New York

What to make of no reviews
lbk623 1 Reviews 1813 reads

I have recently come across a number of amazing looking providers on Tryst and Slixa.  All look totally legitimate, with websites and/or X accounts and all the right indicators.  But there are no reviews anywhere.  I'm wondering both how that's possible and what to make of it. I'd like to see them all from the ads and websites, but can't to that and don't know how to begin to decide.

I am thinking of Valeria Joel, Grace Harlow, Mila Klein, Demi DeMondaine, and Cameron Rhodes.  Any advice? Anyone seen any of these women and can make a recommendation?

RespectfulRobert54 reads

And many of them are quite clear about it on their ads and websites or by text/email. Some are brand new and not reviewed as yet. Maybe others have been reviewed but removed their profile on this or other review sites for a variety of reasons. But if reviews are important to you, as they are to most of us, why not see the many beautiful women already reviewed here and other places? I do hope someone responds to you either publicly or privately though. Good luck!

I agree with Robert! There are so many great ladies who have solid reviews. Why take a chance on an expensive newbie who may not be GFE?

Yes, I understand the "risk" but I've been fortunate in that I've had amazing success seeing companions with no reviews anywhere.  You mention Grace Harlow.  She's fantastic and amazing.  I have no problems recommending her to someone who can appreciate the experience she provides BUT if you're looking for a "sure thing" kind of experience, with specific services known in advance,  I would recommend Ms Harlow.    I haven't met the other ladies on your list, but I suggest picking ONE and see how things go.

There's nothing wrong with "knowing" what will (or could) happen before you spend that kind of money so I don't blame you for having some reservations.

As for myself, reviews are cool but I tend to focus on the "vibe" I get from the person.  That comes from our communication and the "feel" I get from their overall presentation.   For example, one of the things that caught my eye with Ms Harlow was the copy in her Tryst ad.  The "Booty. Banter, Bourbon." line caught my attention and the line about "brimming with dad jokes".   Those things told me she might be a bit lighthearted and fun.  When we met for the first time, we laughed and I told her a couple of jokes. She was very chill and eased me into things nicely.

Another tip:  if at all possible, try to book a slightly longer date.  (At first I didn't use the word "date" in favor or "session" or "appt" but I find "date" helps to setup a good headspace for this kind of encounter :)).  If possible a lunch or dinner date.  At least more than one hour.   That helps "break the ice" a bit and let's her know you're not there "just" to "jump her bones".   If she's into that, that WILL happen in due time and it will be all good.

Twitter/X might be another "indicator".  If they are simply posting re-tweets of ads and not posting anything themselves, that might be a "flag" of something.  If they are engaging with people and posting thoughts or snipets of life experiences, that can give you some insight into their personality which can help when spending intimate time with them.

Anyway, just my thoughts.  :)  Good luck!

Here's an example of what I tried to describe above.   Today, I stumbled upon an ad for Ms Abigail Glass.  Her website is fantastic.  She's witty, playful, clearly intelligent and has a certain "style" about her that comes out in her website.  Her rates are mad crazy, but she acknowledges that and has "fun" with it.   Just reading her website copy draws me in and intrigues me.  Reviews or not, I would want to meet her in a heartbeat.

I looked at the other sites mentioned above and the first two were cool, but seemed to focus on the amazing photos of the very slender ladies.  I don't get much sense of their personality from the site.  So, even though their rates are "in range", I'm not really drawn to them enough to "take a chance".  If nothing else, a date with Ms Glass would be a fun and unique experience and I would be inclined to reserve as much of her time as I could afford.

I've never met her and now that I've been "introduced" to her, if you will, I'll definitely keep her on my radar.

Of course, we're all different and this isn't meant to state or imply you should do things _my_ way.  I posted this to hopefully provide an example of that which isn't tangible but definitely real.  :)  lol

I know, I know.  I'm not planning on meeting her in the near future, but I'm absolutely intrigued.  :)

I have met a few with no reviews.  If all goes well, that's what we all hope for.  However, if it doesn't go well, think about how much you are willing to part with for a less than good encounter.  In a way it's like playing the slots -  be willing to lose some money in the hope of hitting a big payoff.

As mysteryadmin said, check her socials, not only for good things but for bad ones.  Some providers have publicy ridiculed men or even outed some some guys.  

It's all a gamble because even the well reviewed providers can have an off day or just not click with someone.  If you make contact with someone just be positive, to the point, and speak in complete sentences.

I saw an ad once where the provider wrote:

"Please use grammar liberally.  It's quite sexy"

or something similar. :)

LOL! I think I saw the same ad.  I am continually amazed that some of the guys writing reviews are actually able to stand upright.  Their writing, and I use that term VERY loosely, are almost unreadble due to lack of grammar, punctuation, spelling and general misuse of words.  I read one recently where I had absolutely no idea what activities actually happened.  

They delist themselves from reviews, me personally I enjoy having reviews and looking back at them. hehe

Grace Harlow is amazing all around.

Some providers ask for no reviews and/or they haven’t ran across a companion who gives reviews.

Many women do not allow reviews for privacy concerns.  

If reviews are important to you, there is an abundance of providers with reviews. However, if a provider has a personal website, active social media, and uses multiple ad sites, the chances of her being fake are very slim.  

I think it's also worth mentioning with AI generated images becoming more prominent recently, look at how many fingers are in the providers photos. I've noticed AI images typically mess up on the fingers (either too many or not enough).

There are many many reasons why a provider might not want reviews. I was deslisted for quite some time myself for personal reasons.  

- Safety  
- Familial or custody reasons
- Feeling as though they are graphic and tacky  
- Potenital implication with LE
- Vindictive or impossible-to-please reviewers

All are very valid reasons and none of these reasons may indicate they are not a good provider! I have met many excellent providers who have a no-review policy and are *awesome*.  

However, having hired providers myself for me and other clients, I do understand wanting to read reviews - Its a big investment in your pleasure!

I recommend seeing if they offer a phone consultation to vibe check or a "virtual date" option on zoom. It is a little upfront fee but can really go a long way in seeing if you two can click. Especially because good reviews dont inherently mean a good time either! YMMV, as they say!

DixonSteele23 reads

I usually see only providers with multiple reviews and from reviewers with a track record.  In the last eight months, I saw two providers with Tryst ads who had less than three reviews, and both of them were attractive, but deeply troubled emotionally.  As much as I want to be empathetic for them (and I haven’t reviewed them), I would have been better off following a stricter screening process.  YMMV

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