New York

Good pic, SS.
bostongreg 15 Reviews 3016 reads

It looks like she's singing a different Romantic-era composer: Wagner, not Tchaikovsky.

I'm on the Limoliner now. Good WiFi service.

Will post when ticket is taken, so a replier won't be wasting her time.

Last minute, the Mrs. informed me she can't come with me for the opening night at the Met for  Tchaikowsky's Queen of Spades tomorrow (Saturday) night.

Would any cultured provider like to use her ticket?

Let's make mutual expectations very clear right at the start. There are no strings attached with this offer, to either party.

I do not expect or anticipate any sex afterwards.  And, while I'll take you out to dinner (where I usually go near Lincoln Center - good food, but nothing fancy) and buy you drinks between acts, you should understand that will be the limit on my wallet.

Think of this as an offer to you a brief blind date with a 70 yr. old semi-retired businessman from Boston, who, along with his full beard, looks and acts like a professor. Not a professional and her customer, but two civilian people taking a little break from work on a Saturday night.

If you're still reading this far, I'd probably like to meet you. Hope to see you soon.
E-mail [email protected].  I'll answer you promptly from the Limoliner or my Upper West Side hotel or my cell/pocket pc.

Further disclosure: As a supporting member of the Met, I order priority tickets the very first day they're available (many months ago). This seat, at the front center of the Family Circle, was not expensive ($80), but, trust me, the view and acoustics from that spot are excellent. The sounds just wells up there, better than in the orchestra. You can borrow my high-power opera glasses.

The image below is solely to grab your attention and will not depict the actual performance, which will be in appropriate traditional dress (as will be you).


-- Modified on 12/5/2008 4:47:51 AM

Bostongreg....hope you land a good one....

I'll be there too.....without bostongreg....

It looks like she's singing a different Romantic-era composer: Wagner, not Tchaikovsky.

I'm on the Limoliner now. Good WiFi service.

Will post when ticket is taken, so a replier won't be wasting her time.

I can't take credit for that Danish pastry. That one has Smelly Smegma all over it. Smegmarian, not Wagnerian! Lol.

Many opera-lead singers are, indeed, quite hefty.

But not all.

Still killing time on Limoliner.


-- Modified on 12/5/2008 10:25:06 AM

Hope you guys have fun!!!!

xoxo Kate

-- Modified on 12/5/2008 11:16:25 AM

Hi Kate - When are you back in NYC? I'll make sure to get some tix the next time you're down here!!

 After The Opera:

 Elderly old Lady: "Did you enjoy the opera my Dear?"

 Provider: "I loved it so much, I almost pissed my pants!"

 Elderly old lady: "What!"

 Provider's date:  "She said she loved it more than the Pirates of Penzance."

 What movie?

 Correctimundo! Betcha you cry at the end every time right? Lol. is the proverbial happy ending. The fairytale with all the modern trimmings. I have only been a prov for a little more than 2 years but when this came out I used to joke about becoming a "pretty woman" and meeting my prince charming. Thus far no Edward yet, but I have met more prince charmings in this "life" as opposed to all the frogs in my every day life....xox

1 - Who does the wife think you're going with?

2 - Is this the one starring Seijji Ozowa?



1. Wife probably expects me to sell ticket, along with hawkers, out in front of Met entrance.

2. Yes, Seiji Ozawa is conducting Sat. night.

He ran our Boston Symphony, for a long time, many years ago.

When I first heard his name over the radio, eons ago, I thought it was 'Saygee O. Zawa."
Honest to God.

What will you do if you go there, and there appears your wife in her emerald green evening gown, holding a rose, and with ruby lips "I changed my mind about coming, but thought Id surprise you, darling"

Will the gal on your arm be.... secretary? Might be hard to explain that one...

The wife is in Boston so not likely to make a last minute appearance.

Boston is just a train ride away. Lovely day today too :-/ I think he would be better off to go on his own, or sit with Dingus since he's going, just in case wife shows up. He can always see another show another time, and not tell wife anything about it. Being secretive is the best way to not get caught. I f I see a man doing something that may get him caught, I would feel guilty not to warn him. Wives are known to be spontaneous, or get a sudden alert in their mind that hubby is up to no good. I think he could possibly be caught if he does this. But of course, I hope he does have his dream opera experience. I for one, love the opera, and would love to be invited, but this is just to risky. I do not want a run-in with his wife, if she decides to show up in her emerald dress and ruby lipstick and cat claws...

CYNIC2960 reads

I would think that a guy would be aware of the behavior and modus operandi of his wife.  Since he's from Boston, I think it's pretty safe that his wife won't appear.  I mean, c'mon, if he thought that there was ANY chance that she would just "show up," do you think he'd be doing this?

Just now read the "update."  But it doesn't change anything that I said.

-- Modified on 12/7/2008 6:19:56 AM

I'm a Mezzo Soprano, classically trained who was a music educator all. But I'll be damned if I'm going to provide my own ticket to go to the Met for some cheapskate.

I'm sorry but I can't believe your nerve.

Just my two cents,

you misunderstood Greg's reason for mentioning the price of the ticket. I think he was trying to say that the cost did not reflect on the quality of the seats. I don't believe he was suggesting that any provider who was interested in his offer would pay for her ticket. JM2C.

Anneke, I just didn't want to mislead any lady into thinking she'd be getting a $275 orchestra seat.

It's 'only' an $81.50 seat, an early priority order for the front part of the balcony.

I have far too much respect for Providers, most of whom work very hard at a very important and very difficult job, to ever even think of what you thought I was saying.

When a communication is unclear, it's usually the writer's fault. So: my apologies to you, Anneke.

m4ww1180 reads

you're a mezzo?!? they are WAY hotter than sopranos"!  Except in Trovatore, then that's not hot at all, unless you sing like simionata.  

Anyway, we have to meet and talk Opera

Sorry, but it still looks like what I thought it did. But, HE was a gentleman in deferring the blame.

Again, I'm sorry.


moneytalksbswalks2302 reads

Very qucik to jump to cheepskate!! He would we a good fit for you since you are both close to the same age!! You may have more in common than you think

Damn ... LOVE opera and you are actually going to the one I never seen ... but I have other arrangements this weekend. Life is soooooooo not fair :(



so dont keep us in suspense forever....let usw all know if you found someone, and if she also dsanced the "seven Veils" for you later>>>>>>>   and if wifey came and it was your head , not John the Baptist on the platter.....wrong opera I know......but who knows Pique Dame ?????

Went to earlier matinee, Tristan und Isolde - gave away ticket to lady there, because no zrovider free.

Wrote story all up for you at dinner at restaurant above Fairway market on Broadway. But the TER + cell/pocket pc combo lost it all!

Will rewrite & resend for you  Sun. PM, when on Limoliner back to Boston.

If interested, stay tuned. Gotta walk back to Lincoln Center now

On Limoliner back to Boston, using stylus on cell/pocket pc.

I'm happy & a little surprised at the quantity and quality of responses by TER mail & posts.

What I've learned is how wrong it is to look at our hobby as only for one thing.

We are all interested in many things. Some of us have common interests, like opera.

Maybe we should form an opera-lovers group, and meet at the Met sometime.

Or at the market restaurant on the second floor above Fairway Market, not far away, which I've grown to love.

Register Now!