seen them since.

I've also never brought up the idea, but would it ever be safe to say, once you've established a comfortable relationship, to suggest for the provider to contact us if they want to hang out or chill.

I am sure but not for guys like you
Of course sometimes an escort will  
enjoy a clients company and hang out  
with him as a friend, but thats if they  
like the dude. You sound a little clueless, no offense.  
don't ask a girl to come by for free and watch tv
you will just look cheap and lonely

VOO-doo699 reads

I like a lot of my clients. I genuinely enjoy the company of all but a very few. They are generally people I would be happy to get to know in real life, in any capacity.

However, I am here for a reason, and that reason is to make a living. Many people enjoy what they do for work - but nobody likes to work for free. Try replacing 'escort' with 'bartender' in your post and see how much sense it makes....

I stay over the time with many clients I like...if both of us have the time and inclination to do so. But that is something that is mutually desired and happens without pressure...without the guy whining 'do you HAVE to go? Its only 3am and I want to chat and cuddle you ALL NIGHT...' That latter situation is one of the most common pet peeve situations escorts face and WILL make you a pest in her eyes.  

If she wants ts to spend some time chilling with you after the session, let her initiate that...or just let it happen. But do not expect it or try to force it. Don't beg her to stay or try to manipulate the situation or in any way guilt her into delaying her departure. And as iNicky said, its very rare that an escort would hang out with a client when no date was even planned...just to be called up for a movie marathon..really??? I will say right here that I have more productive things to fo with my time than schmoozing with a bored and lonely client for free...escorts have jobs, lives, passions, classes, children, and dreams...we want to work, work out, study, relax, and whatever else we need to do...respect her time and the fact that she might have a better use for her time than 'hanging out'.

Generally speaking, this is is pay for play...not the place to go looking for a friend or free company.  It is more than a little cliche to think that you can kind of 'adopt' your friendly provider in this way. Always expect to pay us for all time spent...if it's friendship you are specifically looking for, then join a team or do some volunteer work.  

Posted By: Shyrabbit
How many have experienced an escort to actually become a real friend of yours?  Rather than paying for her time just to see her?  For someone like me, I don't have any friends in reality, but have some amazing connections with providers.  Has anyone had success of them actually hanging out with you without needing any extras and without paying for her time?  Most of the Time for me, it really isn't about sex.  People get lonely.  
 I'm not necessarily looking for ways to avoid spending for their services.  I do enjoy the intimate portions of a date, but the conversations are my favorite part that usually comes afterwards.  It's not that I would judge or take time away from their normal working hours.  Just during free times or whatever, I just want to be with a friend to binge watch tv shows with, watch movies, check out new places to eat.  I don't need to have sex, in reality, their personality (for some) and life stories shine more than anything else.  
 Im not asking for a relationship, I like not being in one.  I'm not asking for friends with benefits, because that's when the escorts services are accommodated for.  Just a real friend.  
 -- Modified on 6/27/2014 9:03:55 PM

-- Modified on 6/27/2014 9:13:46 PM

YES!!!! After many years of doing this game I can honestly say I do have some uniquely fantastically great friends to call and chat with … for sure!!!  


I remember when I started in this business a friend who had been working for a while said the most difficult clients are the ones that fall in love with you.  I had no idea what she was talking about. You can really care about a client and I generally enjoy the company of most of my clients but the ones who see or want more in the relationship can be difficult. Because the last thing any of want to do is to hurt someone.

I have had a few clients who spent a lot of money but I would tell they were losing perspective and I needed to tell them I thought it would be a good idea to take a break from seeing each other. I can see why clients fall in love. One is that we are all so loveable and the other is that there is no baggage. For a few hours we might have fun enjoying each others company and more but then we go back to our real lives with stress, bills, kids (if you have them) that is all real. The time we spent together is real and it isn't at the same time.

Shyrabbit I feel like you are tying to convince yourself of something deep down you know is not true. I wish you the best of luck and be careful with your feelings

I'm not necessarily falling in "love."  There are only a couple providers I've seen more than once and none more than 3 times.  I just thought they were cool and wouldn't mind spending time with them doing things that we would both have an interest in every once in a while.  Not trying to make it sound like an obligation to spend time with me because I'm lonely.  There are plenty of other things I do when I'm lonely:  I read, play games, watch tv, work out, or masturbate.  I don't ever try to guilt trip into anyone thinking I need their company, just wondering if anyone's had some success.  And by that, I mean, having a provider out of her own will try to an initiate some chill time with you.  If you don't want to hang out, then that's fine.

I guess I'm just someone who has a little too much time on my hands.

DeanVernonWormer535 reads

Do yourself a favor and get a dog.

I befriended a client back in 2007 and he's been my best friend for 7 years. I don't see much of him anymore because he spends the majority of his time in New Jersey.

Friendships can not be forced.  It either happens or it does not.  Asking if you can make a friend is sort of like asking if you can make friends with your coworkers or your hair stylist.

Can it happen?  Yes.  Is it happening often? No.

You say YOU want to "be with a friend to binge watch tv shows with, watch movies, check out new places to eat."

Most of the time, she already has people in her life to to all of that.  Either she has to have the same need or you have to be an absolutely exceptionally fascinating person.

imagine .. after  appointment you are out of his hotel with 1000 or 1500 in pocket.. and all NYC is here for your pleasure ... ..but but you are alone ..
you want go to Bar .. hmmm.. as soon as you step there there be five men who want make love to you just because they are drunk .. so you better do not go there ..  
 You want go to dance ... but dance alone ??
 you want go to Jazz lets say Blur Note or Dizzy jazz or opera .. but again ... as you walk on NYC streets you see people as couples enjoying life, drinking wine ..  
and you have in your pocket 1500  for 3 hours yet  yet s alone does not make you happy  
you walk and you are sooooo lonely and want YOUR CLIENT to be with you show him all about NYC what you know share all places take him here
. take him there .
. share share share ..
  want take him to Samovar .. to the Box , to Russian Tea Room to Piano Bar to Russian steam room .. but he thinks that if he will do that  he has to donate you  around 4500 ..( 450X10 h)
Some actually do .. others  do not
I think we women loosing more  then earning when we make astronomical rates for out time  
 I rather have a friend for such monthly allowances then for  10 hours :)
 and do all together
 when needed to enjoy life ..
 I have such two but  still people are married and are busy  
 looking forward to add more... more free in his time :)  
 I still will escort  
 there no other way for me to enjoy life with one man I love many men  and many times
It si why I am single and will keep that way unless I will meet one who does think same way  and we be totally free yet freinds  
 So yes .. we women we want  have true freinds:)

Thank you so much for this.  This is exactly what I mean.  In reality, escorts and clients have a private life that we don't normally share with close friends or family, and this is a connection that is the foundation of our relationships.  Im not asking for a boyfriend/girlfriend relationship or to "marry you."  I'm only wondering if you feel like you want to ever hang out or explore together as friends, why not?  Because I'm using your "time" does it mean that I really have to pay you for something that YOU want to do?  I'm not forcing it upon anyone.  If it's something that you're willing to do, is it wrong to suggest company to do things together without the intimacy?  Let's be real, we hire escorts to fulfill certain erotic fantasies.  Outside of that, we are humans who have regular needs that are remotely related to our sexual borders.  For example, we are new to the city, we don't know what to do, where to go, where to eat.  Do you need to get paid just for someone to keep you company in an unfamiliar area if you have a strong connection with that client?

For a good number of escorts (just an assumption), this is your primary source of finance, and don't have other obligations outside of normal working hours.  For me, it's the same situation, and I don't think it's wrong or hopeless to suggest an invitation to contact a client if they feel like doing regular activities together.

-- Modified on 6/28/2014 7:56:34 PM

When we have FREE time we like to spend it with those we truly care for.  So there are only two ways to do all those things with an escort.

1) Pay her

2) Become someone she WANTS to spend time with

First one is self explanatory.  Second?  Well there is only one way to become friends with an escort and it is the same way you become friends with anyone else.  You have to give as much as receive.

Unfortunately all I read in your posts is YOUR needs and YOUR desires.  And its OK - as  long as you pay to have your needs met.  Whatever those needs are.

CLASSIC THOUGHTS , Remember recently we had huge arguments on subject you and only myself knows about it, but yes what you say above i admire you for that.

Great, i like it.

Posted By: Pavlienna
imagine .. after  appointment you are out of his hotel with 1000 or 1500 in pocket.. and all NYC is here for your pleasure ... ..but but you are alone ..  
 you want go to Bar .. hmmm.. as soon as you step there there be five men who want make love to you just because they are drunk .. so you better do not go there ..  
  You want go to dance ... but dance alone ??  
  you want go to Jazz lets say Blur Note or Dizzy jazz or opera .. but again ... as you walk on NYC streets you see people as couples enjoying life, drinking wine ..  
 and you have in your pocket 1500  for 3 hours yet  yet s alone does not make you happy  
 you walk and you are sooooo lonely and want YOUR CLIENT to be with you show him all about NYC what you know share all places take him here  
 . take him there .  
 . share share share ..  
   want take him to Samovar .. to the Box , to Russian Tea Room to Piano Bar to Russian steam room .. but he thinks that if he will do that  he has to donate you  around 4500 ..( 450X10 h)  
 Some actually do .. others  do not  
 I think we women loosing more  then earning when we make astronomical rates for out time  
  I rather have a friend for such monthly allowances then for  10 hours :)  
  and do all together  
  when needed to enjoy life ..  
  I have such two but  still people are married and are busy  
  looking forward to add more... more free in his time :)  
  I still will escort  
  there no other way for me to enjoy life with one man I love many men  and many times  
 It si why I am single and will keep that way unless I will meet one who does think same way  and we be totally free yet freinds  
  So yes .. we women we want  have true freinds:)

With some limits and boundaries.  The paradigm is different from civilian life.  

If it happens, enjoy!  But keep in mind that it is different.

I have a handful of wonderful provider friends.  I don't see them all that often, but I've traded hundreds of emails with them.

I don't have a normal civilian life.  I don't go out with people, I have so much time, I do mostly whatever I want to do for that day.  Having "non-normal" civilian friends would be most ideal.  I'm young, I'm bored, regular people are harder for me to get along with.

If I come to NYC, which I do in the summer cause I hate winter weather, pm me.. I love to do foodie things, movies, drinks.. I own this business, and going out with friends is harmless and fun!  

 I do find many of our guys are so super cool, I would be friends with most if I lived in ny
 friends I can do, I am married so I find it harmless and your honesty in your post is candid and sweet - I do see your not looking for a free date, it is just about hanging out and being friends. I find most guys who do this tell us more than what they say to their friends or loved ones, so its super cool to chill out and be able to talk freely and not have a double life you can't talk to other people about, but a girl in the biz totally undertands and vice versa.

Real friends are hard to come by and I feel in life you have to earn that title thru being honest, integrity goes a long way.. hit me up if I blog or twitter I am heading to nyc soon, which I am!

Hope to meet you and go for centro vasco.. my fave place I head to when I am in nyc or over the bridge for the best kick ass steak in ny.. or drinks with my other girlfriends I meet when I am there from a thursday to a sunday eve!

hope to see you soon!
kim :))

Posted By: Shyrabbit
How many have experienced an escort to actually become a real friend of yours?  Rather than paying for her time just to see her?  For someone like me, I don't have any friends in reality, but have some amazing connections with providers.  Has anyone had success of them actually hanging out with you without needing any extras and without paying for her time?  Most of the Time for me, it really isn't about sex.  People get lonely.  
 I'm not necessarily looking for ways to avoid spending for their services.  I do enjoy the intimate portions of a date, but the conversations are my favorite part that usually comes afterwards.  It's not that I would judge or take time away from their normal working hours.  Just during free times or whatever, I just want to be with a friend to binge watch tv shows with, watch movies, check out new places to eat.  I don't need to have sex, in reality, their personality (for some) and life stories shine more than anything else.  
 Im not asking for a relationship, I like not being in one.  I'm not asking for friends with benefits, because that's when the escorts services are accommodated for.  Just a real friend.  
 -- Modified on 6/27/2014 9:03:55 PM

-- Modified on 6/27/2014 9:13:46 PM

Thank you for the supportive response.  This is what I meant.  I'm not saying I'm some kind of loser who is going to constantly bug someone to spend time with me because I'm a lonely weirdo.  We'll I can be a weirdo in some ways, but a normal social life, following trends, trying to fit in, has never really satisfied me.  I have never really brought it up during a date if that escort would wanna hang out during their free times or time off.  But if I did, I don't think it would be wrong to if there is an honest and mutual feeling towards spending fun, non-sexual times together outside of the business.

I'm young and free and have lots of time, so why not?

I don't think you can unequivocally say yes or no. People who are friends meet in all sorts of ways. But I think you are asking the wrong question. It's not can an escort become a real friend? Obviously escorts have friends. Men who use escorts have friends. Can a friendship begin having met through escorting? Yes. But it is something that is only going to happen rarely. If you have an experience where the conversation seems to flow like a friendship with someone then there can't be a harm in asking to be friends. But don't start asking every escort to be friends. That isn't natural. But if you have a connection with someone there is no reason not to ask to be friends. However, as sexxygurl pointed out making a connection is part of what an escort does. So when I say make a connection I mean a real one. That you both have an obscure interest in common. A real connection. So, yes, it's possible. But it's not going to remotely be common. Don't let the connection fool you that someone is your friend.

if I was the escort that what I would think, you don't have anyone else to watch tv with?  
I am not the guy that wants to hang out and watch tv with the guys.
I can't Imagine it would be hard to find a few friends to do that, do you have a tv?
If you want to watch tv with a hot chick you have to pay her or have blow

I've actually formed a friendship with a Gent who was a Client of mine. I'm no longer his Provider because we've become friends to the point it is awkward to be However, we are in a lot of the same social settings so it was easy to become friends. Otherwise, I try not to cross those boundaries.

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