New York

NY Confidential vs. Mona Lisa
scriptfixer 18 Reviews 7599 reads

I'm from California, but whenever I'm in NY, I see my two favorite women from NY Confidential.  And I always have a great time...  never a let-down.  Even though I stick with the same two women at NY Confidential, I know they have top quality girls, never b & s, and are always on the up-and-up.  The only other agency that I've ever heard good things about is Mona Lisa Models.  They've got some great looking women on their site, but I'm a bit reluctant to stray from a good thing at NY Confi.   (I might do so if I had Donald Trump's money to throw around.)  So to those of you out there who have been around a bit, does Mona Lisa Models live up to the standard set by NY Confi? How about a softball game in Central Park.  NY Confi vs. Mona Lisa.  And we get to be the umpires!

Never had a bad expierence with either.  Only problem I have w/ NYC is that as soon as a girl gets hot th eprice rises to $800 or more whereas ML never went high than $600 regardless of the women (Carla was one exception but worth it).  Lately though, it seems NYC ahs been getting more hot chicks than ML but the latter still get my vote, but only by a node.

frankie2003a5385 reads

I use both.

NYC is more expensive than ML so I don't know where the
DT comment comes from.  Whenever NYC gets a great girl
they jack up the price and keep it there.  That's their
right but the pricing is all over the map and I suspect
dependent on the phone help.

ML is much more consistent with this, actually they almost
never vary.  (special ladies such as centerfolds are clearly
identified as such on the phone).

Also, ML has a better web site.  When I say better, I'm not
talking about aesthetics either.  Their pictures allow one
to get a better sense of what the lady actually looks like.
A single picture of a lady or a three close ups of her left
ear don't offer that same sense.

Now I'm not knocking NYC, but you shilled, er, I mean brought
them up. If everything is relative, then these are a few areas
that need to be improved upon compared with ML.


WCEncounters6066 reads

As an fellow agency in business for over a decade, i can say Mona lisa models has a honest, reliable reputation and never performs the bait and switch.
Most of her girls are fresh faces and she has constant variety.
The other agency you mentioned has older ladies whom have a lot of heavy milage on them. And many are late 30's and can be found indepentantly online. And all this marketing competitions stuff is just old news.If they are so wonderful why the BS games to try to suck a few guys into trying for a freebie.. Myself and other agencies rely on honest solid reputation to build a clientel.
I have sent many of my nice clients looking for quality in call service on short notice, when we are over booked to Mona lisa models. And almost all my very picky and spoiled clients have been thrilled..
From a competetive agency i can say Mona lisa is a well run reputable service with great people skills.And if i would send my long term clients in trust of her service she has to be the better one.
Only my opinion and i am an agency...

You do this on Eros,

as you proudly told me.

You say you are a "screening service"

a screening service that takes over 50%!

Who do you think you're kidding?

All of your reviews that say "Independent"

should be removed from TER.

You say our girls are old,

while our girls average age is 22!


Jealous of NYC sweetie pie?

By the way MonaLisa is the 2nd best agency in New York,

and when our best girls are booked,

we send clients to MonaLisa.

Not one of these clients has left us!

Their girls are very good,

our girls are

M A R R A I G E   M A T E R I A L !  

Mustbekidding4516 reads

Your so-called overmakerketing strategies is all about your lack of business. Get a life and stop bad mouthing people and get realistic about the economy and rates in this business.

Maybe then you would not have to have these stupid contests and jumping in on ever post to help your business.

-- Modified on 4/2/2004 4:50:17 PM

WCEncounters5895 reads

I wont even respond to an attack on my personal opinion. After all this board is a place to post our opinions. I see you  did you not lash out at the hobbiests who shared the same feelings i do. If you need clients feel free to in house e- mail me and i will gladley pass on the clients we decline whos budget does not meet our fees structure but may help you since you are starting out..
Its nicer to be nice in the business than to show a lack of respect and create ill feelings. we are not in a business where that serves one well.Especially if you plan on staying in business long term.
There is enoungh work in the industry for every one and each of us have our own nitch that attracks a certain kind of clientel that matches the service we build ..
   Why do you feel so threatened by my personal opinion that Mona lisa has a higher quality service and girls. After all she has worked many years and earned her repution.
Over the years you will hopefully build a long term reputation. That cant be done in a few months as the true test of quality takes time and consistancy to establish. But as of now you are the new kid on the block and have to earn long term reputation. So how can you be offened that i rated ML a better bet at this time.  
So relax and learn to be more diplomatic it will serve you better long term in business.
And for the record. we dont market our girls on this board as we feel its not a marketing place but a discussion board.

Good luck in building your business.

with regards


None of the women I have met from NY Confidential have heavy mileage on them; quite the contrary.  Most of their girls are young, fresh, new to the business and very enthusiastic.  No agency has ever tried to suck me into a freebie.  I wish someone would throw me a freebie, I'd gladly take it.  I tried BDJ once and was very disappointed.
The thing is that at NY Confi, I feel llike I've developed a rapport with the bookers, rather than being just one more client on a list of thousands.  They know me personally and know what I like.  The only reason I put up the original posting was because Mona Lisa has some great looking girls on their site; almost too many to seem legit.  When I've called, I get kind of a chilly reception whereas NY Confi always seems to go out of their way to provide service to me as a valued client.  I'd like to try one of the ML girls sometime, but it just seems like a roll of the dice as opposed to dealing with a sure thing at NY Confi.

I've used both.  With the exception of one experience with an ML girl, I've had incredible experiences with both agencies.  It really depends on the specific provider, your ability to build a rapport with the person answering the phone, and making sure your on top of the reviews.  The one leg ML has over NYC is incall service as they have their own place, but I get the feeling NYC will do something to rectify that soon.

nedboner5503 reads

No knock on anyone but I've had innumberable great
experiences with Mona Lisa. Both NYC and Mona Lisa
are honest ... but the NYC bookers are honest
and always super-enthused , whereas Mona Lisa
is straight down the middle honest, you know.
 I think ML's bookers are just professional...
and they're so darn busy they may come across
a little cool to clients. But they're super
helpful with regulars.  And incidentally, I don't
want to give up my exclusive but didn't it
ever cross your mind to throw a booker [at
least a female one, we KNOW what male bookers
want for "tips"!] a little perfume or a Grant
after a successful appointment with a recommended
  Let's hear it for the Mona Lisa phone bookers ...
their models don't need my puny endorsement they
make their own reputation.

Try www.Belledejour.Net  They have some terriffic gals.  Some are even from san fransico on tour.  If you like them ask for Kim to help you.  You will wind up thanking me.

I had one experience with BDJ that was enough to turn me off for a lifetime.  For now, I'm sticking with NY Confi because I know I can trust them and they always deliver the goods.

HUMHUM5228 reads

The reason why they go out of their way is ... they don't have enough business, so of course they go out of their way to be
polite when their phones only ring a few times a day.When an agency is very busy you can feel the buzz.

You sound foolish in your posts.


Ever heard the old saying "You get what you pay for." How can any agency called half-price escorts be any good.  Do they have a full set of teeth; mssing an appendage; carnival workers in the off-season?

nedboner5951 reads

and tries to help fellow
hobbyists and isn't that a good thing? I mean if Ahnold
GropinFeuhrer is Governor of CA. this
Californian should be the Emperorator.

we all have our favorites. i need more research to decide.

Thank you Ned... your support is much appreciated.  I'm glad you recommended me an the Emerorator and not the Ejaculator!   :)

Hey Firpo, why is it that you and several other brain dead morons who probably only see crackwhores for $20 blowjobs always accuse someone like me or other member of TER of being a shill for an agency like NY Confidential when we get on this board to extol their virtues.  I have been incrediblly pleased with their service, their attitude, courtesy, and the quality of their women.  In any business I tell other people about the great service I received.  I AM NOT and HAVE NEVER BEEN a shill for NY Confidential.  I just feel that when an agency goes out of their way to accommodate their clients and satisfy their needs, they deserve to get some recognition.  If I can help their build their business by putting out a good word, so what?  They have NEVER sent me a girl for free nor have they EVER given me any sort of discount other than when I've been a runner up in one of their contests.  I extoll the virtues of Jet Blue to everybody I know, does that make me a shill for Jet Blue.  I suggest you and all of your other cynical and bitter cronies who either cannot afford or cannot appreciate the fine women that NY Confi  stop your bitching and moaning like a bunch of teenage girls with their first periods and find something more productive to write about.
Have I made my self clear?

frankie2003a7708 reads

1. You have a clear conflict of interest which you have stated:
"They have NEVER sent me a girl for free nor have they EVER
given me any sort of discount other than when I've been
runner up in one of their contests."

2. One doesn't extoll the virtues of an agency.  People usually
sing the praises of a provider and mention the agency in
passing.  That's why ANY post saying a particular agency is
great are highly suspect.  One glaring exception would be a
newly discovered agency which is not the case here.

3. You try to say your agency is great compared to some other
agency but you have never used the other agency!  What's more,
when people who have used both agencies post, you answer them
back with vague assertions about that other agency.  For
example: "The only reason I put up the original posting was
because Mona Lisa has some great looking girls on their site;
almost too many to seem legit".  Come on, get real, you have
never used that agency but your inference is clear.

Also, calling people names never helps ones argument.


-- Modified on 4/3/2004 11:36:30 AM

FLY ON THE WALL4641 reads

Hey Scriptfixer, you seem to know so much. Tell me. I hear some West Coast photographer gets BIG DISCOUNTS when he shoots these girls from a NY agency. Then he brags, and brags, and brags, and he brags more about the girls and the agency to BOOST up the agency and his own ego! Any clues? Speaking of periods. Did you get yours? Sounds like your having a bad week of PMS. If so, which would you like? A Tampon or a Tampax? And umm....have I made my self clear?

firpo5853 reads

You will have to exucse me but I've never flown Jet Blue my friend, I actually have my own plane and i don't post reviews because whatever i do with these beautiful ladies is my business. A gentleman doesn't have a memory when it comes to women.
Now I will not degrade myself by stooping to your level and begin a war of words but if you feel that you need to express your opinion, feel free to PM me.
I've actually seen a couple of girls from NYC and have had an excellent service from Jason and the gang, but i will not force feed eveyone here the attributes of these beautiful ladies, that's what the reviews are for.

firpo4119 reads

Unfortunately the moderators of this board did not post my original reply to your dim-witted remarks.  Suffice to say that I will not stoop to your level of crassness and begin a war of words.
If you feel the necessity of advertising or promoting the attributes  of an agency, whether that might be from NYC or any other place, why don't you just post a review instead of just talking about someone you claim to have met but have not had the pleasure of being with.

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