New York

nothing like womanly behavior
the HIV 3922 reads

this thread needs more gossip, drama, and white knights.

THFKAM4006 reads

For months I've been reading emails from some clients bashing BDJ and Josh in particular for mistreating clients, always countered by other clients who insist that Kim and Josh are wonderful.  None of it ever made any sense to me, because the different perspectives were like night and day.  Now along comes Beans4000 saying that Josh was a wonderful guy who always was nice to him whenever he dropped $4000 or more on BDJ.  Well given BDJ rates that's about 10 HOURS with one lady or maybe 5 hours with 2 or change the math slightly for the Legendary Jill.  Or maybe its a special premium rate.  Or maybe it's several hundred dollars on the side to Josh.  Whatever it is, it aint what the rank and file is paying.  So enquiring minds want to know.  Do BDJ or Josh have private phone lines that are only given to special clients to ensure quality service?  Are certain clients encouraged to pay premium rates or to make side-payments to Josh or Kim or someone else to ensure that their calls are always answered?  

PS  I have no ax to grind here.  I am not that familiar with BDJ except for one person with whom in the past I have been good friends.  But if BDJ has a formal or informal two-tier client system which clearly favors the first tier, that IMO should be disclosed.

And this post just is not true.  I would know.  Some people have nothing to do in their sorry loney lives except to stir shit.  Moment since all you know is hear say(and before you talk about the real story check with others) I as a veteran member of TER and a very happy client of BDJ, as well as other agencies and indy's, tell you this is just not true.  Kim has brought to our area some of the finest providers at a reasonable fee.
Go back to your shit stirer friend and tell him I, BuddyM, said this.  Each week we get to choose from the best that the indusry has to offer.  I would suggest that you write a retraction and applogize to Kim, since you have NO actual experience.

An ANGRY Buddym

-- Modified on 1/29/2006 6:06:15 AM

 To agree with Buddym on this one. Nothing personal Moment, but what you are suggesting is pure speculation! BDJ has established a stellar track record. If there were a "Two Tier System" in place, as you suggest, it would have been discovered by now. The hobbying community is too large. If BDJ were to operate in that manner, it could only be done in a special membership format, ala New York Jewels. Think about it longer, before you post similar conjection on the board. JM2C

the HIV3923 reads

this thread needs more gossip, drama, and white knights.

THFKAM2804 reads

Well it has been boring lately (LOL).  Nice alias, BTW.  Very compassionate.  Have you thought of trying "Adolf Hitler"?

THFKAM4639 reads

If he thinks this thread is not appropriate, he can take it down (though he should read my clarification first).  But BTW if "nobody cares" why the endless threads about Josh??

There is plenty of crap (including your post)
that is _allowed_ to be posted but really

The reason why people are posting is because
everyone likes to stir the shit!  Plus the BDJ
posse (AKA the plebes) will always post to
defend them.  :(:(:(.

-- Modified on 1/29/2006 10:41:59 AM

Help me out by telling me which post in this thread shouldn't be allowed. I'm sure you could teach me so much about moderating a board. ;)

If I remove this thread as many have suggested, it would only appear that BDJ attempted to squash the discussion. BDJ has taken a hit because of the Josh story going public. IMHO, the NYC Hobby community would not be served by making threads go away. That is not my way! There are other boards on TER where this is done routinely. Not here! LIVE WITH IT!!! Ultimately, Kim needs to publicly speak for BDJ. People will still line up on either side of the fence but I believe that Kim representing BDJ should have a chance to speak.


I was questioning the motive, taste and
intelligence of the person making the post.

My comment has NOTHING to do with moderation or

THFKAM3020 reads

I made no accusations; I raised possibilities and asked questions based on a weeks of endless posts concerning Josh and BDJ.  To be clear, I have NO information other than the posts, and NO personal complaints about BDJ.  Also, nobody put me up to this.  I came up with the post all by my lonesome at 2:45 in the morning.  

To BuddyM and his friends:  I respect you guys and your opinions.  But you may want to consider the possibility that you get good treatment from BDJ and Josh because you are longstanding customers; in other words, you've been grandfathered into the first tier.  Josh probably knows he's supposed to return your calls.  Or maybe when you can't get through to Josh you book with your favorites via their private cells.

Actually the more I think about this situation, the more ridiculous it becomes.  BDJ and Josh get all this criticism because they are rude to new clients.  So what?  If I ran an agency in the current environment, I wouldnt be rude to newbies; I wouldnt even answer their calls without a referral from an existing client.  
I wouldnt be surprised if Kim and Josh have been doing that informally all along.  But if I'm right, and yes this is all just reasonable speculation, then the problem is lack of candor.

As for my suggestion of premium rates, I have NO proof of that.  Based on reading some other Beans4000 posts, my guess is he books two girls for 3-4 hours and then tips well.  God bless him.

I have used them exactly once, for a 1/2 hour with Jill (so no one is going to rich off of that!), and had a good experience with Josh, or whoever answered the phone.

You say "For months I've been reading emails from some clients bashing BDJ and Josh in particular for mistreating clients, always countered by other clients who insist that Kim and Josh are wonderful."

If you do a search the complaints have been done by 2 people. 1 was an alias and 1 was by someone using their real screen name. Is it possible that it is the same person with an agenda? I would bet dollars to dimes that it is.  

"None of it ever made any sense to me, because the different perspectives were like night and day. "

With the handfull of complaints that are made about BDJ there are probably at least 300 satisfied customers. Remember when a service/provider are being used frequently there will always be guys who are not satisfied. When a service/provider is not being used then NOTHING will be said about them. I take the good with the bad. I think you can't please all the people all the time, but you can please some of the people some of the time.

"Now along comes Beans4000 saying that Josh was a wonderful guy who always was nice to him whenever he dropped $4000 or more on BDJ."

If you think Beans4000 is the only guy who thinks that Josh/BDJ is great to deal with then you have another thing coming. I have never dropped anywhere close to $4000 on a session with a BDJ girl and I have always recieved great service from both the escort and the phone service. I could list my entire backchannel group as guys who have all been more than satisfied with BDJ and have never dropped the kind of money Beans4000 claimed to have been spending.

"Or maybe it's several hundred dollars on the side to Josh."

This has to be one of the stupidist things I have ever seen written on a PMB. You are in great company and you take the cake. ;)

"Do BDJ or Josh have private phone lines that are only given to special clients to ensure quality service?"

Ok. Maybe you proved me wrong. This is the stupidist thing I have ever seen written on a PMB. I think you have been watching to much of the old Batman and Robin episodes on TBS. Do you think Josh and Kim have a special red phone that rings only when important clients call? So let me get this straight they have a red phone for VIP clients and a brown phone for everyone else. The red phone gets priority because Commissioner Gordon and BDJ's VIP clients could be on the other end. ;)

In closing, you said your post was made at 2:45 AM so I can only hope that you were drunk when you made it. That is the only way that it would make sense. I just cant understand how a guy who graduated from one of the best schools could make the conclusions that you did. As I always say some guys are book smart, but not street smart.

-- Modified on 1/29/2006 8:52:40 AM

THFKAM2415 reads

EB, if I'm completely wrong here -- and I ACCEPT that possibility -- blame it on what you call my lack of street smarts, because I was sober and not tired when I wrote my first post.

Your refutation is pretty clever, but it fails to take into account my second clarification post, in which I backed off the premium idea.  As for the other stuff, let's also agree that the VIP red phone is unlikely (although cute).  However:

1.  Saying that the whole Josh business is the work of one rogue alias makes no sense.  At least one poster who agreed with the posters is a solid and honest guy who never gets into the usual posting contests.  Plus for goodness sakes, Josh all but admitted he's a pill in his lengthy posts.  I didnt make all this stuff up at 2 in the morning EB.  

2.  You dont need a red phone to play favorites.  All it takes is ignoring calls from guys you dont know when things get busy.  Plus if you insist that guys never get close to some girls and call them privately for an appt when they cant get through to the main board, then you're not as street smart as you think.  Or we walk on different streets.

One final point.  I am NOT bashing BDJ.  From everything I've heard and from a few fictional experiences of my own their women are quite wonderful to spend time with, and at least one of them is deservedly a legend.

"Saying that the whole Josh business is the work of one rogue alias makes no sense."

Did you even read my post? Do a search of the BDJ complaints. It is being done by 1 person who uses his screenname and another one who is going by an alias. The alias Rob Demeo has about 75% of the BDJ/Josh bashing posts. To think its not the same person is someone who is not making any sense.

"You dont need a red phone to play favorites.  All it takes is ignoring calls from guys you dont know when things get busy. "

So now you know for a fact that BDJ ingnores calls from guys they dont know. Your first post said this too. Then you switched to maybe you were wrong about this, and now you are back to your original story. Just some advice. Take a stance and stick with it. Don't keep changing it because it makes NOTHING you post valid.

"Plus if you insist that guys never get close to some girls and call them privately for an appt when they cant get through to the main board, then you're not as street smart as you think. "

I could eat you alive with this sentence, but I won't. Be careful of what you write especially when people know what you do. ;)

"I am NOT bashing BDJ"

You keep proving me wrong. In one day you have taken the title 3 times for the dumbest post ever made on a PMB. You are not bashing BDJ? You are claiming that they have a seperate phone line for VIP members. How do you think a statement like that makes a guy who wants to see a BDJ girl for 1 hour at her $350 rate? He sure as hell isn't going to get this special VIP treatment that you claim that others get, so why should he waste his hard earned money on seeing a BDJ girl when he could see anothe girl from another agency? Like I said before I don't spend $4000 on a session and I always feel that I get great treatment from both the BDJ girl and the phone service. It is very obvious that you were bashing BDJ with your post. Anyone with half a brain can recognize that. You make yourself look foolish when you deny it.

-- Modified on 1/29/2006 10:53:45 AM

Jackie Gleecum2007 reads

but it didn't happen.

You should have seized the "moment" and taken matters into your own hands...
It would have created less heartburn for yourself and

Let's move on to something else like what services will Josh's new Booteek agency offer.

Hoe sweet it is!... Did I really say that? Yipes!

Tony Souprano3856 reads

I know... I know... I took it out of cuntext.


-- Modified on 1/29/2006 9:48:12 AM

THFKAM2982 reads

This is the end of this thread as far as I'm concerned, though I may keep playing tennis with some of you on the PMs.  I do want to say, however, that the mere fact that there are BDJ defenders who strongly disagree with me does not mean I was wrong to say what I said.  This was a topic fairly raised by numeous posts.  Overall, as an exercise in the marketplace of ideas, the thread was legitimate.

Again, for the record, I have nothing personally against BDJ or anyone associated with BDJ.

Get a life, please2723 reads

WOW, I don't care if you are single, divorced, widowed or married (think I got them all), playing shit stirrer and white knight - hmmmm... you all should call a provider and each of you get yanked and calm the fuck down.

Who cares if you agree or disagree?  Isn't this "hobby" supposed to be just for fun?

manicdepressive2694 reads

This is the best arguement yet for not having a week off before the Super Bowl.  Go Seahawks.

Beans40002793 reads

nice email you sent me, moment, and i appreciate what you said, it was nice, but you need to stop making all these wrong accusations and just being plain mean towards Josh for whatever reason.. If you have a problem with unanswered calls or emails why are you focusing all your anger at JOSH? Why not be angry at KIM or the other girl that works there? Sounds really very fishy to me.

I stand by what I said Josh is a good guy and the regulars like buddym, lawyer (the one who helped me contact them, just ask him if i emailed him about BDJ many times) and energizer all agree apparently from what i read.

You need to stop bullying Josh around. If you have some hard facts that Josh has wronged in some way, post them or shut it to be blunt. I have a really hard time believing Josh would go out of his way to be unprofessional without being provoked first.

PS. ever think that $4000 could be for 2 or 3 girls? or an overnight? or including big tips etc..?

enough of this bs please.

Just joking ;).

-- Modified on 1/29/2006 3:05:29 PM

Smelly Smegma2242 reads

BDJ business because he was a MESS, and was absolutely clueless about dealing with hetero customers. He was SO bad, I think he would have fucked up gay clients. I wouldn't piss on this little prick if he was on fire!  What a hatchet job he did on BDJ. He is, ( and always will be a head case). Customer service can only go up.

stpenn3237 reads

Someone finally spoke up and a necessary change was made.  BDJ will be run better now.

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