New York

New site is up. Constructive critisism welcomed
SamanthaSummers See my TER Reviews 4895 reads

Just as I posted yesterday the new site is up today. Keep in mind the purpous of this is to help protect my identity a bit more plus to just put all pertinant info on one page. My monthly schedule is at the bottom of the page.

Any thoughts or constructive critism will be welcomed.

It is still the same domain name as my previous several page site. Same e-mail, same cell number, although I do tend to prefer initial contact through e-mail.

Thanks a bunch guys your opinions count!
Samantha Summers

no. 63873 reads

all the headings that say "ABOUT ME", "WHAT I OFFER", "RATES", etc. should NOT be all caps. Upper and lower case would look better and be more readable. Also, more pics please! Overall, it is, as was your last site, well designed and attractive.

It's not the all caps that bothers me. It's the font.  It's too fancy, bordering on difficult to read.  Go with something a bit more simple.

I agree with waterclone. Also if you fit the site to the page you don't have to use that annoying space bar at the bottomIMHO

It's a good site Sam.....accomplished what you set out to when you advised us that you were dropping the old site and putting up this new one!

I'm going to forward this thread to my webguy. What you guys think really does matter. Lets see what happens.

I purpously left out alot of pics. My previous site which I suggested anyone that wanted to see them go look, that it would be changed today.

Besides anyone who is on my mailing list gets untouched updated picks with my bi-monthly e-mails. All you need is a discreet account that only you have access to, that I'm certain most of you have if your even signed on to here. lol

Eventually I'll be exclusively seeing only members of my mailing list. Just as I've scaled down my availability. Just like I scaled down my site and have decided for the new one to give a person a good idea of my body type yet keep my identity a bit more to myself.

Thanks for your input it will be taken into consideration.

In general, the site is pretty nice. The page loads quickly and I like the background color. The pictures you do have are a fair representation of you, so that's good.

There are, imho, two negatives about the site, both of which were mentioned above. First, the font you chose for the headers is really hard to read. It might be better if it weren't all caps, but I think you need to reconsider the font. Second, the page is really long. You should consider breaking the page down into perhaps three or four pages. Page one could contain introductory site information and the About Me and What I Offer sections. Page two might contain your rate and contact info. Page three could contain a gallery, and Page 4 could contain a calendar, if you're going to have more extensive travel plans.

The only other thing I can think to mention is the header at the top of the page, the one that says Samantha of NY. Neither the font or the color matches anything else on the page. I'd rework it so that it goes with the rest of the site.

Just my $0.02

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