New York

Pork Sword--another one-post-no-review-anonymous poster. Part of the problem.
captyve 55 Reviews 4648 reads

Ignore this guy. He's either a shill for NYConfi or he's a TER staffer trying to salvage a bad situation. Moderate him, dingus, off the board.

frankie2003a4559 reads

1. You can't have a board vote because it is moderated by the person who is being vote on.  Who in their right mind would trust that?

2. If a vote is to be done it can not be done by anyone associated with TER.  The vote can not be done by PM - that is only for VIPs and the board is NOT a VIP only forum.

3. If you are going to have a vote do not think that posting "should we have a vote" will deflect the situation.  Implement an unbiased vote and stop treating the board posters like children.

dude out

Pork Sword4379 reads

this board. You are clearly a miserable person. Perpetually complaining and negativity that is unmatched on these boards.  Why don't you keep your promise and post on TBD.  That board DESERVES you.

frankie2003a2727 reads

But do not insult our intelligence by having a vote in a moderated forum.

Have a clean vote.  You seem to have many defenders so why not have a clean vote?

I will move on......I have reached out to other mods who may be willing to take on NY, I have plenty of other board to keep me busy....... non local moderation takes away the appearance of impropriety.

Pork Sword3820 reads

negative people on these boards. If you guys think Dingus is bad, you should post on some other boards where there is a lot of censorship and political correctness. Jokes get taken down because someone might be "offended". Anyone that wants to take down Dingus is asking for censorship, PC, and a board that will resemble TBD.  Bad Move indeed.

Ignore this guy. He's either a shill for NYConfi or he's a TER staffer trying to salvage a bad situation. Moderate him, dingus, off the board.

Pork Sword3253 reads

am anything but a shill for NYcon. In fact, I've railed against them. I've despised the shilling and cheezy contests. You couldn't be further from the truth. Captyve you,ve hijacked this board with all your Nycon crap. It's over and we need to move onto other issues like getting laid. I'd never pay $1400/hr for pussy unless it was pre-hepatitis  Pam Anderson. Frankie needs to go back to TBD.

I just finished a set of PMs with a member that has many reviews but post under an alias. People have many reasons for doing what they do.

frankie2003a3903 reads

That's just crazy talk about having ONE person who feels you need to move on.

If you want to move on, or had enough, or whatever then do so.
It can not be easy moderating the NY board.  No one said it was.

But it is clear that at least the _appearance_ of BIASED moderation on your part is there.

But don't ask about a vote and then say if ANYONE wants me to move on I will.  That's just not sincere.

dude out

Civility has nothing to do with you.  Stay on.   Gratuitous insults, such as the one above about Frankie, don't belong on the board, but some people insist on making them anyway.

sit in on that NYChat. Dingus should stay. Besides, better the devil you know than the one you don't know.

Again, this is what was brought out---shills for NYConfidential attacking anonymously those who revealed the truth about NYConfi. Or are you a TER staffer trying to undermine real criticism? Shut up and be gone.

worldclassNY3379 reads

another staff member who is really to blame. This will be brought out as the NYCON trial takes place. and i am sure it wont be able to be covered up..
Wait and see all.. Yes i have a crystal ball NeedAnswer ....Its not Dingus who we want to take the blame . but the individuals who realy profited.. a certain staffer who posts with stupid Alias's..
Dingus e-mail me ...

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