New York

I almost did last week but all said totally covered so alas not for me...eom
TOFTTonceamonth 3047 reads
1 / 9

I'm thinking about trying something. I am a regular reviewer (using an alias to post this) ... My reviews are pretty standard and I generally DON'T review if I don't feel like I am adding anything to the pool of reviews.
My idea is to start with a new profile name (my name is stupidly too close to my actual name) and  to Take One For The Team once a month. I will gladly take suggestions for an ad that looks appealing but has no reviews and I will go for it and write an HONEST review, once a month (near the beginning of each month)... I like the adventure of it. Please send me suggestions for my first fast pitch in the gut.

Crazy Diamond 12 Reviews 4745 reads
2 / 9

If you are willing to TOFFT and post about it here.  There are many unknown ladies who post adds on EROS that many here would like to know more about...note all the "Anyone have any info about so & so" posts that appear on this board regularly.  Note that risk of LE, ROB's, and bad experiences will be elevated.  Maybe you can start to TOFFT with USA Tens?  They have a less than stellar rep here, but have stated that they are working on improving themselves.  Go for it, and let us know what you find...

Landem 1917 reads
3 / 9

You say you want to create a new profile for this TOFTT endeavor because your username "is stupidly too close to [your] actual name." And yet, you also say you are a "regular reviewer."

If writing reviews under your existing username was not a problem before, why is it a problem now?

And if it is ... well then, why not ask Staff to change your username to something less related to your real name? That way, your new reviews will still be connected to your history.

Which will make your new reviews more credible. If you go the new user route, then for your first several reviews of previously unreviewed ladies ... well, there won't be a lot of faith put in them by many gents.

Assuming your once-a-month schedule, it will be six-to-eight months before anyone takes you seriously.

Just a thought.

36DDD Binky 3398 reads
4 / 9

Bravo, if the guy is serious about TOFTT with some of the hottest  unreviewed ladies on Eros. Less than 25% of those girls have ANY reviews whatsoever!

naiveguyus 2521 reads
6 / 9
TOFTTonceamonth 2257 reads
7 / 9

I agree that I will not be taken seriously for at least 5 or 6 months... the reason I want to change my name (and I will take the suggestion to ask staff however..)is because I've been very liberal with my reviews in the past... If I didn't think a girl was at least an 8 in appearance, I just didn't review... let me say that probably 90 percent of my experiences have been unreviewed and those which were reviewed... I was generous because generally I told them I read about them on TER and as I said, my user name is very close to my real name and so I went by the (stupid) adage that if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all... granted, I never took any major chances and had I and had I been disappointed I would have told others to save their money.... but, I wanted to start over to have an honest "scale" as I have been pretty generous... that being said, maybe I will use my old name and just be honest and take it from there... The suggestion above looks way too good to be true, but perhaps that is the point.

CARLUWS35 74 Reviews 3640 reads
9 / 9

I will join you. However, I will avoid providers who are visiting for ashort time and infrequently.

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