New York

Kornlover, does the firm you work for not monitor web useage ? I've always...............
Hannity and Cums 6900 reads

wondered how you could post so freely on this site while at work?

BILL183564183 reads

I'm wondering why it's so difficult for some people to realize that both sides to need to be comfortable.

Whether its my loss or not, I'm not filling out questionaires and there are going to be many hobbyists just like myself. That's just the way it is , I'm not going to complain about a providers screening methods, I'm just going to look elsewhere and never say a word.

What type of screening is appropriate to make the provider feel comfortable?  I have been asked if I have a home phone number listed under my name and to show a driver's license and business card when meeting the provider.  Not very intrusive.  Cell phone number?  More intrusive but what if you need to be contacted to let you know about  schedule changes.  I've been asked for a work number (general number, not direct line).  Very intrusive, now you have given out your name, employer and work phone number - yikes.  TER handle?  I usually like to keep that one to myself.

So what's appropriate?

BILL183563640 reads

personally , I wont give out home or office #, which would naturally exclude a business card. Cell number is fine with me, email is ok, TER handle is ok with me and I can supply references. It's an individual thing on both sides but both need to be comfortable.

As I mentioned on the G-board, what tidbit of information the provider receives is going to keep her safe from violent crime?  The only purpose the info can possibly serve is to provide the provider "recourse" should the John not pay or short her...then she calls the wife, job or rotary!  Assuming a cop wants to do a sting, are you telling me they couldn't make up a fake employer for the provider to verify with.  Come on folks, lets use our collective intelligence.  If someone can provide me with a good reason for the personnel information I might be more inclined to buy into the need for it.

junior4573330 reads

This question reminds me of an episode of COPS I saw one time. Cop is driving down the street and a lady is franticly trying to wave him down. He pulls over to see what her problem was.....and she proceeds to tell him that she just came from this house where she gave the homeowner $20.00 for crack and they took the money and didn't give her the crack.

This thing of ours insn't an appropriate hobby per main stream society so as such we have no formal rules or policies to adhear to. You pretty much have to decide what your comfort level is and learn to navigate within it.

Appropriate or not.

BILL183564670 reads

thats exactly right Junior, its all about what the hobbyist and provider can feel comfortable with. One shouldnt try to dictate the terms to either side. If the providers website insists on information you're not comfortable with just go somewhere else, don't try to talk her into an alternative. On the other hand I don't think it's appropriate for providers to try to pursuade hobbyists out of their comfort zone.

Office number is ok with me, provided that I have spoken to the provider and am confident that she will be discreet.    All she really has to do is call the general number and ask for the client.   That will confirm that he really works for that company.  

Obviously, the cell phone number is OK; that is how we contact each other.  I would never give the home number.   All I need is for the provider to inadvertently call the wife.

This once happened to me, but my son picked up the call.   I did not give the number to the provider, but I made the mistake of calling from my home phone.  Although I left no message, the provider called back and used her provider handle.  Of course, I told me son it had to be the wrong number when I got a call from Crystal (or whatever name was used).  It was a close enough call so that I no longer use my home number for calls, and I would never give it out.

Hell even I started a thread about it in the past. I have to agree w/ Bill on this one. Both provider and hobbyists have their comfort zone, and it's up to the individual to change it. I will not give out work #, will cell and on occasion TER handle. I will not see w/o thorough eval. unless referred to me by another provider who I trust ( although it's happening less and less-the referrals that is). There's been plenty of hotties I've bypass because of rules that I've established for myself, and only I will choose to break them.

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