New York

MORE BLAH, MORE BLATHER ad infinitum., More gumflapping CRAP!! eom.
Just Blow ME 3248 reads


NYConfidential is like an airplane crash--we "passengers", even if we didn't fly on that particular airplane, need to analyze exactly what happened and place all the information we know about NYConfidential into the now known context of a plane crash.  

Yes, there were those of us--Frankie 2003A and myself--who thought that NYCon was a poorly maintained plane with a drunken pilot--an accident waiting to happen--and solely from the NYCon public postings.  Frankie had some other sources and, while I still believe rumors without sources should not be posted, we should be open to anyone who can assess the previous known facts about NYCon in the light of what happened.  The false posting of credit card charges by NYCon is an eye-opener--a real eye-opener.  Everyone should be very, very nervous about using their credit card for anything in the adult sex industry.

While we can and should ignore all the "I told you so posts"--now that I've posted mine--TER does serve a purpose: the NYBoard has exposed the routine and drearily uniform shoddiness of AMP's and the readers of this board WERE warned about NYCon long before the door closed.

Accordingly, if anyone can post any information--particularly if its already on a blog or other website--the moderators should allow it since, quite simply, there is NO NYcon that needs protecting from unfounded rumors--post what you know--and ONLY what you know--or get someone who does know to post about NYCon. It will be a service to us all.

There clearly is an undercurrent here of suspicions that TER was somehow complicitous in NYConfidential--either by allowing phony reviews, by moderating out critical comments, by allowing the website to be used by NYCon's inane contests.  Some think that Dingus is involved---I doubt it. Some believe a previous moderator was getting freebies. Don't know. But we SHOULD be suspicious of anonymous no review posters who don't want a full airing of the mess at NYCon.

Like the anonymous no reivew NeedAnswer, it's best to ignore the anonymous no review Just Blow Me, who appears mysteriously out of the ether.

Just Blow ME3662 reads

I have 20 reviews this year in a plethora of cities. I didn't want to post as Mr. Novatny because I didn't want unanimous scorn from the board.  ROTFLMAO

Theres more to know , and more to come out in the following weeks. Its obvious certain people would like this Topic to go away. Stay tuned

myreality3251 reads

I couldn't agree with you more.  I hate message boards that over kill a subject.  But I for one don't feel its time to end the discussion on NY CON especially when things seems to be as you describe them.

Moderators do not have anything to do with reviews, a review staff handle that function. Also, moderators are not allowed to post reviews while moderating. I believe her much more than I trust you. Of course, you are not too swift with the english language, that deficit obviously includes reading and spelling. Do me a favor, go take your monthly bath and stay off the board for a while.

-- Modified on 1/18/2005 12:41:44 PM

-- Modified on 1/18/2005 12:45:15 PM

I went out front for you two--so if you have anything to add--do it here and on the TER website. I seriously doubt that your posts will be declined now that NYCon has been exposed.

Don't blog elsewhere--blog here.

BabyBull3296 reads

"The false posting of credit card charges by NYCon is an eye-opener--a real eye-opener."  Didnt see that in the articles -- where was it?  And has anyone actually had that experience with NYC?  Needless to say, wherever one stands on Jason, that sh** is unacceptable.

1. You are fixated on NYConf. and TER's alleged complacency in Jason's antics.
2. You are not too swift with the english language.
3. You need to get a life.

This thread is the final opportunity for a number of people who have been bursting to PM me with all the gory details of TER's complicity with NYCon to put it out in the open. So shut up and keep your eyes closed if you don't want to know the truth.

And if they don't post--well, that will tell us something, too.

By the way, why is your penis so small? Do the providers ever laugh?

And no provider that has ever met you first laugh at my penis, because they had witness you try to talk intelligently and realized that when you feel very sorry for someone, you do not laugh at them. Guess I have only met ones that had encountered you first, because none have laughed yet.
Maybe those that are PMing you will post on this board, if the people at TER are such malicious bad asses, what is to prevent them from setting up intercepts of PMs between you and your fan club? Afterall, TER does set up the code for the PM facility on this website, and - you moron, anyone that sets up code that controls the flow of information can do what the hell they want with that information. Of course, that last sentence flew over your head.

villageguy4862 reads

want to say that these posts about NY Confidential over the past week have been incredibly entertaining, in both a serious and sometimes hilarious way.  I have been reading them with interest, and I must say that some of you can be cuttingly funny!  At any rate, I personally want to thank you ALL for your participation in these threads.  You've made the NY Board far and away the best!

I agree completely.  I am relatively new to this, have a handful of reviews and posts, and I have found this whole NYC Jason posting war both informative and entertaining.

I've trolled other boards, but this is by far the best.  I only wish I had something more to contribute.  Thanks all.

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