New York

Mikki was hilarious when she did stand up!
AngelSpencer See my TER Reviews 1641 reads

If you’ve never seen her you’ve definitely missed a GREAT show.
I remember when she came to the D.C meet and greet. She had us in stitches. She had me in tears!
She and I talked for about an hour beforehand and she was the most genuine, funny and honest person I ever met.
Her presence will definitely be missed in the community.

Landem6950 reads

Let me say up front that I know I am violating one of the rules of TER: Thou shalt not discuss a delisted provider.

But all rules have exceptions, and in this case I sincerely hope that Staff and our moderator Dingus will agree that this should be such an exception, and that they will allow this post and any replies to stand. The reasons are twofold: (1) there is no way that she, or anyone else, will make a dime as a result of this post and (2) there are many members of this community who will want to know.

So here goes.

Miki (theMilf) passed away last Friday. The cause of death was kidney failure. I deliberately waited until today to make this announcement because I wanted the lady behind the milf to be peacefully laid to rest first. I have just returned from her burial and it is time for the community to know, since it seems that rumors are spreading.

Those who knew her only by her board persona, well, whether you loved her or hated her, I am sure all would agree she was a feisty lady, never afraid to speak her mind. Those who knew her personally will have their own fond memories. I will always have mine.

Fare well and rest in peace my dear Miki, many will miss you. I know that I will.

Love Laney3330 reads

I loved her and will miss her powerful personality.

Stunned and sad ~

I am so saddened by this news. I knew she was ill, but did not realize how bad. I met her for the first time at the M&G at her place last May and it was an honor to have had the chance to do so. May she rest in peace.

Never had the opportunity to meet Miki but have chatted with her many times.  I am so sorry to hear she is gone.

I just met her on another board. She was so nice and sweet. This is heartbreaking to hear.

I knew Miki had health issues, but this still comes as a shock.  Love her or hate her, she was a vibrant part of our community.  I, for one, will miss her as a friend.

JustSomeChic2411 reads

I am not a member of this community, but retained membership long enough to post in response. I, too, hope this post remains regardless of any previous circumstances.

I just wanted to say "thank you" since indeed, I heard the news earlier in the day and now know for certain the truth. I am saddened at this loss for many reasons...and appreciate you taking time from your reality to come to this fantasy world to let her "other family" know of this news.

I never had the opportunity to know Miki any further than e-mails and her blog which I adored for it's realities, humor and fearless sass. I appreciated her openness and fiery spirit. Her last blog gave me hopes for her...and sadly now, it has come to an end. I will miss those words.

I grieve never having been able to experience her gifts in person, but am happy to know that many did and appreciated her for all she was...


My heart goes out to all who feel this loss.

Some may love New York, but MANY will Miss our *Miki*

THFKAM9146 reads

There's a lot I want to say and I hope I have the chance to say in the event (which I hope for) that this thread flowers and expands tomw. For now let me say that I loved Mik, sometimes argued with her, and will always miss her.

No matter how you felt about Miki, you had to admire her unapologetic nature, her wild abandon and of course that wicked sense of humor.  She will definitely be missed by many...


-- Modified on 8/19/2007 4:37:58 PM

Very sad another unique personality gone..hopefully she is at peace.

... in disbelief.  My heart is heavy with sorrow.

Miki, you will be missed dearly.  Rest in peace sweetheart and god bless.  I'm glad I had the opportunity to know you.  I'll never forget you.


-- Modified on 8/20/2007 4:41:44 PM

-- Modified on 8/20/2007 4:45:21 PM

to meet Miki in person.  We did have a few phone conversations and of course I knew her via this board.  Many things have already been said by those that knew her better, but I know I will miss her unapologetic opinions, for better or worse.

Rest sweetly,


-- Modified on 8/19/2007 5:16:03 PM

I am sorry for your loss, Hyabby, babe.

She made me laugh even when she made me mad once, she will be missed. (BTW...I didn't send u roses either, gf!! I knew you would like that one, heheheh...RIP.

Here's to you, Ms. Miki! XOXOXO


... joie de vivre. She was sui generis -- one of a kind -- and I, too, will miss her raucous laughter and down-to-earth sensuality. I was meaning to call her this week but was distracted by other things: I should have known better. In our last chat, we laughed and gossiped, reminisced about CBGB's and stand-up comedy, planned some deliciously evil encounters. Now that's gone and I and we are lesser for it. God bless you, Miki. Flights of angels sing thee to thy rest. xxxx

and yet I felt nearer to her than some providers I have seen for years.

She had a quality that allowed her to bond to me within minutes.  I was enthralled by the conversations I had with her.

I am so glad that I took the time to see her while she was amongst us.

I am so sad that I'll never have the chance again.

Rest in Peace Miki, we'll meet again in the big pleasure dome in the sky.

May Miki rest in peace.  

She was truly a friend and someone who you can talk to about anything. The most down to earth person in the world.  I shed a tear when I heard the news.  

She's one that I will miss dearly.

I had the pleasure of meeting Miki at dinner with you and a few other of our friends.

You are right about her being feisty, as  remember her asking me for kiss, so we frenched right outside the restaurant and had everyone looking at us and I loved it!

RIP lovely lady, as I will never forget you :)


-- Modified on 8/19/2007 6:55:13 PM

I guessed wrongly that she would enjoy many happy years. You and her family have my condolences. I myself am in sorrow. The world has lost a truly beautiful person.

CarolinaLayla1764 reads

It seems like just yesterday she was making me laugh late at night . Miki will be greatly missed by so many.
RIP Miki

-- Modified on 8/19/2007 8:00:21 PM

She was a beautiful woman - inside and out.  A bold, erotic lover and a beautiful, sensitive lady.  I'll miss her greatly.

First, thank you for telling us, secondly, I'm in shock.  I talked to Miki just a couple of weeks ago.  I knew she had health issues, but she never disclosed how sick she was.  May you rest in peace, my friend.  I'm sorry I didn't have the chance to say goodbye.

As many of you know, Miki and I never met face to face.

Over the years, due to the childish behaviour and the personal agenda of one person, we were always confronting each other...I guess he had a secret pleasure in seeing us fighting on UG board.

This same person called me yesterday to apologize for what he has done in the past...he didn't tell me what happened with Miki but I could sense it was serious.

Hyabby kindly called me early this morning to tell me that she passed on Friday.

Few weeks ago, after Kimmie's funeral (aka NYVanessa), Miki called me to apologize and make peace with me.

Now, recalling parts of our two hours conversation that day, I can almost say that she knew her time was up. Lots of things she said now makes sense to me.

That day, we buried the hatch...we got our differences leveled and we - finally - had a civil and enlighting talk.

One of the things Kimmie wanted was for Miki and I to be friends. She always told me if we did meet and spend time together we would really like each other. Many times, Kimmie tried to get us together because she believed once we saw each other eye to eye we would be the best buddies.

Unfortunately, that never happened, we didn't have the time to develop a friendship the way Kimmie wanted us to.

Kimmie is is Miki.

Our community lost two great ladies...I hope they found their Peace.

Sadly I never had the opportunity to meet Miki although we exchanged emails frequently.  She was always a delightful lady in her correspondences and I'll miss her.

gatherings - but more important - it was such genuine humor born of the human condition.  She truly could make you laugh with her.

She will be missed - and Hyabby,  thank you for letting the community know what happened.  my condolences.

6lover92556 reads

Miki was my introduction to this world and will be missed. RIP.

Thanks for letting us know.

It is truly a sad day when a person with such humor and smarts departs.  We shall all miss her. She had such insight into a persons character and personal needs, we all now wish she took better care of her personal needs.  She should have never let her illness get this far.  She had the intelligengce to overcome everything and anything.  Miki, Rest in Peace knowing you can entertain all before you with your humor and grace.

I was just tastin the tip... and I am thankful for that.

Miki was a lot of fun and brought joy to a lot of people.

Pamela of OH1590 reads

Her fun loving personality and great zest for life will  be in peace dear friend!

I swear we just spoke about two weeks ago and we were planning to get together soon. I feel so sad and sick right now. She was a very nice person and sooooooo funny. We both talked about how we did stand-up comedy, and we understood each other.


-- Modified on 8/19/2007 10:21:20 PM

If you’ve never seen her you’ve definitely missed a GREAT show.
I remember when she came to the D.C meet and greet. She had us in stitches. She had me in tears!
She and I talked for about an hour beforehand and she was the most genuine, funny and honest person I ever met.
Her presence will definitely be missed in the community.

36DDD Binky3650 reads

I was never a client but loved her as  a most trusted friend, and sister in some respects.

Miki offered to put me up when I was kicked out of my own house.... taught me some things about life   and  the hobby when I was ignorant, and stubborn... listened when I babbled about other ladies...gave me advice when I was too pig headed, or blind to hear the truth... supported me through very difficult times,... made me laugh when laughing didn't seem like an option.... kicked my ass when it needed it... went out of her way always....

Miki was a very dear friend, a sister of sorts, and in all ways a kindred spirit.  It would surprise many that I was never a client. I was NOT, yet we were as close as two could be without the physical bond. Miki made me laugh my ass off, and told me when I fucked up in NO uncertain terms. You knew where you stood with Miki. She invited me over whenever I got anywhere NEAR her place, and would always say, "so Smegs, when R you gonna fuck me"?   "Am I going to remain the only girl in NY that hasn't fucked you"?

I counseled her too on occasion, knowing that she could be a polarizing figure at times. Yes, Miki made some enemies along the way, but the best always do. She loved her brothers, and sisters "in crime" in the hobby, and laughed at the euphemisms like "provider", and "hobbyist".  Her humor was unique, and sick like mine on occasion. She would often say, "I'm a fucking WHORE, not a "provider"!

She was the "grande dame" of the NYC hobby scene for the last 3-4 years, and helped newbies, and gave BRUTALLY honest advice to girls starting out.

On the face of it, Miki and I had very little in common, but it was cool how close we became philosophically, and on so many, many levels.

I'm proud to have known her, and called her friend. I will miss her in so many ways. She was at peace the last few weeks, and could laugh until the end.

Be well, and in peace Michelle, you are MISSED, and always will be!  God Bless you!

-- Modified on 8/20/2007 5:48:37 AM

Miki was truly one of a kind and I'll never forget some of the most outrageous moments we spent together. I'll always remember the evening we went to see Avenue Q together and we BOTH we embarassed by the puppet sex on the stage. We were both surprised at our reactions and laughed about it all night.

I started traveling more. She found a true love. Life happened and we drifted apart to touch occasionally. Not often enough and there is a lesson in that for me. Still, I have many fond and wonderful memories of a truly unique and lovely woman. You will be greatly missed.

Hyabby, my heart goes out to you. I'm thankful you were her friend.

Much Love,

OMG! I've been away for a week and just read the posts!  

Miki was a treasure to everyone who knew her and she will be dearly, dearly missed!

Rest in peace Miki!!!

Oh my goodness. I am so sorry to hear this. I will very much miss her spirit and fire on the discussion boards. I had no idea she had been de-listed, and had wondered why I didn't see posts from her. Judging by the many witty, fiesty, and spirited posts I have enjoyed from her, I think it is safe to say that the world is a dimmer place for lack of the light she brought to life.

And thank you TER for letting this discussion thread remain.

I had known Miki from her presense at various M&G's these past couple of years...she was a condolenses to you, Hyabby, for your loss.  My beloved ATF...condolences for the loss of your friend.  My heart is hurting right now....take care...


Gonna miss my morning IMing with Miki, with our 3 hour difference. We would often times insult each other (all in good fun) and I always played the part of her pimp.

Never did get to visit, though she threatened to take my brains out as it were many times.

Love her or hate her, she was a force to be rekoned with on various levels and touched a lot of people. She will be missed. RIP Michelle

I never met Miki, but she did contact me once to support me over a problem  I had whilst visiting New York a year or so ago.

Her advice was first class and something that I have applied to my screening process ever since.

Thank you Miki, you will be sadly missed by us all

I am saddened about this news. I never met her but spoke on the phone to her a few times.

I will say this... I think that heaven is going to be a much more interesting place. St. Peter let her in with a big smile on his face and God is now partying it up at the Cloud Nine Comedy Club.


Knowing Miki, St. Peter just converted to Judaism.

I only meet her online, not in person, but this is shocking and sad.

We never met but we did communicate a few times and like everyone else I am so saddened by this news. She was a straightforward, genuine nice lady. Rest in peace Miki.

Thank you Hyabby for having the strength to share your thoughts and feelings.
My heart goes out to Miki's closest and dearest family and friends.
I have heard and read she was the life of the party and lot’s of high energy.
That’s the way I want to remember the Wickly Miki the Milf the Legend!

THFKAM2275 reads

Those of who cared about Miki all owe a debt of thanks to Hyabby for all his devotion to Miki in good times and bad, and for the first-class way he handled the announcement of her passing.  There are white knights and true knights and, you sir, are a true knight.

Thank you, for everything you have done for/with her.  I know how much she loved you.  

Rest in peace my friend.

Terrible, terrible news...Miki was my introduction to the hobby a few years most lasting memory from that night is how comfortable Miki made me feel...she knew I was nervous, it being my first time with a provider, so we spent the first half hour just sitting and talking and we had known each other for years.
She was certainly one of a kind...and will be greatly missed by all who knew her.  My heartfelt condolences to her family and friends.

I only knew of her thru her posts on this board but I could sense that she was a good person and I hope she can now rest in peace.

I never met Miki in person, but we had wonderful chats in the chatroom and also over IM. Past the fiestiness, Miki was warm, genuinely concerned for others and a loving person.

I knew she had stomach issues back in June, but didn't realize the significance until reading this post.

Such a tragedy, but I truly hope she is at peace, content and knows she was well-loved by many in various capacities.

May the Lord keep her safe and by His side always,


I am saddened by this announcement....I loved Miki, eventhough we had our differences.  She was stil a unique phenomenal lady.  It just made me realize how short life is....

Please send my regards to her family and I wish nothing but the best.


I only met Miki once at a NYC meet and greet and found her funny , Honest and a blast to hang with.

RIP to a fine woman.....this is a sad day.

Hyabby, it takes a very special man to love a provider. I'm sure you brightened the last leg of her journey.

My heartfelt condolences to her family and those close to her.


My condolences as well Hyabby.  With Miki.. you knew where you stood. No mixing of words. Direct and a sweatheart. She helped me greatly when I moved to NYC. Her presence will be missed greatly.

For those that may not have liked her.. well you all have your reasons.. but it should be known that even during her time of illness and the pain I'm sure she endured..she was always there for the ones that needed her the most.  I would hope that your heart lightens for this woman and know that sometimes with such agony can come a sharper tongue.  Noone her age deserves to have to leave this life so soon and experience such pain.  I'm sure this weighed heavily upon her.

I never had the chance to meet Miki, but she was very nice in PMs. This life is fragile and fleeting. God bless her

I did not know Miki, but she clearly was an amazing lady and is very much missed.

Take care, Hyabby.

Girl Next Door

sad when a colleague/peer leaves this earth.
My condolences to all those who were close with her.

THFKAM2592 reads

but somewhere in heaven Miki is cheering her guy on as he makes the fastest march to 2000 reads in recent TER history.

I keep trying to find words to describe what a amazing woman you were. I still can't.  I am honored to have known you and know the woman behind the legend. Rest in Peace my friend.

Wow, I am in total shock.  Although we never met, we used to share humor over our religious beliefs.  I will leave it that so we have something personal and private that we can relfect on with laughter.  This is totally shocking.

I just found out, I was off the board for the weekend. I saw her just a week or so ago and I am sad, very sad. The doctors might have said it was kidney failure, but I believe it was a broken heart.

Miki you will live in my heart, always, with the other great & wonderful people I've lost.

-- Modified on 8/20/2007 3:47:08 PM

The news is like being hit in the back of the head with a 2x4. She was a very good friend of mine. I knew that she wasn't doing well and I called here weekly to see how she was feeling. I didn't get a chance do so last week and I now feel so bad in not doing so.

 I stopped by and made her dinner about 3 weeks ago.Little did I know that was the last time I would see her..

 I'll miss her humor and her brutal honesty. God threw away the mold after he made her.  

 God bless you Miki and keep the rest of the angels laughing

I cant believe she is gone.  I knew her breifly.  Met her a couple of times, spoke on the phone several times.  She welcomed me lke an old friend right from the beginning.  It takes someone special to do that.  She was quite something.  Truly original.  

Hearing this makes me realize what is truly important in this world.  Its not money or things or who is more popular or has the bigger breasts or who has the best car.  none of it.  Its about love and family and really living your life to the fullest and more love.  I am just so sad.  

and then, I find out from the message boards too that NY Vanessa has also passed away recently?  my god, two providers in a span of a few months.  how tragic.  a reminder that with life comes death.  i know that I will be re-evaulating my life.  find out what is important to me.   put aside the petty bs and be true to myself.  

Im so glad I was able to know her even if for a short time.

rest in peace miki.  

-- Modified on 8/20/2007 7:03:12 PM

THFKAM2826 reads

Pls call me.  Lost your #.  M

Miki never backed down from a good fight, even if it meant she was going to take a few lumps. She said what was on her mind, even if she knew it would piss people off. She lived on her own terms.

Miki always gave more than she took, and plenty took advantage of her for it. But it didn't stop her from continuing to give.

Miki had scars, but none were bigger than those on her back from the stab marks. But she got her digs in, and scrapped with the best of them. And plenty admonished her in public while secretly cheering her on in private.

Miki expected too much of people, but never more than she expected of herself. We all let her down at some point, because in some respects, we aren't half the person she was.

I’ve been trying to find the words, but it’s hard to accept the loss of someone so close to me. This is the first time I’ve ever had to say goodbye to a friend, and it hurts so bad!
Miki and I had been friends a little over 4 year, I guess you can say our chosen profession, personal goals, and life experiences had drawn us together, we were truly “The Odd Couple”
Over the years I’ve watched her blossom, exceed her own expectations, conquer many battles, and find love again, her life was full.
Miki was brutally honest, compassionate, generous, wild, funny, always the life of the party!
She was a great mother and loyal friend, who loved me like a “sista”
Thank You For Everything & I will never forget you

Rest In Peace,

-- Modified on 8/21/2007 9:34:09 AM

I saw the first notice of this on RB. Then followed links and have read them all in the past several hours and to say the least have been sitting here crying thru most. I have spoken to Miki many times and I have to say I am still in disbelief that she is gone just as I am sure most are.

Hyabby I am truly sorry to hear of her passing and not only your loss but many peoples. She was a really wonderful woman and many are going to miss her but no one as much as you.

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