New York

From a providers point...teeth_smile
Kianna2007 See my TER Reviews 557 reads

This is a very interesting post for myself because like the provider who posted it, I too believe in having my ears on the pulse of what makes a successful website and exciting session.

One thing that seems to be an ISSUE for many men is the Screening Process. When I first relocated to NY the amount of interest I received overwhelmed me from time to time and having a website encouraged me  to "up my game" in a way that expressed professionalism and safety for my own life.

I will admit that I use to be the type of provider who would see gentlemen with no refers and take for granted who and what they said about themselves. And in the beginning here in NY I still practiced those same techniques, BUT then I started getting educated and responsible for ACTIONS in this business.

There was a gentleman who I started seeing somewhat on a regular basis, six months later I had asked him to fill out the form, he did. I typed in all the information I ask and there in black & white from four different providers where details on this man. He was categorized in all four cases as dangerous, violent, physically & verbally threatening. I found this information on 3 different websites. In fact the last violent report that had been written was 2 days before he came to see me. She had my look. Asian, dark hair, similar body type and her website was beautiful and articulate.

I was so shocked and alarmed I reentered his information like five times, thinking maybe I entered something wrong. Each time I did I got the same results.

You can not imagine what it does to a woman who she has let into her bed, inside her body and then read that this same person raped and assaulted a provider 2 days prior to seeing me.

Reputation is not only key in this community, but also in my everyday life. I have to think about the people who live in my building, my landlord and my own neighbors. Why? because I have to live here and I don't need drama or issues that can risk my well being.

You have to understand that once someone knows how to find you and has all this information of a website, pictures and reviews they can use it against us at any time. My landlord could throw me out on the streets tomorrow and report me to LE. Not to mention stalkers or men with a mission to hurt a woman because of his own insecurities and problems at home or work. I'm 5'9 and I work out weekly, BUT at the end of the day a mans strength in anger always over powers a woman. I've had men 5'2 120lbs pick me up and throw me on the bed, size or even age doesn't prevent a man being able to harm a woman. Rage is an ugly and deadly trait.

And you may say, "there is still a chance that same man who fills out the form can flip out on me", but its peace of mind for myself that if something should happen to me and I end up on the six o'clock news because I was found dead in my apartment that the proper authorities will have the information they need so no other woman in this business has to experience what I did, not to mention her family. We too have family, friends and people who love and care about us and to find out that something bad has happened, would be devastating and change there lives forever.

Providers have to be on the same page when it comes to safety and I would HOPE you as men who seek us out can appreciate that and see it from a woman's perspective.

In conclusion, I hope I have shed a little light on why Screening is so Important to us. If you research a provider with a well thought out intelligent website, good reviews from established reviewers, professional photos and speak to her via phone before or after you have submitted your information chances are she is not going to take any chances in making your experience one to regret. This is what I do gentleman. I love men, I enjoy sex and interesting conversation. Allow me to be comfortable enough so that you can explore and indulge in your passions and desires with my help...wink!

I wish you all happiness, good choices and I look forward to meeting you,
Malia Goddess Utopia

Yes, hobbyists are not all looking for the same thing; some prefer a newcomer with very little advertising and few reviews. But for those who indeed SHOP AROUND, I have some questions about the effect advertising has on you.

Sure, you choose a provider to see because you expect a great session based on reviews, pictures, general feel you get from her website/ads/etc., perhaps location/availability/etc. Many of these things a provider can't much control. So this question is about what she can take into her own hands: advertising.

- How many times does it take for you to see a provider's ad before deciding to make a booking?
- If a provider has saturated ads all over the place, does it help you make a booking?
- You may view provider ads on other sites, but do you make bookings off those?
- We here assume many Eros ads are fake, but do you ever book a provider because she she finally tipped the scales for you with her Eros ad?

Questioner's bias: I've left BP out of my consideration, because I've assumed its primary use is for last-minute availability and not general getting-the-word-out-that-I-exist advertising (if last minute availability is indeed the secret sauce for you, then that doesn't help providers figure out much to help their advertising plans). And because I'm asking this on TER, I'm assuming that hobbyists' methodology includes TER search, but what I want to know is TER + what = booking! :)

I've looked at BP, use it more for who may be avaliable today.   I tend to use eros to find people then check their reviews in TER.   Sometimes i search TER for providers.   I personally don't use the other sites,like city vibe.  Usuall takes me a few weeks before I book.  I like to do Internet  searches, mostly just to make sure she is safe.  Now to answer your question... TER + price + reviews (which don't have to be all 8 and above) ... Actually I usually go for the lowest review first.  + web site pictures.      Web site pictures need to turn me on, doesn't mean that the pictures are nude..  Actuall
I like a mix, and some with sexy clothes.  I know pictures can be expensive, but they work for me....

To me, ads are of middling importance.  I don't even go on Eros or CityVibe except through links on TER reviews or TER ads on local ad boards.  If there's no link, I don't even know the ad exists.  For me, your web site is the most important thing.  The quality of its design and execution speak volumes about how you wish to be presented.  I get little of that from an ad because they need to follow the site's format.
That all said, the photos in your ad are very important because I'll usually click on them first before reading reviews since it takes fewer clicks to get to the ad pix.  So my advice is:
1) spend most of your energy and resources on your site.
2) by all means run ads, but put a lot of thought into choosing the photos because you're usually limited in how many you can put up.  Make sure they are the sexiest ones you have!

I would love to hear the feedback from the gentlemen.  As a provider, I am always interested on what has made a client get in touch with me.  I look forward to reading your replies.  I am always working on my site and think it is a very important marketing tool for me.

Timing is everything.  Someone who posts many ads has the advantage that I will be more likely to see the ad at the time that I am looking for someone.  

Another thing that would help get an ad noticed is if it's in different categories.

For example, if you also offer massage and/or tantra and/or bdsm/fetish, then putting different ads in each of those areas on Eros increases the chance of me seeing it when I am looking for something specific.

But, I am predominantly a personality guy.  I rarely make an appointment based solely on an ad.  I am much more likely to see someone if we have met at a party and clicked, or if they participate in the chats and discussion here and on other sites.

So, for me, I'd say TER + being active in the community = booking.

(it goes without saying that there are other factors like physical attraction and cost)

Monk69449 reads

It’s not that there are different hobbyists looking for different things; it’s that there are different markets that behave differently.

TER primarily caters to the mid-market ($300–500/hour) and the high-end market ($500–1,000/hour), but generally not the low end or real premium ends of the market. The mid-market tends to frequent sites like Eros and Cityvibe for leads, as well as discussion boards on TER and other sites. But usually an ad isn’t enough, it must be verified in some way. Reviews by known and trusted reviewers are good sources. Back channel word of mouth even better. Recommendations from a provider with whom a provider has a good relationship is also worthwhile.

The high-end market tends to have higher expectations. Generally speaking, fashion model/cover girl-like looks, better quality hotel rooms or apartments, more all-inclusive services (no hustling, no clock watching, few “rules”, a broader menu of services) and a higher level of education and sophistication. This market tends to be wealthier, with more disposable income. They can afford to book longer appointments, dinner dates, etc. more often. It’s not all about sex with this market. Some in this market prefer to use booking services if they’re reliable for the convenience (it’s just one call to the same number and everything is taken care of for them). Similarly, a reco from a known independent is key. Certainly they’ll use ads on Eros and CV, but they don’t necessarily have the time to TOFT.

The low end of the market tends to use sources where you’ll find $300/hour and less services. They’ll also book half hours as often as hours. They use BP. Price is a driver—they’re even willing to overlook phony pictures and accept hustling as part of the game. Certainly reviews and recommendations from hobbyists on discussion boards help. Often these recos help to steer them to a provider and the photos in the ad clinch the deal, although it can be the other way around. But on other boards you’ll see an open review posted on the board about a certain provider and then others will chime in thanking the original poster for steering them to this particular provider and then giving a review of their own. So, in essence, girls get passed around digitally.

Newbies don’t necessarily know about the reviews or the discussion boards. They’ll find the ad sites and make a lot of mistakes before finding the boards and understanding the game. This is true regardless of the market.

I have been a VIP member since 08, best decision that I ever made. I use the combination of ter for finding more about the girls and date check for verification. I will rarely go to Eros or city vibe and if the girl had no ter reviews, I will not bother going to her site. I check the regional ad boards very regularly and a nicely worded ad (not to long) with a nice picture will get my attention.

They are a big part of my research.  Unlike Eros and CV, you are much less likely to find a B&S provider on those sites.   They screen both players and providers.  Not perfectly, but it's better than nothing.

* screening does not include giving out full name - I have no idea why a hobbyist would risk giving this out...

* good communication - if I sense that the initial communication is rushed or get one word answers in my emails I lose interest, it's a hint of what to expect if we were to meet

* easy on the Photo-shop - the more "real" the pictures, the better

I agree.  I totally agree with the need for good screening but have moved on from several providers I really would love to see because of their desire for full name.  I don't expect them to give me theirs, and won't go there either.

, and of course TER yes :-)

So usually for advance planning I would use TER search parameters in the location I will be, make a very short list, and send out PMs to verify they will be at that location and for prescreen.  Then I usually go to P411 and check the location and review links, maybe Date Check also.  Now for more last minute, that is when I often use Cityvibe more directly and their map function.  I zip through ads and if no review link I usually skip them.  In any case, I usually pin it down to between two and four individuals and contact to verify availability and prescreen.  Also, personal websites are a plus, however, providers who write long dissertations about themselves on their web site probably have too much free time themselves.  I consider much of that suspect exaggerated B.S. and just look for the basic facts.

With all these methods I usually don't make an actual appointment and lock in a time more than 24 hours in advance because that greatly reduces the risk that I would have to change or cancel an appointment.  But I have found that it is usually necessary to send out at least two and maybe four or more inquires for availability and prescreen because often some are a no response or very slow response because they are not actually available in the area.

I left in the comment about chat because it was once part of the formula.  Since chat is pretty much dead here as far as I know, it hasn't been part of the equation for the past couple of years.

Meeting ladies at M&G's has always been big with me in deciding to book for the first time.  I remember meeting a relatively UTR provider from this area at a Vegas pool party M&G about three years, and we chatted and shared a drink for about twenty minutes, noting that since we were both from here in the NYC area?  Several months later, I posted an ISO post on the Philly board seeking company during an overnight business trip there, and this lady responded, along with about a half dozen local Philly providers, most of whom were highly rated there.  Guess who got the booking, even though her rates were higher?  The lady I met in Vegas, of course.  FYI, she's received more than a few bookings with me since then, too, both in Philly and NYC.  Even though I haven't seen her in a while, she stands to get more.  Other ladies I've met at M&G's have also heard from me afterward as well.  I could also give as an example my first ever M&G back in '05, hosted by the late Mikki the Milf and Hyabby.  The person who opened the door to let me in that night is named Octavia.  Although I had never met her before, five minutes of welcome to the party conversation, and a few subsequent encounters at these events, led ultimately to booking with her a number of times, a couple of Superbowl parties, a review, whitelising, and friendship that endures to this day.  All of that from just a few minutes of conversation.  

Then, there is Piper, Chloe, Samantha, Alyssa, Lana, Sindee NYC...all of whom I first met at M&G's, and all of whom are friends I meet with as often as I can.

Bottom line: being part of the community here will lead to bookings...even if you just post often enough to be remembered.  Your website and reviews are equally important, but you will make a greater and better impression by participating in the discussions here, and attending any events that you can spare an hour or two to attend and share a few minutes of conversation with prospective clients.

Just my three pennies, FWIW..

This is a very interesting post for myself because like the provider who posted it, I too believe in having my ears on the pulse of what makes a successful website and exciting session.

One thing that seems to be an ISSUE for many men is the Screening Process. When I first relocated to NY the amount of interest I received overwhelmed me from time to time and having a website encouraged me  to "up my game" in a way that expressed professionalism and safety for my own life.

I will admit that I use to be the type of provider who would see gentlemen with no refers and take for granted who and what they said about themselves. And in the beginning here in NY I still practiced those same techniques, BUT then I started getting educated and responsible for ACTIONS in this business.

There was a gentleman who I started seeing somewhat on a regular basis, six months later I had asked him to fill out the form, he did. I typed in all the information I ask and there in black & white from four different providers where details on this man. He was categorized in all four cases as dangerous, violent, physically & verbally threatening. I found this information on 3 different websites. In fact the last violent report that had been written was 2 days before he came to see me. She had my look. Asian, dark hair, similar body type and her website was beautiful and articulate.

I was so shocked and alarmed I reentered his information like five times, thinking maybe I entered something wrong. Each time I did I got the same results.

You can not imagine what it does to a woman who she has let into her bed, inside her body and then read that this same person raped and assaulted a provider 2 days prior to seeing me.

Reputation is not only key in this community, but also in my everyday life. I have to think about the people who live in my building, my landlord and my own neighbors. Why? because I have to live here and I don't need drama or issues that can risk my well being.

You have to understand that once someone knows how to find you and has all this information of a website, pictures and reviews they can use it against us at any time. My landlord could throw me out on the streets tomorrow and report me to LE. Not to mention stalkers or men with a mission to hurt a woman because of his own insecurities and problems at home or work. I'm 5'9 and I work out weekly, BUT at the end of the day a mans strength in anger always over powers a woman. I've had men 5'2 120lbs pick me up and throw me on the bed, size or even age doesn't prevent a man being able to harm a woman. Rage is an ugly and deadly trait.

And you may say, "there is still a chance that same man who fills out the form can flip out on me", but its peace of mind for myself that if something should happen to me and I end up on the six o'clock news because I was found dead in my apartment that the proper authorities will have the information they need so no other woman in this business has to experience what I did, not to mention her family. We too have family, friends and people who love and care about us and to find out that something bad has happened, would be devastating and change there lives forever.

Providers have to be on the same page when it comes to safety and I would HOPE you as men who seek us out can appreciate that and see it from a woman's perspective.

In conclusion, I hope I have shed a little light on why Screening is so Important to us. If you research a provider with a well thought out intelligent website, good reviews from established reviewers, professional photos and speak to her via phone before or after you have submitted your information chances are she is not going to take any chances in making your experience one to regret. This is what I do gentleman. I love men, I enjoy sex and interesting conversation. Allow me to be comfortable enough so that you can explore and indulge in your passions and desires with my help...wink!

I wish you all happiness, good choices and I look forward to meeting you,
Malia Goddess Utopia

I respect your preference for screening, and if that works for you then fantastic!

I would NEVER give anyone more than my phone number, first name and a couple of references, if that's not good enough then I'll move on to someone else.

But this isn't bc I have anything to hide, it's for my own safety.  Just as you have your horror story, there are a dozen that I've heard from the hobbyists point of view.  

How do I know that you don't have a crazy boyfriend (or worse a crazy pimp) that will look up where I live, show up at my door, or at my work, etc? How do I know you don't have a drug problem and although you might have everything under control now, eventually get in over your head and start harassing those people that gave you their real names?

It's a shame we live in a crazy world, I wish it wasn't so, but giving out a real name in this hobby is asking for a problem...

-- Modified on 6/7/2012 1:53:23 PM

Those fears you mentioned can happen regardless if you give out your real name or not my love.

If you TAKE THE TIME out to research an ESTABLISHED PROVIDER you will discover a rewarding experience, as you can read from endless reviews on this very site.

I find it hilarious that a parentage of men put more thought into picking the socks they wear then they do in finding out about the woman they want to lay especially when health and safety are at risk.

Its like anything in life, what you put into it is what your going to get out of it.

-- Modified on 6/8/2012 12:19:34 AM

Yes I agree that those fears can happen regardless, but I can say the same to you, you can run into a bad person even if he does give you his full name.  And as far as your point to review a provider via reviews or feedback, well again, I can make the same point to you. BUT!  what I find really interesting is that you didn't say anything about asking the provider for her full name.  So I wonder, how do you feel about giving that info out?  If I give you mine, would you give me yours?  It's fair isn't it?  somehow I don't think you would give your name out to a stranger, and neither would I.

Let me just say that I appreciate your feedback, but I feel that you are on the defense because you have experienced a bad situation with a provider or providers. In which case I can understand your position.

To answer your question, would give you my real name? Yes, I have given my real name to many of my clients who I have developed a relationship/friendship with, I've even gone as far as to share family details and there names.

Listen, some of the best friendships I have are with gentlemen I have met through this business. Why? because they understand the roller coaster of escorting and its challenges for many of us providers. They have the insight and compassion to see the little girl in us.

And yes,there are bad apples in every basket, but I could write a series of books about the gentlemen who visit me that are a complete MESS.

Just  the other day I had a gentleman I saw last week call me up and ask" you wanna make my girlfriend jealous"? He wanted me to call his house and ask for him when she answered. It was also obvious he had been "partying", just like he had been the day of his visit at my location.  Of course I said NO. I don't believe in getting involved in the issues of couples or married people have.

Actually, no, not at all (as far as me being defensive).  I appreciate your posts and totally understand your point of view.  And I haven't had a bad experience (yet), but yes I know those who have.  Is that making me extra cautious?  perhaps.  Regardless though, from the hobbyists point of view, giving out a real name and/or work info IS a risk.  I hope you at least agree with me on that.  Sure, you can be careful who you give it out to but in the end you're still giving it out to a stranger who might turn out to be a bad person.  

Anyway, for me, my comfort level is staying anonymous (with references).  I understand some providers like yourself will require a full name for a date, but with so many providers that don't, I just don't see a reason to risk it.  And yes, sadly that means that I will never have a chance to meet you (or my all time dream girl Rasha either - so delish'!)

Anyway, I think we share the same philosophies - we both just want to be safe and stay clear of any trouble!

Also, to Anka... I apologize for getting off on a slight tangent from your original topic...

Yeah that does happen, but not that much unless you are scraping the bottom of the provider barrel.  Drug problems are the hardest to spot as I mentioned in a response on another thread titled "Encounter with PIMP" and there can be some risk there.  But I would guess odds are that any guy that has seen at least 10 providers probably saw at least one addict.  You just don't know it because they do have it under control a good part of the time.  But if you see them a few times you might start to realize something is not quite right.  I have some across providers with severe addictions to alcohol, Meth, and pot.  I had no clue for awhile.  But none of them ever have me any serious problems and in fact I became good friends with the alcoholic during her recovery.  One plus for me though is that I travel a lot.  So if I do come across a crazy, there is a lot to be said for being able to get on a plane and put 1000 to 2000 miles between us.  

of course we can find out your identity by your phone number.  Most of us pay for services where we can enter a telephone number and find out where and who the number is registered to and if it is a cell or lan line.  You may not realize it but we can find out who we are dealing with  - with just your phone number.  Food for thought next time you give it out.

Not if it's a prepaid of the rack phone, the kind that doesn't require a name for activation ;)

You did a very good job describing the issue of screening.  One thing you did not mention is filtering out and dealing with flaky guys or guys just messing with a provider.  I hear a lot of guys complain about a provider flaking out and that does happen.  But actually it is providers who seem to have to put up with the most flaky behavior.  Over the years I have gotten to know certain providers really well and seen some of this happen in person.

First thing we guys need to think about is what would happen if your phone number was on the Internet with a CV ad and hot woman’s photo.  First of all you have the clowns that find CV and don’t even intend to hobby but just want to be an ass.  First problem a provider has is to determine if the guy is legitimate.  At first for all she knows it could be some zit faced high school senior with $10 to his name who stumbled on CV and wanted to see what would happen if he called or texted.  Plus there are lots of other clowns out there who just want to be an ass.

Then there is the screening process to get through.  Yeah, some of us are very easy to verify as legitimate, a breath of fresh air for them probably, but what about the guy with no reviews, or maybe one of two reviews, and no easy references to check?  Do they simply pass on that guy or take a chance.  Even if a guy gets blacklisted or whatever there is not much to stop him from getting a new TER handle and new cellular phone.  When you see all of the hobbyist profiles out there with almost no historical activity it makes you wander.   I have gotten to know some providers well enough to have had the privilege of seeing some of the “provider lounge” discussions and “provider blog” pages along with some of the bells and whistles on the provider side of sites like P411.  They have tools for screening guys but it is not 100%.  Here are three provider experiences I have seen over the years as an observer:

1.  Was visiting a provider I knew well.  We were not on “rose” time, it was a social visit so no big deal.  She gets a text from some guy who must have been having a major horney attack.  He just had to see her in about a half hour.  She tries to get screening information and the guy gets argumentative about giving it but does finally give some.  She is trying to use her computer to screen him at the same time so he is on speakerphone and I can hear what an anxious dick he is being the whole time.  She says she will call him back.  Then as she is trying to finish screening him then get back to him, the knucklehead is calling back about every 5 minutes trying to either verify her location or when she can see him.  She decides to see him anyhow even after all that.  Then he reduces the amount of time for the session because he just has to be somewhere right after.  All the time she is also trying to get ready for him.  I leave so not to create an awkward moment and she can finish getting ready easier.  Then the guy must have had a wet dream in his pants or something and flakes.

2.  Here is real classic.  Guy contacts this provider I know.  She screens him and verifies he is a medical doctor, etc, and decides he is fine to see.  She spends about an hour getting ready for a late evening outcall and proceeds to his location.  All this time she is thinking she is going to a nice house in an affluent area.  Next thing she knows she seems lost and calls him for better directions.  Turns out she was in the correct general area, but it is not residential.  It is a dark public owned building the guy apparently works at.  This is late at night with no one else around for probably ¼ mile.  All of a sudden she has one of those “oh shit” moments and realized that is not the same guy she thought she was screening.  He either had the same name and lived in the same general area of used an alias.  Now I have to ask, what kind of moron would think a lady would be comfortable meeting a guy for the first time in a deserted area of a public building late at night even if he did screen accurately?  He should have at least had enough common sense to tell her about set up in advance.  So what did she do?  She just turned the car around and went home.  Yeah, in a way she flaked.  But who can blame her, it beats the hell out of risking wearing a body bag.

3.  Then we have one of the guys that did the Plan A, B, and C deal.  This was a provider I know personally and not for sessions.  She gets a text message from some guy wants to book two hours starting in an hour or two, somewhat short notice.  He seems to check out so she sends another text to finalize a time.  She was also having a car problem and asked me to drop her off down the street from the hotel.  So due to the driving time she has to assume it is a go and starts getting ready.  She is rushing around, in the shower, fixing hair, trying to decide what to wear, and waiting for the guy to confirm the time.  Mind you, I am kicking it there watching all her effort trying to get ready with increasing frustration waiting for the confirmation.  They guy never contacts her back to finalize the time and she wasted well over an hour getting ready so she could be sure and get there on time.  

Those are some things to keep in mind next time you cancel an appointment.

Your exactly the kind of established reviewer we ALL need to hear from because you have seen first hand what we as providers experience.

Its obvious your a man with heart and depth.

I see you travel a lot, any chance you visiting NY? I would love to meet you. I noticed you visit when of my places I call home, Hawaii.


Well thank you.  Actually I do expect to be in NY sometime in the next few months or sooner.

Absolutely agree.  Safety for providers is paramount.  If a client can not pass my screening he will not get an appointment.  Very simple.  If a gentleman is reluctant to give me his full name, I will decline the request to meet.  I strongly suggest you get reputable providers to vouch for you by email or on the preferred sites like P411, Datecheck and of course TER White List.  I love those sites and they do make us feel more comfortable in a meeting.

In general, TER is enough for me to book.  Before answering your specific questions, a quick disclaimer that I don't spend time anymore on 'escort malls' like Cityvibe or Eros. Besides TER's ad boards, I sometimes check Best GFE, and I sometimes check BP (your assumptions about BP are generally true).

- How many times does it take for you to see a provider's ad before deciding to make a booking?
One or two postings on TER's ad board, if backed by good reviews.

- If a provider has saturated ads all over the place, does it help you make a booking?
Given that I don't check 'mall sites' much, I may miss a large portion of ads.  My recollection from times when I have checked such ad venues is that when a provider has ads all over the place, it increases my awareness of the provider, but it has a neutral-to-negative effect on the chances I'll make a booking.  (That's not the case for a provider who consistently posts a weekly ad on the TER ad board.)

- You may view provider ads on other sites, but do you make bookings off those?
Occasionally I'll book after seeing a posting on BestGFE and finding reviews on either that site or TER.

- We here assume many Eros ads are fake, but do you ever book a provider because she she finally tipped the scales for you with her Eros ad?
Not really applicable to me anymore, since I don't check Eros.  A few years ago, yes, sometimes.

Speaking for myself, at least.

If they did, I probably wouldn't very concerned about advertising strategies! ; )

So I just have to ask because I have wondered.  As an obviously rough guess, what is a ballpark review rate?  I always guesstamated it might be somewhere around 1 out of 10 visits.  But not being a provider I obviously have little to base that one.

-- Modified on 6/8/2012 12:19:36 PM

I, too, have wondered this. I'm sure it changes from provider to provider. I'm bet that hobbyists-who-review are seeing providers-who-are-often-reviewed, too, so that tips the scales one way.

Just the same, I'd guess that for many, the scales tip the other way. I have reason to believe that some of my clients try to keep me off the radar, which is a compliment, regardless of what it means for my business. I have to assume that the words "I'd rather not review you" are not always a hollow compliment.

For myself, these last three months I seem to have gotten one review per month. I expect that any decent provider will only leave it to speculation as to how many clients she sees. A 1:10 ratio, for me, would mean this month I saw 10 clients, and, well, do the math. I made more than that in the professional world! Speculate away! :)

So I just have to ask because I have wondered.  As an obviously rough guess, what is a ballpark review rate?  I always guesstamated it might be somewhere around 1 out of 10 visits.  But not being a provider I obviously have little to base that one.

-- Modified on 6/8/2012 12:19:36 PM

If your clients keep you under the radar then for sure you are a gift that needs to be kept under the blanket from all others.

Anka's review is up.

My turn for a question, since I haven't posted much on the discussion board: I understand why it makes sense to use an alias in certain circumstances (like concern for getting blacklisted by services or proividers), but why did you decide to use an alias when asking why I hadn't posted a review on Anka (which, ironically, you could only determine because I didn't use an alias)? More broadly, if some TER members make it a practice to always use an alias when posting on the discussion board, regardless of the subject, I'm curioous why.


-- Modified on 6/9/2012 11:11:35 AM

PhilAsheo334 reads

Posted By: FUZZ
Anka's review is up.

My turn for a question, since I haven't posted much on the discussion board: I understand why it makes sense to use an alias in certain circumstances (like concern for getting blacklisted by services or proividers), but why did you decide to use an alias when asking why I hadn't posted a review on Anka (which, ironically, you could only determine because I didn't use an alias)? More broadly, if some TER members make it a practice to always use an alias when posting on the discussion board, regardless of the subject, I'm curioous why.


Smart, answer a question with a question.  You're right I didn't need to use an alias, not sure even why I did.  Most of the time I use my member name but I get a kick out of the alias name.

Still, I don't think it was an unreasonable question so take it with a grain of salt.

It's just that I'm always curious when someone raves about how great a provider is but hasn't reviewed them.  I don't think I'm alone on that. And so now you have reviewed, maybe it was just a timing thing.  

There's a section (or use to be) in the Ter info and policies that discusses the benefits and reasons for using an alias.

I rarely seeing visiting ladies that are high turnover, no website, no call from me...I like to see hw many reviews the reviewers have done, two are less and I am out, I know I may miss a few unless the two are by well know hobbyist...

Lastly dominants...

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