New York

I can cum a # of ways.... some include prostate massage, nipple play,....regular_smile
36DDD Binky 2879 reads

obviously the usual ways of vaginal sex, anal sex, DT etc. Asian can also make me cum by a good practitioner--- (Marylin cums to mind).  My ass, and nipples are sensitive beyond the usual shit. Some orgasms go on and on, and some are relatively short-lived. I had a prostate massage last week by my Girl friend (who is a provider) that made me cum buckets for a LONG time (seemed like a minute or more)  I quaked, and convulsed it was SO good!!!

-- Modified on 1/9/2008 4:42:39 AM

Hello Gentlemen, I hope this is not an embarrasing question to ask you. I am very much facinated in the study of male sexuality, even when I wasnt a provider, I read alot of books on human sexuality, but one thing I never found info on was the vast and various kinds of orgasms that men experience. Anything Ive learned about types of orgasms has been from observing first-hand, my lover's responses to and about their orgasms, and how each time they cum, it can be a different type of orgasm. There have been very short orgasms, to very long and intense ones, to ones that make them shiver or convulse, to the kind that almost takes them to another realm (where it takes forever to bring them back to reality). Some men are dizzy after they cum and cant stand up, some get emotional, ect...
Im curious, if you feel open, to know and hear more about the various types of orgasms experienced by the TER men. Thankyou for sharing your intimate experience with me.
x Flora Faun

36DDD Binky2880 reads

obviously the usual ways of vaginal sex, anal sex, DT etc. Asian can also make me cum by a good practitioner--- (Marylin cums to mind).  My ass, and nipples are sensitive beyond the usual shit. Some orgasms go on and on, and some are relatively short-lived. I had a prostate massage last week by my Girl friend (who is a provider) that made me cum buckets for a LONG time (seemed like a minute or more)  I quaked, and convulsed it was SO good!!!

-- Modified on 1/9/2008 4:42:39 AM

I've experienced 53 different orgasms. I keep count because someday I'll write a book. What puzzles me is what causes the difference. I've had the can't stand up, convulsed and even threw up once. I've been dizzy (some say I'm always dizzy) and I've been emotional to the point I almost cried. One lady in particular I cannot cum without farting which depending on what position you are in can be very embarassing. I did doubles with two Asian ladies and one would walk on by back while the other played with me. That was the most intense orgasm I ever had. Unfortunately they had to call 911 as I was unable to walk afterwards. Hope this helps in your research of male sexuality.

1. The shorts ones that usually happen during a quickie for me which are rare now at my age.

2. The long intense ones which occur during extended foreplay which is now required for me.

3. The tantric-like ones. These occur only with fetish and BDSM providers scenes for me...just a tingle ejaculation.


First off, Happy New Year!

Orgasms... At least for me it seems very much the same a lot of the time. It's really about the external stimulation. The connection made with the female partner. Is it wild animal passion or slow and passionate?

From only a stimulation standpoint, there's been times on cumpletion where I've still been getting oral attention and my knees buckled. That was cool! And another unique stimulation came ;) the first time I was stimulated in the 'taint' area. LOL, sorry it sounds funny when I write about that.

I think the only other thing I judge orgasms by is if I've been eating well and I feel very healthy, did I last a long time? And did I give as much or more than I got. (Cause I'm a giver.)


A comment: There are the orgasms one has when they are just seeking a release, and then there is the orgasm that one has when they truly in love with their partner.  The first one can be quick and that depends on the talent of the partenr, meaning - what they do, how they do it and where one is based on location, position, and frame of mind.  The the later being one that is when its physical and mental combined which I found to be the most intense.

I'm always up for learning new things. The more information, the better. I'm open to all experiences and knowledge. Thankyou for contributing to this thread. x flora

-- Modified on 1/8/2008 11:01:17 PM

vladdrak1421 reads

What about orgasms we've never had?

I know this is gonna put me on the far end of the perspective as far as men go, but I have never had an orgasm from a BJ. There hasn't been a woman who can do it. I've actually grown tired of trying. When I watch porn, I fast forward those scenes. I feel like a cripple.

Some of the most intense orgasms come from having sex while having pressure placed on the prostate. Just before the orgasm, stop. Wait for the pressure to subside then continue again. Keep doing this until it's unbearable or uncontrollable (however you want to look at it).

wow...that reads like instructions from a cookbook.

Flora, I did see you once and after a very long, generous session, you gave me a huge orgasm that went on for perhaps a minute, just kept me convulsing and left me exhausted. Thank you. My favorite type of orgasm is one I had from time to time when I was in my thirties and forties, but don't seem to anymore. When very excited, having an orgasm and continuing to thrust, I would have another after about a minute.

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