New York

Holly Freeking Sheit - 411 on Katie visiting from Miami, in Eros-NY?
whoppr 3 Reviews 7282 reads

I could find nothing on her.

she used to go by another name she was in town a few times last summer..sjes a nice girl..but very business kissing, straight mishionary..and one po..thats it

MitchRapp6198 reads

This is classic proof: you either see REVIEWED
girls/agencies, or you waste your time! The
picture does NOT tell the story.
There are 3 people I'd call w/o a review:
NYConfi (who says every girl is a superstar -
but many actually are);  Mona Lisa who only
tells you what they really know, and try to
tailor the model to the client; World
class www.worldclassencounters they don't always
have the biggest selection but they bring in ONLY
those they feel are unique whether it may be
in looks, performance or attitude.  Other than
1 or 2 reviewed independents, your best bet
is the reviewed models at the "Fab 3" or in a
pinch to take their bookers' recommendations.

I have not found one girl at World Class Encounters that is really very special or great looking except for one, Jessica, who is looking for a "long term placement."  With Mona Lisa, while they do have some great looking girls it seems that sometimes the girl who get sent out is not the girl in the photos.
Of the three, NY Confidential seems to be the only one that is totally straight up and honest.  They have never done a b&s in my experience, and if the girl in the photo isn't available, they give you some options based upon what kind of girl you are looking for.  They ask helpful questions to make sure the girl they send is your type and will satisfy your needs.  I'll stick with the idies or NYConfi.

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