New York

I'd rather know...
MasterZen 33 Reviews 519 reads

and find something to do that we BOTH enjoy and find pleasurable.

I recently posted asking women how they feel about DATY.. I got mixed answers about some liking it and some not..

Here is my next question.. GUYS
If your on a date with a woman who doesn't like it, would you rather her tell you or fake it for your pleasure? It seems every guy who wants to do it uses the working " I like pleasing you" .. what if it doesn't please that particular woman and it's more for your pleasure.. Would you rather skip it and find something that actually pleasures her?

Just wondering!

If she's not into it I am sure we can find many other ways to spend our time.

going down on a lady several times per day.  She couldn't get enough of it.  She returned the favor threefold!  It led to sex, and more sex.  For the first time in a year I am sated beyond words.

DATY is the gateway to Nirvana IMHO.

In a week I'll be seeing hookers again now that my wife has got that out of her system for another year

and find something to do that we BOTH enjoy and find pleasurable.

RokkKrinn492 reads

I affirmatively enjoy pleasing my partner (civvie or provider-doesn't matter) orally.  If the act itself doesn't do anything for her, that's fine, and we can move on to something else.

However, if there's something lacking in my technique, or she needs some extra attention in some spot, I'd much rather take direction and learn what helps float her boat.

jaktv417 reads

It really depends on the girl.  I knew one who did not like it a bit.  She would not give or take...  Most enjoy thought, imo...  I would really ask how she likes to be pleasured...

I would prefer to do what pleases you.  If you feel comfortable enough to say, than just do.  A gentleman will go along with that...

If that's the case then of course you don't want her to fake pleasure.  If she doesn't like it, then I have no interest in doing it

I didn't see the other post for ladies.

I didn't feel comfortable with daty when I first started.  

I felt like guys only did it because they felt obligated and I didn't want them to feel that way.  That was probably mostly subconscious.  I just thought I didn't like it.  

When I started working as a provider 5 or 6 years ago, not doing daty was a deal breaker for many guys.  I was kind of amazed that I'd been so wrong about so many things.  I had to learn how to be comfortable "receiving", and I had to trust that a man would speak up about what he does and doesn't want to do.  If he says he wants to, I believe him, now.

Even still I have to work at this.  I often feel like if I'm "receiving" for longer that a few minutes I should begin "giving" again to be sure the man will enjoy himself.  

Since daty is such an important part of what many men want I think it's extremely important for providers to make every effort to learn to enjoy it this and all other aspects of a sexual encounter.   I'm sure some people will disagree.  It's not like it hurts.  

Most importantly, we all have to learn to feel comfortable speaking up for ourselves and saying what we like and what we want.  Everyone says this, but in reality it's not always comfortable for us to speak up when it comes to intimacy.  We don't want the other person to be displeased or have hurt feelings.  Especially as a provider.  I want the client to want to return.  I definitely have to remind myself that this is okay.  It has to be okay.  We are being intimate with strangers and we want it to be good, so we all have to learn to be comfortable speaking up about our likes and dislikes.  

Sorry to butt in on the guys thread, but I felt like I had something to offer because of my personal insecurities and learning experiences

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