New York

"Perhaps you are a fool"? OK, you said it better than I could! LMAO
Honk if ya Fucked Sissy 2912 reads

200 providers, and you can't figure out how to converse on the phone?

I confess, for years now I have wondered if I have been appropriate on the phone with providers and I'm just not sure.

Basically, I've been trying to figure out what I should say when I make that first call and they pick up the phone.  I've tried variations of the following:

1)  Hi, my name is XXXXXX, with whom am I speaking;

2)  Hi, my name is XXXXXX, I saw your ad on the web and I was hoping to get some more information; and

3)  Hi, my name is XXXXXX, I saw your ad on the web and I was wondering if you might be available at ____ O'clock.

I have sensed that with approach 1, providers worry that I am LE.  With approach 2, I have often been met with curt responses to indicate that all the information is there, so anything else I would like to know is too damned bad.  With approach 3, my usual approach, I feel like I'm being a little rude by jumping right into the business of things without any pleasantries.

I'd appreciate any thoughts you have.


Why don't you ask if they do Bareback Greek with no lube? See what kind of response you get.


You are right, I am not new to the hobby.  In fact, I'm more than 200 providers and several years into the hobby.  Perhaps I am a fool for asking this question to so many who would not take it seriously, but I thought that even at this point, I might learn something from a new perspective.  I suppose next time I should post the question elsewhere.  Or, maybe, next time, you could just SHUT THE FUCK UP.

200 providers, and you can't figure out how to converse on the phone?

It is not my way to get into board bickering but this needs to stop.  The point of this board (I thought) was to discuss hobby related topics, and not just the ones you find appropriate.

Sissy (appropriate name, considering you are hiding behind an alias), three things are obvious to me (1) you have a surplus of time (2) you have a severe lack of money and pussy (3) you have a chip on your shoulder.

I for one, see the benefit of this post.  Initial contact for me is always tough.  My phone demeanor isn't great (I admit) and that is mostly because there isn't a canned response or conversation for this business.  Another huge reason is that all providers experience silly, rude, frightening, time-wasting (etc, etc) phone calls.  We become jaded to those calls and are on guard against them.  Once I have talked to someone a few times or have seen them, I am much more friendly.

The boards are slow, and I appreciate that MRB is trying to keep it fresh and flowing.

So, man-up and stop hiding behind the alias.  If you have something to say, say it- don't take the bitch route.

My $0.02- flame away.  At least I have the moxie to give my opinions and face the consequences.


You have zero clue about how much pussy I get, or my financial status. It was a newbie question from a veteran who should have some semblance of an idea as to how to ask for an appointment. Then he told ME to Fuck myself. I stand by my comment.

BTW, Isn't your handle an oxymoron?   :-)

...that works best when everyone is openly respectfully of each other.  Here we should be able to feel safe to discuss issues and share experiences we couldn't discuss outside our special  community. Ridicule and sarcasm is never appropriate anywhere IMHO and certainly shouldn't be used here.

Mr. Red, I am a veteran hobbyist and do get nervous on the first phone call.  While I opt for number three most often, I know I am talking to a professional on the other end that knows I may be nervous and awkward.  So, in the end, I think it is best to state your name, get right down to business (this is a business call) and then allow her to put you at ease.  If she cannot do that, maybe she is not the rght provider.

The number of times you get laid and the amount of money you earn does not excuse your crude interactions on this board.  If you cannot conduct yourself with even a hint of dignity and civility, and if you have to insult a woman who is trying to make this board a place where discourse can take place in a friendly manner, then you must be a pretty sorry individual; especially so since you need to hide behind an alias as well.

In the interest of being constructive, here's what I do.  I email first, describing myself in some detail.  I supply references in the email.  I tell them I am interested in seeing them, and I will call in a few days.  When I call, I reference the email, and it's usually smooth sailing after that.  I have yet to have a provider not read the email, and they are usually very nice on the phone after that.  Hope this helps.

I useally do something like this

Hi (providers name) my name is XXXXX XXXXXX I saw your ad at XXX-place and I would love to make an appt. I have very strong references and easly verifable employment/personal infomation which I would like to email to you for your security check

I think #3 is best.

Initial contact is always rough and I think there is little way around that in all honesty.

I would like to add, asking if it's a good time to talk is always nice.  Sometimes I may be with family or in a position where I can not speak freely but I don't want to say that outright.  Also, knowing exactly when you are wanting to see me is helpful- asking when I'm available is very broad.  I could be available now or the day after Christmas, I would much rather know what time you can keep and try to work my schedule to fit your needs.

I hope other providers answer this, I am curious what other ladies have to say :)


Sophomoric Humorist2783 reads

Hey, you're doing great, and as long as you're understandable over the phone do what works best for you.  don't sweat it, just be phone courteous.

I usaully go with :  "Hello, is this XXXX?" If yes,
"my name is Sophomoric Humorist and I saw your ad on Eros-NY/Cityvibe/Backpage/ Craigs List, etc...  I'd like to make an appointment, I was calling to see if you're available today [next part optional] and what screening info you need."

Then fall silent and allow her to respond.  When she does, it's like any other conversation relating to the purchase of a good or service.

Good luck.  a polite and relaxed phone manner ought to carry the day pretty much eery day.

Just in case of a misdialed/wrong number.

It's a good question and something I wonder about myself.  I almost always go with choice 3 but I also feel a little rude.  On the other hand, you are not calling to chat; they know why you are calling.  So I would say, stay with #3, especially if it works for you.

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