New York

I Agree, Liza is Tops
saleschampion 7 Reviews 3034 reads
1 / 18

Well, on Monday I scheduled an appointment with Liza, Jill's disciple, for Wed, today, at 1pm. We had a nice brief conversation during that time. I called at 11am to confirm as planned. Arrived at 1245...left a vm...and another...and another...gave up at 130pm.

Though I am sure this has happened to most of us and I can tell you it has happened to me before, I am mostly concerned for her.

She was very nice on the phone, but did sound new to the biz. I just hope she is ok.

Fuck and Wagnalls 3048 reads
2 / 18

She is a Doll.

-- Modified on 4/5/2007 5:59:15 AM

blondebog See my TER Reviews 4735 reads
3 / 18

I am so so so so so so so sorry!! A friend of mine died, and I just found out yesterday morning. That would usually never happen, and I promise to make it up to you. XOXOXOX

75826 120 Reviews 4902 reads
4 / 18

You have to be kidding. She wasn't feeling well so she couldn't pick up the phone to say she wasn't feeling well? The better alternative was to just stand up the client? She'll make it up so that makes it all right? You have got to be kidding. Why would anyone waste their time with her?

Kornlover 22 Reviews 2599 reads
6 / 18

I don't know what happened, but I can confirm that Liza is tops.   Read my review.   It is rare that we get a former Playboy girl who also is a great performer.

Ryche99 11 Reviews 2962 reads
7 / 18

...with some concern for the provider until you get the reason for the NCNS instead of running here and hammering away at how horrible a person is was for not showing-up...nice job saleschampion!!  We all know how much it sucks to be stood up though.

75826 120 Reviews 3340 reads
8 / 18

I read your review. Nice. But that's not the point. How would you have felt if you got to the hotel, knocked on the door and nobody answered. You go down to the lobby and call and noone picks up. You call again and again and noone picks up. You go home and find out later that there was nothing really wrong. She just didn't feel well. I think you might feel differently towards her.

anon90210 52 Reviews 3515 reads
9 / 18

SC did not bash her, but handled the situation like a gentleman.
I agree 100% with Furlong and Ryche.

saleschampion 7 Reviews 3613 reads
10 / 18

Though it would have been helpful to be notified, havent we all been sick as dog, up all night, and then turned off the cell, blackberry, disconnected the ringer and tried hard to get some sleep.

I choose to cut them some slack. Afterall, I still would greatly appreciate a minivacation with either Jill or Liza.

mmax6969 25 Reviews 2115 reads
11 / 18
anon90210 52 Reviews 2419 reads
12 / 18
mmax6969 25 Reviews 2617 reads
13 / 18
VTSkiBum 18 Reviews 3305 reads
14 / 18

The only reason I can think of for not answering the phone is she's too busy working. I can't believe you can get that sick in a 2 hour time span that you can't answer the phone to cancel your appointment.
Either way, get over it, it happens all the time but to get stiffed at the door is worst and I would cross her off my to do list for sure.

YankeeMike 2872 reads
15 / 18

I don't post often, but this post riled me up.

To me, there is NO excuse for the courtesy of a phone call or e-mail when you cancel appointment. This works both ways.

I've had more than a few do a NSNC to me (and from a few prominent ones that post on this board as well) this past year and it's beyond frustating.

straycat19 15 Reviews 3655 reads
16 / 18

I don't know, man.  36DDDBinky posted a little further down the same day as your post that he just had finished test-driving Liza.  Maybe he wore her out before she could get to you?  

Too bad about your experience.  She and her friends sound like a good time.  

I didn't enter the contest.  I'd have more than I could handle with two babes, let alone three.  I wouldn't want to waste their time.  Instead, I'll live vicariously through reading about the exploits of a winner heartier than me.  It's very good of Binky and the ladies, though, to have run this great contest.

-- Modified on 4/5/2007 1:18:58 PM

exlurker2003 127 Reviews 2688 reads
17 / 18

Long Island would be a good place for her to visit.
As for the limo service, I'll drive her out to the Island myself!

saleschampion 7 Reviews 3672 reads
18 / 18

Folks...I am moving on...I hope you all do too. "Blondebog" catch ya next time in town.

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