New York

If it helps they will accept calls from a work # or get a home phone
HotForPros 91 Reviews 3131 reads

And it is a really good place for the $$$$

Does anyone know a way to use Julie's service without having a home phone?  I called the number and they wanted a listed home phone number so they can confirm the identity.  However, I only have a cellphone and they would not accept that.  I tried emailing their website about the situation, but I did not get any response.  Any ideas?  I've read great things about their service and it sounds like exactly what I'm looking for.

You've got to understand their position. By checking up on you, they can verify that you're a real person and not LE. Julie's is very good security-wise and it makes all of us feel a lot better that they do their best to ensure a good, safe time for us.

I was on the road once, lonely about 10 PM.  I called an agency (this was in the days before TER) who said they absolutely had to have a listed home phone number.  Thinking with my little head, I gave it to them but make them swear they wouldn't call it, and I told them why. My SO would answer and I'd be busted.  They SWORE up and down they wouldn't call - they just wanted to check it out with Directory Assistance.  I hang up.  Ten minutes later, phone rings.  I assume it was the agency calling me back.  Nope. It was my SO.  She was very upset.  Some young girl called and she said she was "from work" and wanted to know where I was and asked a whole bunch of questions about me.  The SO knows everyone I work with and she put two-and-two together.  The agency blew my cover.  I learned two things:  THERE'S NO LAY ON EARTH worth ANY possibility of getting my cover blown and to never, ever trust anyone in this hobby with ANY information whatsoever that might even remotely get me busted again.

I'm sure Julie's is a fine place.  You have to decide if it's so fine that you'd risk a divorce by giving out info that can be used against you -- intentionally or just carelessly.   I've managed to stumble along in this hobby for over ten years just fine without Julie's, or anyone else who wants to know where I live or my home phone number. But that's just me.  Something all you single guys don't need to concern yourselves with.

I completely understand the need for authorization (and not enough ladies do it).  However, be careful giving out phone numbers.  I had a very negative experience by giving out a home number.

Just one man's experience.

Yeah this happened to me too. Saw a provider who wanted home #, so I gave it to her. I saw her, and things went  fine. Then three days later she leave s a message on my HOME answering machine, saying what a good time she had, and can I call her again?
My wife picks up the message, and  all hell broke loose.I had a lot of explaining to do.
I called this idiot later , and asked her why she called me at that number. She gave some dumb excuse that it "just came up on her Rolodex" and she wasnt aware it was my home #

Gentlemen. pay heed

...get listed, give Julies the number, then cancel it.  You will amortize the $40 (or whatever) cost on your first visit to Julies, where FS costs $.4

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