New York

Listen to Captyve and lets post facts and not rumors
NeedAnswer 4197 reads

Let's get this board back to what it once was. A place where we could all come and discuss the hobby.

With regards to busts, please only post facts. If the bust has been reported on Channel 4 News then make a post about it. If you saw an article in Newsday or The Daily News about a bust then post about it. If you see a post on one of the other 3 boards about a bust then take it as a rumor. The other boards do not get all the traffic that we do here, so they have to post the rumors to get people to go and read it. The good thing about TER is that we do not need to do that. Hobbyists come to our board to get information on who they are going to spend their hobbying dollars on. Leave the rumors on the other boards and keep the facts on our board.

Anything else hobby related should be handled the same way. There is a good reason why TER is the top ranked board. It's because of all the useful information that we have. It's because of all the great members that we have who are willing to share information. The other boards can't make the same claim that we can!

-- Modified on 1/9/2005 8:04:58 PM

Well said.

I actually enjoy reading the board and false statements are frustrating but TER definitely rocks because of the good conversations that goes on.


chiara/scura4014 reads

Okay - I completely appreciate the importance of keeping rumors to a minimum, but let's not delude ourselves into believing that the news, the Post, or even glorious NYTimes provide inherently accurate information.  C'mon now....

Personally, I'd like to know if something's happening before - not after - a bust.  If there's word on the street, I want to hear it.  That information might just be a hunch or a vibe or an entirely unsubstantiated rumor, and in the real world, you'd want to cite your sources and substantiate your claims.  But in this business, where discretion is critical, it's unlikely you'll have that luxury.  

I know this is a forum, and competing agencies and providers may abuse it to their advantage.  I assume that's the logic behind TER's moderation policy, and I think it's valid.  Meanspirited rumors are destructive.  But what if this rumor is a valuable alert?  What if it turns out to be 100% accurate?  Wouldn't you rather have the choice to accept or reject someone's alert?  I assume that's the value of open communication, the freedom to decide for yourself.

seguy3871 reads

Big wave coming--- unsubstaionated rumour.  Tsunami kills 160,000--- fact.  You decide whether "rumours" have any importance in your your life

The information wasn't distributed fast enough. Are you suggesting that rumor-mongering by competitive agencies or their shills is comparable to PhD's with millions of dollars worth of scientific listening for earthquakes? Of course not. At a minimum we should insist that any rumor-mongers post the source of their rumors. "A little birdy told me" doesn't cut it.

salts that she keeps in the kitchen? The Daily News, the New York Post, and the New York Times have no interest in posting false rumors about competing escort agencies.  Escort agencies and their shills do.

chiara/scura2895 reads

Chill, honeychild.

(1) You going to tell me the NYPost and the Daily News don't post rumors?

(2) Jayson Blair.

(3) The media's more likely to post information *after* an agency is busted.  That's of much less interest to me than being alerted *before* an agency is busted.

(4) If a rumor's inaccurate, then it's inaccurate.  I'd like to take that chance if it will help me - or a friend - from getting arrested.

(5) You have a problem with a rumor?  Ask that source where they got their info and judge for yourself.  It's not difficult.

(6) Jayson Blair.

(7)  What's that?  NY Confidential's been raided?  And I thought that was just a rumor...

From my post above:
"At a minimum we should insist that any rumor-mongers post the source of their rumors. 'A little birdy told me" doesn't cut it.'"

From your post above:
"You have a problem with a rumor?  Ask that source where they got their info and judge for yourself.  It's not difficult."

Well, at least we agree that all "rumors" should post the source, something solely lacking in previous rumors. PMing or telephone calls don't cut it. POST THE SOURCE.

As to NYConfi being "busted"--
(1) There is justice in the world.
(2) Even a stopped clock is right twice a day.
(3) Even though there is a 92% conviction rate in criminal trials, a man is innocent until proven guilty.


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