New York

Good luck, Julie
mrskins 64 Reviews 3871 reads

I've read a lot of the posts and the ones that say Julie had it coming just make me laugh.  Everyone in this hobby of ours takes a risk and no one is really living a more risky life than anyone else.

But anyway, until I read that they have evidence of the allegations they are throwing at Julie, I say Good Luck Julie.  I wish the best for you and your girls.

I agree. I have been going to Julie's a little over two years. Not once did I see a provider whom I suspected was underaged. In fact, a lot of Julie's girls on average were more mature compared to other agencies. It was one of the better runned agencies in the city. If you had a complaint you could log onto Julie's website or privately E-mail her with your complaint and she would address any greivance you had and make it up to you with free sessions and half price offers to keep clients comming back. Now having said all that, the downside with Julie's was that her houses were fixed and stationary and I always suspected neighbors suspected something was going on in several of her apartments. The West 49th street apartment is a perfect example where Julie would have business going on and then relocate to anohter nearby house but then return to that same 49th street apartment six months later. One of the television news broadcasts interviewed one of the neighbors who said she had complained many times to LE about the traffic in that 49th street apartment. Why return to a location where the tennants might know what is going on? However, Julie was smart enough to evacuate the 72nd street penthouse because neighbors complained that the elevator was always occupied on the top penthouse floor. So my only gripe was that she returned to locations that tennants may have suspected activities taking place. Other than that, Julie ran the best houses I have ever been to (Examples: Birthday sprcials, Christmas specials, and contests). Julie did not tolerate girls being drunk while on duty, nor did she tolerate girls soliciting clients for tips or stealing. However, I cannot attest to the drugs allegations. During my visits I saw no such use but you can never know what goes on behind the scenes of any agency. I don't think Julie would condone that type of behaivor and if this was present in her house it may have been done behind her back by people she entrusted her house to. However, I don't claim to know Julie well enough to totally refute the drug allegations but from my few times meeting and talking to her it appears to me she would not tolerate this behaivior. In any event, Good luck Julie, it was a fun ride but I am sorry it ended this way.

I've only had good experiences at Julie's, why would I have kept going back for more.  I too have never seen an underage girl, nor drugs, in many cases the LE release bogus info to guild the lily, and get better head lines. Like this proves they are making the streets safer for you and me, Bullshit!!! Well, I for one feel much safe now, right.   This is really bad and we lost a asset to the hobby.

i never saw her girls. however, it looked like she provided attractive girls at a reasonable price.

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