New York

Re: Amy Becky
backpainrubbing 2 Reviews 1946 reads
1 / 9

Has anyone seen Alana Bloom, Mistress Fae, or Amy Becky before? Alana and Amy seem new, and Fae has been around for a bit. All three are stunning but no p411 or comments I can find here. PM with any info. Much appreciated!

-- Modified on 10/24/2023 6:47:32 AM

backpainrubbing 2 Reviews 82 reads
2 / 9
Oh_god_why 201 reads
3 / 9

Amy Becky used to go by Alexa Valentini. Not sure about the others.

vadhaman 79 Reviews 138 reads
4 / 9
vadhaman 79 Reviews 99 reads
5 / 9

Since February I think she is on her 4th name . At least. Same photos. Reviews on TER pulled and delinked from her P411 profile. I have no idea why.

vadhaman 79 Reviews 108 reads
6 / 9

Since you've decided jump on it let's start by calming down. Put your feet up and apply a cold compress.
You were cold busted by not one , not two but THREE fellow escorts who noticed that you posted photos on your web-site
that were NOT yours. You were trying to portray yourself as living the life on the high end. NONE of those ladies whose photos you posted as being you are escorts. One is married with children and all became aware that you were ... ahem ... "borrowing" their photos. You were ASKED gently and politely to stop it. And you did. One thing that had everyone scratching their heads was that YOUR photos clearly depict a very attractive woman with a slamming body. Assuming they are yours then why the insecurity ?
No one. N O B O D Y is trying to hurt you. Nobody is trying to tear you down. What you did was naughty but it's not a capital offense. By your own admission you did it to try to generate business. I don't know how it is in Australia but here in NYC it is not that "dog eat dog " or "dingo eat dingo ". For the most part nobody cares what you do so long as you don't try to hurt anyone else.  
Afaic you made a mistake so I would gently and politely suggest that either A. keep quiet or B. admit the error , apologize and try to do better. You would hardly be the first escort to use someone else's photos. A number of years ago a lady that I got to meet used Kate Upton's photos in her ads. She was afraid to use her own because she had a stalker from her private life . The guys that saw her ( including me -3 times ) despite KNOWING that the photos were not hers all had a great time and wrote great reviews. She eventually put a great portfolio together of HER photos and lived happily ever after. Point being that YOU are the one ranting and raving about this situation that you and YOU alone created.  Posts such as yours only strengthen the suspicion that you might be a sociopath and potential blackmailer.

Alanabloom 85 reads
7 / 9

By my own admission??? My own admission was that I had a social media assistant & mentor who managed everything for me so I could focus on my PHD. I also sent undeniable proof that I had nothing to do with those photos & was unaware. The INSTANT it was brought to my attention I rectified the matter & removed her access from all my platforms & also contacted several other providers who also dismissed her services. Yet even after all of that you still try to drag my name through the mud. And you seem really bothered by the fact I did indeed go on several fmty trips which is utterly bizarre. But after 50+ disgustingly abusive emails & showing PROOF that I had no idea what was happening, I've realised I am beating a dead horse.

Oh_god_why 80 reads
8 / 9

Would still love to meet this vixen. Don’t let them
Get to you my dear. Do what you think is right.

vadhaman 79 Reviews 78 reads
9 / 9

Now you're blaming someone else ? I've read the e-mails and texts between you and Kora. Almost all of them from YOU !
It is undisputed that you or someone on your behalf used other women's photos. You were asked to take them down and you did. You waved it off as just trying to generate business. I respectfully suggest that you should have left it there. But you didn't. Instead you embarked on a childish and petty campaign of harassment. I asked you privately to please stop it and now I am asking you publicly. Wishing well.

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