New York

jjmarvell1 5 Reviews 1610 reads
1 / 15

Did they close for good? Their website seems to have disappeared and/or been replaced by else.

impposter 49 Reviews 845 reads
2 / 15

Posted By: jjmarvell1
Did they close for good? Their website seems to have disappeared and/or been replaced by else.
The same forces that closed their previous operation named after a Greek Goddess and Her Companions, recently closed their reincarnated group of Beautiful Loving Companions.  


-- Modified on 6/28/2016 10:32:15 PM

whitelightening 8 Reviews 619 reads
3 / 15

So where have the beautiful loving companions gone?  They all cannot have vaporized or went back to their home countries so fast?

Mal77 84 Reviews 568 reads
4 / 15

Anyone know if they were busted by LE? Or just closed and reopening as different group?

Pavliena See my TER Reviews 669 reads
5 / 15

Only crazy people think that TER not watched by LE  
And It is why I am always do emphasize that myself I do provide only fantasy and companionship  
Anything else what may take place between two adults is not for negotiation in dollar meaning -I was making a joke about selling meat or for 3 dollars per pound or for 30 per pound and I still am having fun as there were comments on my posts and about 12 K- who would pay 12 K for a meat? Yet people took it  seriously:) O dear Lord..
I love have dinners and talk and embrace intimacy and understanding along with chemistry...  
So interesting that some people still look for agencies no matter what they learn from life. And still want buy sex services and meat per pound of around 3.50 That does not make a difference - 3.5 or 35 dollars..
Just come across this post - that people still asking for agency.
They are closed for your good - you be safer with independent, true women, not to mention and and entertained better with better quality of time spending witha woman.  
May be then we will stop count people ls meat per pound  
Jake there was serious - ah! And who gave her 12 K  
Yes no one in own clear mind would not buy pussy for 12 K..
Yet there so much more to a true woman.. and if there would not be women on earth then why men need money?  
Let s I share one russian jokke KGB times - ( and know- we are here watched no less then KGB would do )  
Oh well let's I will share this joke with those who would PM me if any interest :)  
Love to you all  
Love deprived gentlemen  
I would say - pussy- ass deprived?  
Weelllll.mmmm THAT kind of goods too much for sale now for 250 300.. I bet you are not deprived such.
Yet you are coming here to read my far not perfect posts -  
Glad to be some entertainment for you via internet so far and promote emotions- does not matter - whhat kind of emotions - good or bad -  
Ability to experience other then just sex satisfaction emotions already is evident of presence of human nature :)  
So joke and role play of KGB - by private inquiry only:)  
If you read all what I said and have any feelings - good or bad - share privately please  - please note - myself I never respond directly to anybody posts giving right to people to express themselves - do not touch me - I would not touch you - as we say- if you will come with sword to my place so you be met with sword as well :)  
Come with love and open heart - you will have all my houses

impposter 49 Reviews 468 reads
6 / 15

Posted By: Mal77
Anyone know if they were busted by LE? Or just closed and reopening as different group?
Already answered:

-- Modified on 6/29/2016 1:16:52 PM

JakeFromStateFarm 387 reads
7 / 15
Say_Whhhaaaat 300 reads
8 / 15

Those must have been exciting times when their power came to and end.

impposter 49 Reviews 322 reads
9 / 15

Must be a throwback to my youth.  


Another Fine Mooze You've Gotten Me Into!

Neko_Atsume 344 reads
10 / 15
AutomaticSlim 146 Reviews 371 reads
11 / 15

Well, the VERY BEST one supposedly got married (possibly for a green card) and will no longer be working in "the business". They even posted it on the news section of their site. Gave her a real nice send off

impposter 49 Reviews 590 reads
12 / 15

Posted By: jjmarvell1
Did they close for good? Their website seems to have disappeared and/or been replaced by else.
I went to bacgirls dot com.  Upon clicking the Enter button, I was re-directed to Elite Travel Girls dot com with a Register / Sign Up page and everything.  I do not know the history of Anybody know them?  

If somebody in the biz bought the BAC domain or did some other kind of deal, I've got to question their business savvy. I would have thought that the BAC name is not just worthless at this point but actually a poisoned pill.  

Your thoughts, if any?

Pavliena See my TER Reviews 207 reads
13 / 15

[email protected]

Excitement is sign of Pura Vida  

Congarts, you have been alive few decades ago when USSR went down  
I am, for instance, still am very exited by many other reasons
As even talking with you already gave me excitement of studying someone who is totally different  
I would study and I would move on  
So move on and you  
Keep keep moving from my way:

JakeFromStateFarm 221 reads
14 / 15

I hope your Spanish is better than your English, or you could end up at the Rio Tarcoles bridge.

-- Modified on 6/30/2016 9:24:27 AM

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