New York

Precisely the reasons I said he was a scumbag ! eom
scriptfixer 18 Reviews 3382 reads
1 / 18

I did not intend my comments about Jason's "smoke and mirrors" to be taken as a negative comment about his marketing technique.  In fact, it is almost the opposite.  This is a business BASED on smoke and mirrors.  Also, makeup, wardrobe, and Oscar winning performances by the women.  Jason's talent and charisma for achieving what he did and making NY Confi into the mega agency that it was is an achievement in itself.  I did not mean to kick him when he's down.  Any one of us could find ourselves in a similar position.   Jason did what everyone else in this business does.  He sold a product and made it a desireable "must-have"  and he did it better than anyone else.  It was simply a few wrong moves on his part that put him in the position he is in today.    I'm reminded of the old expression, "But for the grace of God, there goes I."  (Or something to that effect.)   I knew Jason and he was an extremely charismatic and could be a good friend.  Unfortunately, we all have character flaws that put us in situations in which we may not have foreseen.  I truly hope that Jason gets a fair  deal when his day in court comes, because he wasn't doing anything different than a thousand other people do in this business.  I think a lot of the vitriol directed at him came out of jealousy and frustration from people who could not afford the prices he was charging for girls who certainly were some of the most beautiful around.  Remember, he is in prison today for essentially a victimless crime.  No one held a gun to his clients head and demanded money.  They all willing parted with their cash for what were surely experiences the likes of which they will never experience again.  While Jason is taking up space in prison, there are corporate executives raping American consumers everyday without our knowledge or consent.  It is they who belong behind bars.

Mister Novatny 4000 reads
2 / 18
Wont Get Fooled Again 3326 reads
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Dude, get over it.  You're a TER member.  You don't have a reputation to ruin.  If you really are the once-infamous Mister Novatny, then you deserve props for admitting past mistakes and moving on with your life.  Sure there are "we told you so" assholes on this board but scriptfixer is right about those guys and you should ignore them.  Sure Jason was a scammer and con artist but aside from spending too many  $$$$ I have few regrets.  79 Worth Street was a great place to hang out; it could have been a literary salon.  And as for Natalia, speaking from experience, she was almost as good as the hype, which is high praise.  I wish her the best, and you too, Mister Novatny.

Mr. Info 2690 reads
10 / 18

Jason defines the word stupid.  He keeps
repeating the same mistakes.  He is also a whole
bunch of other nasty adjectives that far
outweigh any positive attributes he may have.

Why did you continue to defend him?  First you
shilled for him.  Then you went above and beyond
and defended him as your friend.  Then you turned
on him (using aliases) to discredit him.  Now
you are defending him again.

Do you need me to find and cite the threads on
this board? Do we really have to relive this
tragedy yet again?

Tony Souprano 3876 reads
11 / 18

and doesn't want to "script" it off as bad debt just yet.

Henceforth, the clarification and niceee nice comments.


ChrissyStone 3630 reads
12 / 18

"But for the grace of God, there goes I."  

Nope, no way.

99% of the guys here on TER have not been arrested for drug smuggling, been physically abusive to women; nor are they pimps living off the efforts of one woman.

Jason is NOT a role model for anyone to emulate or admire.

Mister Novatny 6563 reads
13 / 18
PerryMason101 116 Reviews 3238 reads
14 / 18

Doesn't sound like his crime was "victimless" either.  By the way, is tax evasion considered a victimless crime?

Mr. Info 2661 reads
15 / 18

-- Modified on 7/13/2005 2:48:53 PM

SS344 5 Reviews 2759 reads
16 / 18

read the whole magazine article yesterday, and learned a few things I didn't know.

 That being said, regardless of his possible motives for cutting Jason some slack, Scriptfixer did make some salient points. If Jason did his "sthick" in the early fifties, perhaps he would have become the icon that Hef is today. That's not to say that he has the business acumen of Hef, but it appears he is/was a very charismatic dude. His downfall obviously lies with his inabilities to control his excesses, and the way he used his woman. Any woman who ever worked or posed for Hugh Hefner idolizes the ground he walks on, and with good reason. The man is a total class act!

 I never had the pleasure of sampling any NY Confi ladies, as I was a new hobbyist when they went down. However, I would have eventually tried to see Cheryl or Catherine, even at their price. It would have been my 10/10 just for the visuals! Natalia never rang my chimes, but, "Horses for Courses"!

 I pretty much agree with Chrissy Stone. Jason is not exactly someone you would aspire to be. On the other hand, I have to respect the viewpoint of
WGFA. He was there and experienced it, ergo, I have to give his opinion some credence.

 To all others, your posts are "duly noted" and respected. Just my 2 cents!

Wont Get Fooled Again 1843 reads
17 / 18

Without seeking to emulate or admire Jason:

1.  Jason's no saint, but IMO the physical abuse charges were bullshit.  Mona was a world-class manipulator with her own prima donna issues (see the article).  I got to know both Jason and Mona, and I simply don't believe the allegation.  Jason may have played toughguy occasionally but he's a pussy; any one of us (including the providers on this board) could have beaten the crap out of him.

2.  Lived off Natalia?? What are you talking about?  He made money off all his girls, and the girls got 45% of the money (45% to Jason and 10% to the booker).  That's not a pimp; that's a guy running an escort service.  May be illegal, but IMO not as immoral as you insist.  

3.  You're right.  Drug smuggling is wrong.

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